


3 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


March 27th, 2017


Kiepfri prefers to act like a kindhearted, but rather shy lady who wants nothing more than to simply draw with a glass of lemon tea by her side. However, this is not the case. Despite her outward actions she is in reality very cold, due to her lack of emotions and want to survive. To those that remain blissfully unaware of her true self she will be a good friend, but to those who know what lies beneath she acts very aloof and bored. However, in certain timelines she can feel for a few people. For example, she began to experience love for Rock Salt after getting too close to her and she can be protective over her family members. Though there is still the thought that if something gets too risky, she might put herself before anyone else. This is one of the reasons she'll always hesitate in saying 'I love you' or just not say it at all; because love means you'll help or protect someone with no regard to yourself, and that's just a promise she's not willing to make.

She is very organized and will spend hours making sure everything is in its right place. She keeps profiles on everyone she meets and will ask them common questions (What are your hobbies, what do you do for a living, etc.) so she can use the answers to find out more about them. She also keeps two folders that contain copies of certain profiles already in her journal. One contains the profiles of any "threats" and the other has the profiles of anyone who could be a possible host in the event something happens to her current one. She never goes anywhere without her journals and carries them in a messenger bag, along with art supplies and a sketchbook.

Kiepfri is observant, being able to pick up on when someone is acting even a bit out of place. To pair with this trait she is also analytical. She is a good at thinking about her situation and coming up with possible solutions, which is an advantage for obvious reasons. She prefers to stay grounded in reality. As such, if there was something off about the universe she was in she wouldn't deny it or try to say everything was fine. She'd be trying to piece together what the problem was and if it could be fixed. Kiepfri is cold and aloof. This makes her social connections for mere convenience only. She is also not incredibly creative. She doesn't do much "out-of-the-box" thinking. One could say she's more traditional in this way.


Her ability is to create melee weapons out of magic. The only one she likes is the bo staff, but will often use an axe.


Kiepfri has the looks of a 6'1 standard skeleton with sharp teeth. She tends to wear a hot pink sleeveless vest-like jacket with dark brown and beige striped faux fur. She wears a black tank top with a picture of two green and pink glowstick bracelets linked together with the words "Friends Are Like Glow Sticks" underneath it in white. She'll wear baggy denim shorts with pink and green zigzagged "belts" hanging from them. She has neon green and purple striped knee socks and white and light pink sneakers as well as purple fingerless gloves with lime green edges. To hide the soul of her host she wear circular sunglasses with hot pink and magenta striped rims. She wears a small silver wedding band after marrying Rock Salt.
In her true form she is hot pink and her eye is purple and lime green.