Darnell Gaillord



7 years, 28 days ago





|| - BASIC INFO - ||


NAME: Darnell Gaillord                                                                               
NICKNAME(S): Cutie, Weirdo
AGE: 20                                        
BIRTHDAY: March 20
HEIGHT: 179 cm
WEIGHT: 67 kg
BUILD: Average 
DEMEANOR: Very energetic 


|| - PLAYLIST - ||


01 What does the fox say - Ulvis
02 Livin’ la Vida Loca - Ricky Martin
03 Sh-Boom - The Cords   
04 Dragostea Din Tei-
05 I like to Move it- Reel 2 Real
06 The Lion Sleeps Tonight-  The Tokens
07 Revolution Radio - Green Day
08 Brohemain Rhapsody - Blink-182


|| - personality - ||


PET PEEVES: Rude people
BAD HABITS: Being loud
GOOD HABITS: Loving others, helping others
FEARS: Killing/hurting others
HOPES AND DREAMS: He wants to visit the place where you can train your powers for good work.
LIKES: Music, dancing, art, nature.
DISLIKES: His island
TURN ONS: Fire, light, happiness from others
TURN OFFS: Being cruel to others (the others of his kind, animals and plants)
CHARACTER TRAITS: Very energetic, nice and helpful, lovable, happy, “smart” 
THE HELPER: People of this personality type essentially feel that they are worthy insofar as they are helpful to others. Love is their highest ideal. Selflessness is their duty. Giving to others is their reason for being. Involved, socially aware, usually extroverted, Twos are the type of people who remember everyone's birthday and who go the extra mile to help out a co-worker, spouse or friend in need.




  • Athletic
    - Darnell is an active person and likes to go for a run every day, also because of his training for his powers he gained some muscles in his arms and legs.
  • Creative
    - Building a house out of leaves, twigs and mud, preparing food in the wild and finding his way when lost. That's no big deal for Darnell, he will always find a way to do it.
  • Enthusiastic
    - If he meets someone new there wouldn’t be a silence in the conversation. Darnell loves to listen to your story and will keep asking questions.
    It also counts for doing things; going for a walk, training is powers etc. Darnell will be enthusiastic about everything.

  • Supportive
    - If someone has a dream or goal Darnell will stand 100% behind your decisions.  And if possible, he will even help you get there.

  • Understanding
    - Darnell went through quite a lot in his life so most of the time when someone feels bad or sad, he knows how they feel and will stay and listen to them until they feel better (and even after he will cheer them up more) And even when he doesn't know how they feel, Darnell will try his upper best to stand in your shoes.

  • Faithful
  • Faithful
  • Friendly
  • Helpful
  • Honest
  • Loving
  • Passionate
  • Respectful 


|| -HIS FLAWS- ||


  • Loud/Nosy
    Darnell always makes a sound, and when excited it will be extremely loud.
  • Messy
    He isn't an organized person, Darnell will lose things after he just put it down somewhere.
  • Outsider
    In his home Island Darnell didn't fit in anywhere. And he still sometimes feels like an outsider.
  • Sensitive
    When your mad/sad Darnell will be too. And when tell him that you don't agree with him. He will make the situation worse than it was and will very bad about himself.
  • Sneaky
    Don't tell Darnell not do to something, he will find a way to do it anyway.
  • Trust issues
    Darnell really needs to take some time to fully trust you since he has been played on/used a couple times.




  • Daydreaming
  • Doodling
  • Knuckle cracking
  • Messing with his hair
  • Speaking loudly
  • Voice changing pitch based on emotions
  • Not being able to sit still
  • Always need to make some noise
  • Talks to plants
  • Talks to animals
  • Loses everything easily
  • Can’t pronounce certain words
  • Very light sleeper
  • Has a thick French accent




  • Be good
  • Being strong
  • Finding adventure
  • Fitting in
  • Freedom
  • Getting somewhere
  • Happiness
  • Love
  • Protecting others




  • "Guess what I'm wearing? The smile you gave me."




|| - powers- ||


POWER: He can spawn fire through his hands, feet and mouth, he can warm himself and others up.

Also, can make a small ball of light to guide him through the night 


|| - his design - ||


  • He is a tall guy 179 cm and an average built 
  • His long strokes of hair cover a big part of his nose and his left ear. Orange Hair, shorter on the side and a darker tint orange 
  • He has light blue eye’s
  • And a tip-tilted nose
  • There are freckles all over his nose from side to side under his eye’s
  • On his right eyebrow he has a piercing, two little dots above and under his eyebrow
  • He wears a simple black t-shirt when wearing his normal outfit
  • He owns a dark blue coat with a high collar. The sleeves can be rolled up to his elbows
  • For pants he wears simple black jeans
  • And for shoes over the ankle dark blue boots
  • When he starts living with Nate he starts wearing a light blue t-shirt instead of his black t-shirt. This resembles a little that he feels happier, so starts wearing lighter colored clothing. 


|| - minutiae - ||


  • Can speak, English, French and Dutch fluently is learning Japanese
  • Comes from France (In his world)
  • Has a drawing journal 
  • He can make things disappear with his fire power and spawn them whenever he needs it
  • Speaks very fast
  • Always uses big hand movements when telling something
  • Doesn’t feel heat (because he is heat)
  • Very politely 
  • Plays guitar and the banjo 
  • Has gotten into a lot of fights with others that find him different than the rest 
  • Loves to take care of animals
  • He always watches the sun set
  • Loves running challenges 
  • Can be bought over quite fast when offering him to let him and your pet go for a walk 
  • Loves valentine’s day, he always goes full out 
  • Electrocuted countless times 
  • Loves cherry blossoms it’s his favorite kind of tree/flower 


|| - favorites - ||


Pop Punk, Rock


All sorts of candy and cookies

Water/ Citron juice




Village later to a forest

"Sometimes I wonder how you put up with me. Then I remember, oh I put up with you. So we're even."


Singing, drawing, painting, dancing, exploring, swimming, learning new languages 



|| - background- ||



1-3 YEARS: A cute boy was born with the biggest blue eye’s no one has ever seen, the brightest orange hair and a face filled with freckles. His parents loved him very much but no one else in the town did. Everyone there was very dark colored it is rare there to have another color hair then brown/black or have blue/green eyes. These species weren’t evil they just had a very bad history of being attacked and treated badly by their enemy that their looks and behavior changed. Darnell’s father is not from this island he is from a species that is still the same (Colorful filled with love and kindness) but he once visited this island to discover any new life and met his mother. His mother couldn’t escape her island so his dad decided to live with her on this island, but trough the time his colorful orange and green eyes turned black and brown. They tried to hide baby Darnell and kept him inside all time. His unstoppable happy giggles filled the town and they were sent to live further from the village.

3-5 YEARS: Darnell’s parents let him outside to play with whatever he found in the backyard. The animals he brought back home to take care of made his parents more and more chance back to their old self.

5-7 YEARS: His parents were truly happy again, they weren’t bothered by anyone and learned Darnell a lot about nature

8-10 YEARS:  When you turn 10 you get your power, Darnell’s power turned out to be heat. He was able to keep everyone warm bring light to the world and burn stuff. The last one happened a lot on accident because he was still learning, and he got scared of hurting the animals and plants so stayed inside

10-12 YEARS:  This remained for quite a long time and his parents did everything they could to help him get over his fear and teach him what good things his power can do. Darnell’s power is a soldier one, heath is used to keep evil out of the island. The power doesn’t suit him at all, a loving, cute and nature loving kid with a power to destroy.

12-15 YEARS: Every male and female that turns 14 needs to join the “army”. This is softly done on the other islands; like just teaching them how to defend themselves and others from the evil and how to survive if they are send out to explore in the wild. But on Darnell’s island they didn’t trust anything. There is only one village on the island surrounded by tall walls, there is no nature or animals to be found between those walls. The kids for the army are told to destroy everything unusual and with a lot of force. As it is required to join the army (You will be unusual if you don’t) Darnell went back to his village after a very long time and everybody still finds him an outcast. The other people in his class shows this very well to him. A couple days after classes they are forced to learn how to destroy an animal. Darnell was forced to burn a deer and he just couldn’t hurt the poor thing. When you got beaten up by his coaches and other kids he ran away.

15-19 YEARS: The village people all found him unusual and went to do what they had to do. They all went to his house and attacked him and his parents. He wasn’t able to save his mother and she got frozen and burned to dead. His father was very hurt but made it with Darnell to escape. His dad felt that he didn’t have a long time before he went along with his mother and told Darnell that they loved him very much and that he had to find a way to escape this horrible island. After his last words, Darnell buried his father at the place they would sit to watch the sunset every morning. 


Darnell was able to escape the island by crafting himself a float to travel over the sea’s. He found a small island with no villagers and stayed there for 4 years. Building himself a small house and taking care of himself and the other living things on the island


NOW 20 YEARS OLD: He heard a rustle between some bushes and a guy around the same age as him crawled out. He seemed to be freezing so Darnell offered to take care of him at his place, the guy denied him until he had no choice because Darnell picked him up and walked to his place. 


More of this story will come soon.  


|| - relationships- ||


Father of Darnell

Mother of Darnell

They aren't friends but not enemies either

Basically his big brother

Has a little crush on him, but doens't know how to show it.