
7 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Ezracatohirinlath ("Ezra" for short)


Centuries, if not thousands of years, probably


Temple-guarding monster harpy


Opening up an ancient, labyrinthine sealed temple resulted in the sort-of-discovery of this monstrous-looking being.
What exactly Ezracatohirinlath is, nobody quite knows, as he doesn't tend to appear for interviews all that often, preferring to remain a mystery and occasionally scare people away from his temple instead. As cryptids go, he's not quite the shyest one out there, but he's not far off, either. He has a comparitively high number of sightings attributed to him, and most people no longer doubt that there's something down there in the depths of the ancient buried ruin.
Unnerving to interact with, this scarily large (around 7ft) birdlike being is very inquisitive, and will most certainly start following you and lurking in your shadow if you enter the depths of his temple. He's a little scary and he likes riddles and puzzles; sharp witted and a little too crazy/animalistic to have much empathy, he especially likes messing with the trails would-be explorers leave in order to find their way out. What does he do with the ones that never emerge again? Nobody knows, really.

- His feathers are extremely hard to remove. They never fall out, and if they are pulled out or cut off, they crumble/fade into ash within a few hours.
- He probably kills and eats trespassers, let's be honest.