


3 years, 6 months ago


Avocado is a quiet person, though it’s really more of them feeling awkward around others. Even with those they’d like to talk to they sometimes just… End up dropping the conversation or not adding much to it. They would love friends, though unfortunately they tend to intimidate those smaller than them with their almost-glare they don’t seem to realize they have. Despite their looks, they’re very sensitive and get overwhelmed by their emotions easily. They try their best to keep it restrained in public, at least. Daydreams are also something common to them. They’re very much known to zone out, sometimes spending an hour just staring at the roof before they realize time is passing

Avocado has self-enhancement abilities. They can focus their magic to increase whatever stat- Speed, strength, defense, etc etc. Their magic is a bit odd, though, in the case that it has to be woken up first. When their ability is not used their magic is dormant. When they start using their ability it slowly becomes more active, giving them more of a boost through prolonged usage and slowly dropping down as they stop. However, if their magic becomes too active it’ll begin to hurt them as it bounces around looking for places to go. It’s especially scary given if they’re too far in, it’ll barely register.

14’, heart-shaped skull, wide sockets, sharp teeth, six green dots/freckles on their face (three under each eye), light green turtleneck with elbow-lenth sleeves, dark green long point gloves with the point being attached to a silver-colored ring, dark green skirt, black leggings, deep brown boots