Esme Coil



3 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Esme Coil




Mid to Late-Thirties




The Mad Doctor


Body Modification, Extensive self-surgery, Experimentation with Anatomical Oddities


Esme "The Mad Doctor" Coil is a doctor and unethical scientist and a major member of the Doskvol smuggling crew known as The Fools.

Esme was born to relatively wealthy parents in Doskvol, with a sliver of Tcyherosi heritage granting her a single inhuman feature- her claws. After transitioning in her late-teens/early-20's, she attended Charterhall University, pursuing a degree in medical sciences. Esme struggled with ego-related issues and striving for perfection- particularly in the self. Transitioning alleviated some of this, however she found the societal constraints of picture-perfect femininity to be a tad suffocating.

Her time at Charterhall was touch and go. Her teachers recognized her as bright but odd- asking off-color questions about pain and mutations while provin herself second to none in hands-on lessons with actual bodies. Her fellow students found her more odd then bright, putting up with her as a courtesy to her family. She did make a small handful of genuine friends however.

Esme's Charterhall career came to an abrupt end following her undergoing tutelage from the Church of the Ecstasy of the Flesh. Ever pursuing that state of physical perfection that eluded her, Esme found herself led to the artisans of blood and bone that populated the Church, and her initiation rituals involved the acquiring (and consumption) of several human body parts. Her expulsion from University culminated with her kidnapping of a fellow student, rising star in the medical field Mary-Anne Garish. while holding Garish hostage Esme performed a number of experiments mutating and altering her body, as well as cannibalized some of Garish's fingers and legs. Esme was found out but not caught by authorities, and as such she never obtained her degree.

A decade later Esme finds herself on the streets of Doskvol looking for work, the remainders of her lab equipment shoved unceremoniously in a tiny apartment. A decade of self experimentation changed her permanently, but her vision of success eluded her still. Her need for cash found her joining a crew of smugglers, who she's stayed with for a few months.

Esme recently found herself doing a stint in Ironhook Prison, in an attempt to break out a local gang leader as well as take some heat off the crew. Though Esme did well in prison, the escape found her nearly perish.


Esme is vindictive, selfish, impulsive, and cunning. Her defining trait is her ego, her idealized idea of perfection comes with claws and teeth and venom. She sees herself as an apex predator and master manipulator, and when faced with evidence to the contrary conjures up a nasty temperament. She relishes the opportunity to lord power over others, which ties into her cannibalistic tendencies.

Though violence is not her first option, it is often her second. When faced with an obstacle, Esme first usually ties to negotiate or find an easy way out- but if she comes up against any resistance  she's prone to a hair trigger temper and intense violence.

Esme's vindictive streak ranges from immediate petty violence to long-contemplated revenge. 


Esme is incredibly intelligent with a high knowledge of how the body works and how one can mess with it. She's also very knowledgeable about poisons and toxins.

Esme's self experimentation has also led her to be particularly dangerous- her saliva and blood is toxic to touch, her mouth is full of sharp fangs, and her pain tolerance is considerable.