


3 years, 5 months ago


The Botanist


CC Name: Broccoli



Favorite Foods:

A little botanist who grew up to become far closer to the plants she loved so much than perhaps she would have originally intended. Gloriela is a quirky old Wixxoness with pillow soft squishy round cheeks and a pelt of soft green and pale yellow. She was always a surefooted gal with little to no fear of anything in the world, only vast fascination in learning how it all works. It's how she found her love of plants and their equally beautiful fearlessness that matched and even surpassed her own. The plant she is best known for is the Rootspit, a parasitic flowering vine seen on her person. This incredibly active flora has unique and rather antisocial defensive responses to most fauna. The fast moving plant shoots small needle-like seeds at its target that take a few weeks to grow into a mature specimen. Once at this stage, it can take action against the host it has grown on by forcibly extending long thorns from its roots deep into the flesh of its enemy that release a compound of minerals and its own unique toxin that in combination is lethal to most.  


When Gran was young, she was a member of a special teams division who studied the most dangerous species of plants. She was dispatched with an expedition team to extract specimens in a forest that had an unheard of population of incredibly rare Rootspit growing in thick arbor-like hatches. The plants were the largest and possibly oldest existing examples of their genus. The trip was ripe with unsettling events, many of her team abandoned the job with in the first day of trekking the forest due to an ominous presence that seemed to be stalking them. Three days of this unsettling environment whittled the team down to just two, Gloriela and one colleague. Their destination was with in reach when the ominous presence grew desperate and made a final effort to frighten them away with a gruesome display of its skeletal face, flesh melting, jaw bone hanging long and detached. The creature in its full height towered over the two with long white menacing claws and a fleshy tongue that hung down to the floor. In a true fit of horror, Gloriela's colleague pulled a gun on the beast and shot it three times before running haphazardly into the forest. What he did not stay to see was the terrifying thing collapse in pain and begin to bleed out. Naturally, Gloriela couldn't stand it. The poor dear never once touch anyone, never once did anything to harm anyone, and with the spirit of a true scientist-- she wasn't frightened of it, she simply wanted to understand it. And so she did her very best to help the poor dear, though she didn't know a terribly impressive amount of knowledge on undead medical practice, she did know that natural fire was bad for them and that they would have to wake up to cauterize their own wounds with their undead flame. Until then, she knew how to stitch with Spanish moss and reasoned that antiseptics might be bad for it. In the long run, she'd dragged the giant thing to a shelter and did what ever she could to help it, all the while occasionally taking her journal out to take notes about... something. It would be discovered, to the dismay of her new Windengo companion, that she'd contracted seedlings from the hatches. The monster of the forest knowing all too well that it was a death sentence. But as a botanist with a life passion for her work, Gloriela observed the rooted seedings with an open mind and took the unique opportunity to study how they developed and what it felt like to be a host to them. What little was known about Rootspit did offer that removing the plant once it had rooted in its early stages would release a high potency toxin, much worse than the toxin of the mature specimen. In the long run, the day that her Rootspit would finally sense danger from Gran never came and she discovered far more personality in the silly thing than she'd ever expected. But maybe not as much personality as the drosera ordensis, what a primadonna.


To be added.