


3 years, 6 months ago


General Slug

"Being Queen feels like a boa constricting on your freedom, crushing it until its dust. I don't want that, I want to be free. I wanna fight for freedom, but I'm not sure who's on its side."

  • Age: 6 yrs

  • Gender: she/her

  • Species: Seawing / Nightwing

  • Status: "freedom fighter"

  • Theme:


Introvert Extrovert
Thinking Feeling
Sensing Intuition
Judging Perceiving
Judgemental Brash Aggressive Clingy


  • Slug hates the seawing royal guard, beleving that they aren't fighting for freedom at all.

  • She joined the Freedom Fighters along with Addex and Snowstorm because she *knows* they're fighting for true freedom.
  • She's a raging closeted lesbian and doesn't want anyone to know. (everyone knows). she's also trans, because I said so.
  • She's partly nose deaf.


  • She loves sparring and fighting. She's an insanely good fighter, and she has a keen eye because she's completely nose deaf.
  • She loves training hatchlings in basic self defense, and its the softest you'll ever see her.
  • She has abandonment issues, so she often loves taking hatchlings under her wing so they don't get to feel the same way she feels.
  • She loves flying and swimming. She just loves freedom.


Princess Slug was born to the high Queen, Nilas with her sister Albatross. Slug had always been rather violent in her youth. Chasing down large sea creatures and attacking them to hone her skills and fighting with trained royal guard members to get stronger--constantly losing of course. She learns to fly at 6 months old thanks to jumping from one of the highest windows to the water below. to be fair, she isn't the shiniest pearl in the clam.

After getting accepted into the Seawing army, Slug meets Addex and Snowstorm, and joins the two in fighting the strange tyrannical system that's taking hold of the world in basically most kingdoms. Slug learns that she's the older sister, therefore when they inevitably have to kill Queen Nilas--because her kingdom was the second most powerful kingdom, Slug doubted there was any way that she'd just throw her throne away when she literally has a loyal advanced guard. So she has a choice. She could either take up the throne fom her mother and secure a fair and just rule, or she could let her sister take up the throne.

After a big fight on the great spear of the palace, Queen Nilas is killed when it breaks off and impales her midair. Its strange, unlikely, and Slug is completely unaware Addex enchanted the great spear to impale Queen Nilas. Princess Slug gives up being princess, and gives the throne to Albatross, after getting to know her better. She stays in the freedom fighters with Addex and Snowstorm as the commanding general.





Addex and Slug didn't really understand eachother that well. They had nothing in common, like, at all. But they ended up becoming best friends on the basis of how opposite they are. Addex loved new things, loved change and new people while Slug ended up really liking just...having a person to care about.

Queen Nalias

Queen Nalias, at first, was nothing but loving to Slug. But when she found out about Slug's violent tendancies, they slowly drifted apart. Queen Nalias didn't wish to be associated what she deemed to be the most barbaric princess in Seawing history. In the end, her neglect drove Slug to make her desicison to kill her.

