Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

☰ Read before accessing any of my Folders or Characters ☰

ATTENTION: These are the rules you are agreeing to, by continuing within my ToyHouse profile, if violated I will unfortunately have to take immediate action.

Rules ☰

  • I, the artist, claim full ownership of both my personally created artworks and the characters that are found on my profile or that I currently claim the ownership of.
    Any of said artworks / characters are to NOT be stolen, in any way heavily referenced or self-claimed to someone they do under no circumstance belong to.
  • Please do not re-design any of the characters made by me without notice, I would like to be notified or asked if you wish to do so as it directly changes the original artwork that I have created.
    In case of a re-design, I would be open to giving you the okay as long as the original artwork stays visible, heavy changes should be avoided or should be talked about if it is truly necessary.

    Such an act is allowed in case of the design being overly outdated, in terms of over 1-2 years old after creation, which should be allowed as the artwork could be seen as lower quality or in general disliked due to such a long period of time having passed.
  • The only characters that I am willing to part from are found in the folder; Market Characters found within any other section or folder are NOT for sale, nor are they open for offers. Which means that you should refrain from trying to offer on those, as they don´t serve the purpose of being sold.

Blacklist ☰

  • Do not contact nor harass any of the individuals found on this specific list. Nonetheless, they are in NO possible way allowed to obtain any designs or artworks that I have created.

    If found going against the Rules I have specifically named, I will have to resort to contacting said person, though if said contacting leads to being of no usage you will most likely find yourself among those of my blocked contacts and this lovely list.

  • Silvignis
    Found on my blacklist for many reasons, as they have been unable to keep our issues a private matter, as it should have been kept.

    Lying about receiving artwork, which has been cancelled beforehand by another person who had owned certain character beforehand + Trying to pressure me into making said artwork after I had specifially told them I will not be able to do so.

    Gaslighting, childish behaviour of a person of age towards a literal minor.
    Lying about me stealing 'character traits' of one of their characters without proof nor reason as to why I should have done so.

  • KiloWaffles
    Found on my blacklist for a simple, yet disappointing reason, going against my personal TOS.

    Fully redesigning a design without asking, my permission was not given or even asked for. This goes strictly against my Terms of Service and is the unfortunate reason for this consequence.

    Refusal of contact or communication.

  • If there are any questions regarding to what the individuals found on this list may have done, those questions are usually best asked towards them instead, but I would be open to explain as well under specific circumstances or if currently needed ✦

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