


7 years, 27 days ago


General info

Name: Franny
Nicknames: Fran, 'Vodka Aunt'
Species: Utahraptor
Gender: Female
Orientation: Bisexual/Demisexual
Age: 22
Height: 6' at the hip
Length: 21'
Weight: 1250 lbs



Personality: Loud and kind of obnoxious. Loves to crack jokes and snicker at inappropriate humor. Snarky, doesn't like to take no for an answer. Friendly to almost everyone she meets, and loves to host dinner parties out by the pool. She does have a softer side though, and cares a lot about nature and old novels.
Loves: Pressed flowers, appetizers, tropical locations, the pool/swimming, rosemary, interior decor, theme parks, pulled pork & bacon, her herb garden
Hates: Waking up early, doing the dishes, crappy drivers, running out of wine when she needs it most, genuinely bitter people
Likes: All kinds of food, mood lighting, scented candles, when people send her cards
Dislikes: Politics, rodents, loud neighbors
Fears: Thunderstorms, spiders
Favorite Color: Dusty rose pink
Favorite Food: Pork of any kind, virgin mixed drinks (for the sugar), Texas caviar, pink moscato, fried eggs, frappacinos


Clothing Style: She likes to wear her floral apron whenever she's cooking or gardening, and sometimes a big straw hat if it's very sunny. Otherwise, may typically wear mom-jeans, graphic tees/tanks, and flip-flops. Wears a two piece neon (any color) swimsuit.
Abilities: A loud af roar
Pets: N/A
Backstory: N/A, alt fursona. 

Fun Facts

  • Is my alternate fursona.
  • Markings are based off of a blue and gold macaw.
  • LOVES hosting but gets super stressed out and has to plan/clean/cook everything.
  • Not the strongest swimmer, despite her love for the water-- floaties are needed.
  • Very tall and kinda clumsy with her feet, making for some funny mishaps.
  • Loves to trill and bark and screech when she's excited-- her friends don't really understand it, but they play it off as a raptor thing. 
  • Needs to wear a sleeping mask to sleep.
  • Really loves reptiles.
  • Snacks on everything, and complains when she gains 10 pounds.
  • Loves to babysit her friends' children, but will NEVER have any of her own.