Hello! I’m really very tickled by this design and was wondering what sort of USD offers you might be willing to entertain? I’m definitely willing to start in the ballpark of 70-80 USD

im willing to accept $80. i prefer using paypal but i can also accept cashapp

Awesome, I’m down for that! You can send me the paypal request at: [email protected]

I’m currently at work so it will be like. Some hours before I’m able to process it. Thank you!

request sent!

take your time ill put her on hold in the meantime, and once you get the chance can you give me your devainart so i can transfer the credits on the ml

Payment sent, pardon the dust as DA hasn’t been my primary posting site for literal decades but my account there is: dewfur101

ahhh thank you so much!! on the master list it should be transferring to you, you just need to confirm it

Hello I can offer this myo ticket and art. Are you interest?



sorry nty