Nightshade's Comments

Good evening! I had a question about this adopt! I was originally Estrelamoon, I also have the DA post about her and I was wondering when I transfered her to you and was there a payment for her?

I do remember getting her but I cannot remember who I got it from but it was transferred to me I think through Facebook I only use PayPal do you have an name on PayPal I could have a look and see?

If you also don't clear out your transfers you can find it through that way as well :) that's what I do to keep track of where a lot of characters go!

👉👈 may I offer a character from my toy house? Or I can offer $5 for them! 

I'll take the $5! My PayPal is [email protected] 

ill send rn! 

I love them SO MUCH

Thanks!!! 💗