๐ŸŒน Victor ๐ŸŽถ (๐ŸŽถ JACKS PLANT)



2 years, 1 month ago


๐ŸŒฑ JACKS PLANT (And other transcripts/content about the old bewilthred webseries) ๐Ÿ•Š

So...you might be wondering what the hell this is LOL

To summarize, Bewilthred was originally going to be a webcomic but in 2019-2020 I thought I was SO SMART and was gonna try to make it a webseries (animated and all). You can clearly see how that worked out LMAO. It didn't last long, but there are some...remnants of this time...this being the major one.

Jack's Plant is an "episode transcript" I wrote for a school project back in February 2020, with storyboards and everything, now is it any GOOD? ...No LMAO It's horrible you can very clearly tell from like. The Everything. BUT STILL IT WAS A FUCKING FULLY STORYBOARDED EPISODE TRANSCRIPT???? MADE IN LIKE 3 DAYS????? I think I'm allowed to at least be a little impressed LOL, I was even planning on adding voice acting so I could compile everything into a video way back when, but again since I had only THREE DAYS I couldn't exactly do that LMFAO. I ended up re-doing some of the storyboards later down the line in an attempt to "redo" the episode which was insane because there are over 300 images I would need to re-do. I don't KNOW what past me was on but it was something NOT GOOD and it lead to BURNOUT and PAIN because I didn't know it was bad to overwork yourself LMAO

In case you DON'T want to drive yourself crazy by reading the entire damn thing, the basic plot of the transcript is that The WOP get stuck cleaning some temple for some reason, they get Bored, Jack and Mia go out for a walk, they find flowey underta I mean a plant, Jack adopts it and GUESS WHAT the plant is evil and possesses Mia WOAH who coulda seen that coming.ย 

This was before I revamped the story + the cast, so theres no Omne and theres no Spy or Eira and Hanabi only BRIEFLY appears at the end (since 1. spy was gonna be a stupid twist villain so he is only BRIEFLY mentioned at the end by his old name (clocksworth) and Eira didn't even exist yet LOL)ย 

plus...this wasn't even the only transcript either, actually, there were 2 others ones (Welcome to Technocity and A Killer Show), the first being finished with no storyboards and the second being unfinished

Even with all my embarrassment about it all, this thing is still super special to me. It was the first FINISHED piece of Bewilthred Content I still have on file and was proud of, even if it wasn't perfect, I still made an episode transcript, and not one but THREE too! You gotta admit that's at least a little impressive LOL

Bewilthred has been so SO important for me for so long (SHOCKER), the story has practically grown up with me since I've had it for over 5-6 years now, and it's changed so much with that. Though embarrassing and old and cringe or what have you, this was and still is a huge part of me and Bewilthred, and I'd rather hold it up as a cursed memory rather than needlessly shit on it, it was impressive for what it was! Even if the old "webseries" idea didn't exist long and it didn't really see the light of day, I still wanna use this to give past me a chance to get their work paid off, I think past Blanki deserves a little compensation after all that LOL


So, TL;DR,ย Past Blanki was a bit Silly Goofy, Made scripts/animations for a webseries, they never saw the light of day, and here we are LOL.

So, in order, here is everything I can find (as of right now) related to the webseries. At least that is feasible enough to share on toyhouse.ย 

Obviously though, keep in mind that almost all of this is no longer canon or since has been retconned, so if this seem confusing that's because IT IS and I ended up changing it later down the line LOL

okay I'll stop stalling now HERE IS EVERYTHING I COULD FIND (for right now):

JACKS PLANT (Original Transcript)

The Original Fully Animated Bewilthred Webseries Opening

JACKS PLANT (updated transcript with re-done storyboards and dialogue/story changes (?))


WELCOME TO TECHNOCITY (Episode Transcript 2)

A KILLER SHOW (Episode Transcript 3) (Unfinished)

"Story Skeleton"

Storyboard Practiceย 

(fun fact about the storyboard practice, it was actually on Vimeo for a period of time because I was a coward abt posting it on youtube LOL. I mean to be fair it is very poorly written and just...Strange...)


You wanna know something funny? There was actually another "episode one" I had completed fully with storyboards and even VOICE ACTING that I began to animate back in late 2018, unfortunately, though, I lost track of it all ages ago so there's basically 0 remnant of it anymore. I can only vaguely put together what happened and show you the 2 seconds of it I did animate, but OH WELL! It's fine LOL, we move on, here is the outline as I could remember itย and said animation.ย 

enjoy the subpar voice acting LOL

oh and here are a couple of scattered animations with my again incredible "voice acting" in relation to the old episode one

first animation/animatic

second animation/animatic

stuff for the trailer

enjoy past me's....Creative Endeavor...as cringey and bad as it all is LOL


I ACTUALLY FOUND THE OLD VOICE FILES FOR THE ORIGINAL ORIGINAL PILOT! I used them to recreate the script to the best of my ability here!

I'm not comfortable sharing the og voicelines right now, but perhaps in a little while I will, once again enjoy past me's erm... Thing LOL! even if the storyboards are gone, at least we have this to keep the memory alive I suppose

Also If you're wondering where Phoenix is, GOOD QUESTION! Funny thing is she was created the SAME MONTH I finished the storyboarding and voice acting, LOL! So she was basically never in the pilot, I planned to have her appear in the second episode (because I didn't want to revise the first one) as some secret warrior Peace somehow didn't know about who reluctantly joined the team, which is hilarious in perspective, but still LOL.