
7 years, 2 months ago


“The world isn’t fair. And no matter how good and decent you are, no matter how much you give to others, someone is always going to hate you for no other reason than the fact that you breathe. You can’t help that. You can’t change people or their minds once they’ve allowed them to get twisted by hatred. But you can change how you deal with them. Never back down, but walk away when you can, fight when you must. Whatever you do don’t give them the power to hurt you. Don’t let them inside you. They’re not worth it. Live your life for yourself. Stay true to yourself and if they can’t see the beauty that is you, it’s their loss. Let the bitterness take them to their graves. Spend your time on what matters most. Being you and appreciating the people who see you for who and what you are. The people who love you, and the ones that you love. They are all that matter. Let the rest go to hell.” - Drux Cruel, Born of Silence

She seems to carry the weight of the world on her delicate shoulders, 
her eyes wise, soft, but tired. Some like to joke that she had gone through
 a war. She didn't deny it nor confirm it. In some ways, she had. She had gone 
through a war not many could say they survived. The enemy was silent and
invisible. It was time itself, and she couldn't escape. She can never escape.
Immortal Goddess (Age: ~7,600 dog years [30,413 human])
 Karmina - All the King's Horses
Voice Headcannon