


3 years, 5 months ago


Dominos "Snake-Eyes"

he/him - genre: slice of life comedy

aka: domi, dom

"Heart of gold and other easily liquidable items"


"You don't know what it's like to be trapped in a room full of nothing but snakes."

- dominos on being stuck in a room full of cats

Dominos is a master of tinting smiles with something else. Professionalism, uncertainty, sarcasm, you name it.

Although fundamentally good, he likes to play a little mean and trick people from time to time. Kazimieras is famously sick of his bullshit.

He owns a successful and kind of expensive bar where he occasionally bartends, hosts card games and bad magic shows. Not because the tricks aren't good -his cardsharp experience didn't go anywhere, those paws are hypnotizingly dextrous! He's just a little too campy about it.

Dominos is not his real name, of course. Allegedly, it's Dominykas. Also, it's Dominos, not dominoes or domino, okay?Β 

Get it right first try next time you visit and I'll get you a free drink on the house. 🎡

- hisΒ bar

- has no concept of money somehow. gives people he likes free shit all the time

-his eyes go slitty like snek


Born to mediocrity, he used to obsess over having rich friends and looking cool as a spitten - which is why he wanted to be a casino dealer, at first. Through the kindness of friends and the things he learned while studying to actually become one, he turns to less shallow goals; like just getting a lot of cool friends. He was friends with the previous owner of the bar, who left it to him (for a price) when he left after his wife died. He ended up changing a lot of the decorations through the years, but he believes he kept the inviting allure that drew him there in the first place intact. As for card magic, he's always liked them. His tricks are fine but he lacks the glamour of a professional magician because he's too busy enjoying himself!