


3 years, 6 months ago


Don't lie to me now~

Name Lucia
Age +100
Alias Lu, Luc, Mama Lucia
Gender Female
Sexuality Bisexual
Pronouns She/Her
Role content
Race Succubus

Design Notes
  • Wraps tail around her body when blending in with human crowds.
  • Is around the average woman height. However In her Dragon Lucia form, her height becomes ten feet tall.
  • Has pink nails under her gloves.
  • The tips at the end of her boots are steel, making her kicks deadly!

Lucia is a well-known succubus across Hell due to her title of being one of Lord Salvo's right hand servants. Being a powerful one-person force, Lucia carries many errands given to her by Lord Salvo and may even take care of personal things outside of what she's been requested to do. Many of Lucia's errands will be either carried out alone, alongside Violet, or with an army of Lord Salvo's Hell gruntlings she has professional training at commanding around.

Full of lust, Lucia preys on those who are easy to manipulate. Her signature method of murder is to seduce and engage with her victim, fulfilling their desires until reaching for a kiss. Once her lips come to contact with her target's mouth, she will then fill their guts with enough fire to watch them scream in agony from the unbearable amounts of pain as they burn up from inside. Eventually all that'll remain of her prey is a burnt corpse, their entire body burnt, crispy, and pitch black. Sometimes Lucia's jobs given by Lord Salvo may even involve torturing others through using her Pinocchio ability to detect whether they're lying to her or not, so she can get out important information from them to give back to her leader.

These assassinations are usually requested by Lord Salvo, though at rare times it may even be purely out of her own pleasure as to leave a reputation for mortals to see. Those wise enough not to give into a succubus however aren't always safe from Lucia's wraith. Her boots allow her in close combat to pack powerful kicks, and her fire charge ability strengthens how far and wide she can blow out fire. Overall, this succubus serves as a reminder just why one should never engage with those from Hell.


solitary social
observant dense
logical emotional
organised messy
assertive turbulent


Lucia can apply a curse onto her prey, in which that person's nose will turn into a cartoony one and grow whenever they tell a lie. Upon growing/shrinking, the nose will make cartoon 'Slide whistle!' and 'Twang!' sounds. Lucia can remove the curse herself manually, or in the meantime one must stay truthful to others to shrink it back down. Not lying for a few days will eventually undo the curse.


Poof! allows Lucia to teleport from one place to another. Doing this too much in a short time span however will cause her to become dizzy and even pass out if not careful. Others touching Lucia when she does this will teleport with her.

Fire Charge

Inside Lucia is a continuous fire which allows her the ability to blow fire from her mouth. This fire can be charged up to grow bigger, increasing how far out she can blow fire. Any charged up fire will eventually go away over time, however this can take up to weeks when in Dragon Lucia form. The fire inside of Lucia mimics body fat, expanding her physical anatomy. This is further explained in her Body Morph ability.

Body Morph

Connecting with the Fire Charge ability, Body Morph allows Lucia to manipulate where exactly charged fire gets stored inside her body as to choose which areas in her anatomy to enlarge. This allows her to manipulate prey that easily give into their own sexual desires. The more her fire is charged up however, the more difficult it becomes to control where the fire inside her is stored.

Dragon Lucia

Dragon Lucia is the result when Lucia's Fire Charge is charged to the maximum. In this form she can breath fire as far and widely as a dragon, hense the name. Common projectiles such as gun bullets will deflect off of her, meaning one will have to resort to other methods of attacking. This form allows for brute strength and height, however comes with drawbacks such as slow movement and Poof! becoming very difficult to pull off.

Lucia Ascended

In terms of lore, Lucia doesn't discover this form until much later in the future when she's had a change of heart (And is happily in a love relationship with her once-rival Marie!). It is unknown how to properly activate this form for succubuses, but it's safe for Lucia to believe this is her true form.

Lucia Ascended is a form that allows Lucia to use her Fire Charge abilities as though they were charged to the maximum, as well as now being able to blast fire from her hands. Being in this form allows Lucia to jump very high, as well as fall down very slowly!


Being the youngest sibling to two other older brothers, Lucia had a tough up-bringing in her childhood. Her father was an angry alcoholic that despised Lucia's existence as she inherited the genes of a succubus from her mother, deeply resembling her appearance. To Lucia's father, he saw her mother as nothing more than a "Filthy whore that forced him into fatherhood" and shared the same hatred for succubuses universally. Because of this, he would always take his anger out on his daughter Lucia. Even when Lucia's older brothers accidently caused trouble, she was always the one to receive punishment from this man when she had nothing to do with what went down. Often times to brace for this, Lucia would hide behind her brother Crimson who she always looked up to in life. Due to these dark times, scars and trauma would be left upon Lucia, however it didn't last long as her mother was quick to run out of tolerance and boot him out of hers and her children's lives and be a single mother. Lucia's mother made sure to raise her right and would teach them to be proud of her blood.

As the years went by, Lucia and her older brothers grew older. As for Lucia, signs of her father's influence would show when she took interest in brutal fighting tournaments. In these tournaments the boundaries for what is and isn't allowed were almost non-existent, and Lucia would thrive to the top each time she participated. Due to her father's nature, some of her opponents would be flat-out murdered without the need for her to try. This same violence however is what would get Lucia recognised by Lord Salvo, who offered for her to be his full-time right-hand servant. Being an admirer of Lord Salvo, she accepted the offer where she would get to meet her colleague and the Lord's other right-hand servant, Violet. This role in life is what allowed Lucia to escape the slum life and finally live off of high-end wealth, a place the succubus always dreamed of.


  • Lucia loves cartoons and romance films!
  • Very classy! She enjoys buffets, and fancy beverages like champagne and wine.
  • Her favourite music genres are Bossa Nova and Jazz.
  • Despite how Lucia's fire charge ability works, a fun alternative for her to blow bigger fires is by consuming gasoline. This is something she and her brother Crimson used to do when they were kids purely for fun as to see who could blow the biggest fire.
  • Although Lucia and Violet tend to argue and fight a lot, Lucia deep down sees her as a sister-figure. Being raised with only two older brothers, to have a sister feels almost like she can relate more with Violet.

Alignment Evil
Speech Seductive/Classy
Sin Lust
Virtue Seductive

Designer Me


Marie has appeared in Lucia's path in many occasions, whether it's coincidence or Lucia hunting down the poor grey-haired victim because he's aquired something in her interest she's looking to steal back. Lucia would dominate Marie with ease in their earliest encounters, however he would eventually become familiar with her patterns enough to prove a worthy rival towards her. Little do the two both know however their deep-down emotions of love for each other. It speaks for itself that they both never seem to fight to the death unlike Lucia tends to do with most opponents, but rather chooses to put Marie in a submissive state every time she defeats him. It's said that if one was to speak to a soothsayer about these two, they might tell you they eventually become lovers!


Lucia serves as one of Lord Salvo's two right-hand servants, with the other being Violet. Salvo often sends her out on errands or to hunt down those who may be a threat. There is a lot of admiration Lucia has for this man and the ground he stands on, even expressing signs of lustful attraction.