Crytum Lydian



3 years, 5 months ago



Basic info

BLOOD CASTETurquoise (#2D6461) 
AGE11 sweeps  (~24.5 human years)
TROLL TAGescapistDeviser [ED]
OCCUPATIONCorporate engineer and programmer at Stronghold 21

Doesn't really get to use them since he doesn't really get into fights and they're very dangerous but they're convenient to make thanks to his skills. Uses ones that help get him out of danger such as smoke bombs or bombs that interfere with electricity. Can also hold his own well without any weapons.

A simple password based fetch modus. Every item that Crytum deposits will be set with a pattern of numbers that he needs to memorize if he were to retrieve these items later.
HIVEStronghold 21 apartment

An apartment he shares with his matesprit, Glomer, and is often a rendezvous spot for The Boys (himself, Glomer, Bytcon, and Endari). It's very cozy and home-like with a living room/kitchen combo, Crytum's office, and a bedroom.
LUSUSPlatycat Mom

A hybrid platypus/cat lusus reduplicated by Corporate. Because of this, it's very nurturing and close to Crytum, though very shy with strangers and unfamiliar visitors.
  • Robotics, computer science, and coding, along with hacking
  • Mechanical designing and blueprinting. Appreciates art and also tries to draw characters, albeit is kind of a beginner at that
  • Repitonian animated cartoons and anime, especially Revolutionary Girl Utena
  • Analyzing the ins and outs of Repiton media
  • Creating things to gift to his loved ones and friends
  • Video games and occasionally catches online streams of those
- Proper capitalization (First letter of sentences, first letter of names, after periods, and "I")

- Proper punctuation (Periods, commas, and apostrophes), can use more than one exclamation point

- Prefixes his sentences with O> and ends them with as a representation of his sigil
- Has a tendency to stutter while speaking (not typing). Either in the beginning of a word, or through pauses like "uh" and "um"

ED: O> Oh, if you're asking for certain bug fixes and patches here, I'm more than happy to look into it! ‿
CLASSPECTMaid of Blood


A trepidatious programmer plagued with anxiety and a heightened fear of water, Crytum could be considered the textbook definition of a nerd. The man holds a rather impressive occupation as a Corporate engineer. With his brains, active imagination, and his passion for technology, he can make anything given the time. Security measures, bombs, robots, tracking people down, etc. Crytum can and will find a way to do all of those, so long as you have enough loops and he has enough time. He loves doing it even if it keeps him up almost every day, and having it as his job that pays well enough is a nice bonus.

Beyond those skills of his, Crytum has a strong fascination with Repitonian media, specifically on the animation side of things. While he's a consistent consumer of anime, he has a particular fondness for ones that are more independent and underground. The ones that aren't automated in its production and tell more nontraditional stories and themes are the ones that catch his eye the most, the stories that come from troll passion. Crytum also has a love for video games and those who can play them really well when he doesn't have the time or urge to play them himself.

Crytum also has a huge heart and compassion, a trait of which makes him quite magnetic of others, including those that people wouldn't exactly expect to be friends of his. He tries often to see the good in people and concern for those struggling or less fortunate comes easy for him because of his understanding. While he does appreciate the payment his job as an engineer provides, to Crytum, he's more drawn to the joy from generosity those close to him feels when he makes them something with his skills. None of this is to mean that he's compliant however.

Due to a traumatic past involving an abusive ex-moirail of his, it took Crytum a while to get back on his feet and try to stay on them. He has some difficulty even now allowing himself to express himself but thanks to moving to Stronghold 21 for his job, transitioning, and close relationships like The Boys (Glomer, Bytcon, and Endari) and others, he's able to recover and believe in himself, even if took a while. Crytum has a more hard-boiled approach to pale romance on Repiton due to this, frustrated with the insistence that he look for a new one in order to deal with his problems, and even more frustrated towards the services in place to help those like him, or rather not help as the case may be. He isn't quite sure if he even feels pale attraction because of his own trauma or if it's because of how held high the soulmate system is and believing himself to conform to it. 

  Good/neutral traits

  • Sincere and earnest; kind and supportive of others
  • Very creative; an appreciator of what others create
  • Persevering and steadfast even in harsh circumstances
  • Sees the good in others though isn't compliant

  Bad traits

  • Not the best at taking care of himself, restless
  • Patience can run thin, especially in loud environments
  • Easily anxious and insecure; wishes to be more confidant
  • Can be pretty withdrawn and timid


   Glomer Hicner

His matesprit and someone that Crytum cares for and trusts deeply. Their relationship is a laidback and comfortable one and they find a sort of solidarity in their fascination in Repitonian media as well as being under the demanding thumb of Corporate work. Crytum is more than aware and concerned of how Glomer's work drains him and wants to be there for him in any way he can. Crytum loves him very much and makes sure to remind him of that fact.




It's better this way.




  Jun Ishikawa -  Factory Inspection