


3 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info

Awaiting art from:


17 moons
Cis Female


Amiable • Gentle • Humble • Guileless • Pure • Circumspect • Aimless • Conformist • Timid

Pallidpaw is an interesting molly in multiple ways. Firstly, she is as innocent as they come, a guileless molly with no understanding of things sinister. She is amiable and this friendliness allows her to maintain a reputation as a trustworthy clanmate. The pale apprentice has always tried her hardest to stay below the radar, she had always had a humble tone of voice and tended to agree with what she was told without question, a bit of a conformist. Pallidpaw found it easier to go along with what she was told and not to question things, she could be useful by staying out of the way and doing as she's told. Unbeknownst to the timid cat she was setting herself up for a future of self-doubt and lack of direction.

Due to her aimlessness Pallidpaw tends to do as those around her do, especially her friends. She tends to be quick to trust and her intentions are always pure. She can be a easy to manipulate due to her gentle and almost gullible nature, which could be very dangerous for her if she ends up trusting the wrong cats. Once she lays her trust in someone she will fight tooth and claw for them, not well since she gets very nervous when it comes to fighting, but she will try her best. The last thing she wants is for those she cares for to get hurt.

As Pallidpaw grows and matures the route her personality will develop depends on who she ends up caring for. Her personality is not safe from her conforming capacity. If she ends up being friends with confident and strong cats she will work her hardest to stand on the same level as them, but this also extends to whether she befriends cruel and crude cats. While her potential for being cold-hearted is lower she will likely turn a blind eye to the actions of her friends for her own mental state, which is fairly fragile.


  • Starry nights
  • Running
  • Flower picking
  • Sharing tongues


  • Precipitation
  • Mud
  • Loud noises
  • Disappointing others
"But listen carefully to the sound of your loneliness...Like a heartbeat drives you mad"


Growing up Pallidpaw did not have a solid support system, her parents being effusive and quick to anger. As a kit the molly tended to walk on eggshells around her parents as to not upset them. It wasn't that they didn't love each was more that Grayfoot (father) and Lusterheart (mother) had grown tired and annoyed with each other and were quick to fight. Pallidpaw's parents love her dearly, but the tension in their mateship makes Pallidpaw feel as though one wrong move on her part and her parents would split. She wanted nothing more than for her parents to be happy, and most of all for her not to be the reason that they split.

Her parents relationship shaped Pallidpaw's personality more than anyone could have ever anticipated. She grew to understand that if she was quiet and didn't make a fuss that cats tended to not be upset with her. The pale molly became a bit of a wallflower, watching others live their lives and wishing to be able to partake. An overwhelming sense of fear that she might cause others to be sad made her a nervous and self-conscious cat, but upon being made an apprentice she is slowly being forced out of her shell, ever so slightly.

Barely an apprentice, Pallidpaw went on a patrol to the Thunderpath. What she thought was a simple patrol quickly turned into a horrible border skirmish. She tried to fight at the order of her mentor, but ended up ripping a Shadowclan tom's ear off. In return he tore into the flesh of her cheek, leaving two long scars from her eye to her jawline. This was of little consequence when the next set of events unfolded. An apprentice stood still in the Thunderpath with a monster barreling towards them; Dawnstar hot on his heels to rescue him, and Emberstar sinking his claws into the Shadowclan leader to drag them all into the wreckage. All three died, but only two had lives to spare. Seeing this all unfold has seriously messed with Pallidpaw's sanity.

Not long into being an apprentice it became apparent that their was a murderer on the loose. While on a hunting patrol, Pallidpaw came across the cold and dead form of her mother in the snow. Despite the dog that was inspecting her mother's body, it was Shadowclan that killed her based on scent and wound type. The death of Lusterheart sent Pallidpaw and her father, Grayfoot, into a spiral of depression. The chance to ever repair their tumultuous relationship was now forever chance to ever be a happy family again.

While healing from this her mentor, Wildthistle, stood against Emberstar in defiance and challenge to his leadership. Instead of fighting though, Emberstar outcast him for a moon, and took over being Pallidpaw's mentor. This was much to the molly's chagrin as she pretty obviously hated and distrusted the leader.


• light blue eyes

• her fur is a off-white cream with darker stripes running along her head and shoulders

• soft and wavy fur

• lithe and short

• round, folded ears

• scars running from the bottom lid of her left eye to her jaw


• Pallidpaw's voice claim is Noah Cyrus

• Pallidpaw snorts if she gets to laughing hard

• She rubs any flowers she can find into her fur to smell floral

• She is easy to make cry

• Pallidpaw has very low self-image

• She wants desperately to be useful

• She craves physical interaction, such as sharing tongues and cuddling




"Mom...I miss you so much. Talking to you at the sunrise cairn isn't the same. I miss the soft feel of your fur. The way you would call me your little darling. I will avenge you Mom...I promise. Love you Mom."

"I love Momma...I just wish she and Daddy would get along better. Maybe once I grow up they will love each other again..."



"Oh dad. I am so grateful that I have you...without Mom around I started to lose sight of any reason to stay in Windclan. You and Jetpaw's support was crucial to my staying here, and now I have great friends and a good support system. Love you so much Dad."

"I love Daddy, just as I do Momma. I hope that he's proud of me..."



"Jetpaw is my closest friend...I care deeply for him and hope that I don't annoy him. He helped me so much when Momma and Daddy would fight. Had I not had him to cuddle up next to I don't know what I would've done."



"Why didn't you say goodbye? I looked like a fool...were you doing it to protect me? Did you not want to implicate me in your plan? I would've followed you to the ends of the earth...I loved you like family. I think I still do...but I am hurt at the same time. I wish this feeling would go away..."

"Wildthistle is one of the few cats I feel that I can trust in this clan. He seems to care about least, more than anyone else. All I really want is to make him proud...Windclan's approval of me had been high on my list, but not now. Not with the massacre on the Thunderpath. How could I swear my loyalty to this clan? Anyways, all this to say that I care for Wildthistle deeply and I just want to be a cat that he can be proud of. If I can't be that...I'm so sorry Wildthistle. I'm too much of a coward to tell him that I love him, he has my undying support."



"I really like Minkrunner. Any inkling of fear I felt about him is gone. He has proven that he is completely unlike Emberstar, he genuinely cares about the well-being of the clan. He doesn't agree with the war and unnecessary bloodshed. I think sometimes Minkrunner tries too hard to please everyone, but I get it...kinda. I still look forward to him being Minkstar."

"I feel conflicted about Minkrunner...I have always thought him to be a kind and genuine tom, but knowing that he stands beside Emberstar after what he did...I just...I don't know what to think. Deep down, I know that he can't do much about Emberstar. I just want Minkrunner to be leader so that we can all move on from the atrocities Emberstar has committed...maybe we could all be happy and comfortable under Minkstar."



"I hate you. I hate you so much... you make me something I don't want to be. All I ever wanted was for you to be happy, but you are your own worst enemy, you know that. I hate you so much I can't even look at you anymore. Jetpaw was right about you. You'll never grow'll make sure you are always miserable, and I'm done giving a dirt what you do. Get yourself mauled with your undeserved I care."

"Oh Mari...You are so confusing to me. I know you're hurt about your father...but no one blames you for his actions. I also hope you can be freed from whatever trap Emberstar has you under. He is a bad influence Marigoldpaw, you shouldn't aim to emulate him. All I can hope is that you are aiming to get on his good side so that he never aims his claws at you...otherwise, who knows what he will make you do. You have some growing to do my dear Mari..."



"I'm glad I am on Dovepaw's good side. I have seen, and heard, how harsh her thoughts can be on others. While I wouldn't go to the lengths that she does, I understand where she is coming from. I really like Dovepaw...she doesn't have to shower me with compliments all the time...but they do make my ears all warm and tingly. She is a beautiful molly herself, so it is still a bit shocking that she thinks so highly of me."

"She's nice...I think? I haven't really gotten to know her well, but she has always been really nice to me. She is so good at everything she does and I worry that she's only nice to me out of pity...I hope I'm just overthinking things like usual. I just hope I don't let her down, she's too cool to hang out with a cry-baby like me if so."



"I can't believe I thought she was a ghost at first...she must've thought I was such an idiot. Luckily, she didn't seem put off by my comments. I know if someone thought I was a ghost I would've been weirded out...although, I am dreary and quiet?" She pouts for a moment before shaking that thought away, "Anyways, I haven't interacted too much with Lucentmoth since she can't be out in the sunlight...but I plan on bringing her some prey while it's bright out. I bet she hasn't had fresh prey in a long time. Yeah, I look forward to seeing her more."



"I think he is not fond of me. Not exactly sure why, though. I have heard he is not a big fan of Heatherpaw, which is crazy to me. Heatherpaw is the nicest, hardest working apprentice ever. I do wish I knew what I did wrong so that I could fix it. Or...maybe he just hates everything about me. Not much I can do about that then..."



"They're...creepy. I feel bad saying that...but do they ever blink? Maybe I just never look at the right time, hmmm. Anyways, I get the vibe that they want to kill...or maybe they are just like Emberstar and enjoy fighting...too much. I keep my eyes on them, because I do not get good vibes at all."



"She is another cat that loves to shower me with compliments. I don't really get why...but it does feel nice. I think she is far prettier and accomplished than me, but I still like when she tells me she likes me. I think I like her too...more than friends. Gah, I don't know...everyone is so nice and cute...anyways! I really like Jaypaw, I hope that we can get closer."



"I don't know why he likes Mari so much. He is so kind and innocent...the exact opposite of her. I'm sure he's not going to want anything to do with me after the fight, but that's fine. Maybe one day we can be friends again..."



"I really wanted to like you. Our first conversation wasn't terrible. Not sure why you hate me, but I wish you would just tell me instead of kicking snow in my face and pushing me around. I don't want you to turn into another Mari...while I won't be holding my breath...I will be open to being friends if you'll just communicate with me."



"I still don't trust you...but I think I understand you more now. I thought you had some crazy plan behind all of your actions, but instead it seems you just want to smile while the world burns. Should've known I would never be good enough for you...sorry."

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