


full name Geralt
species Human
age 62
gender Male
height 6'5
Theme Tba
Voice Tba

Currently resides:

planet Earth
country Lamia
city N/A

layout by teratoma
img by content


Geralt is a spindly old man with dark skin and obvious facial markings caused by magic fire burn-scars. He wears wears black and purple robes alongside leather shoes and assorted jewelry. He is often seen wearing a silver and golden bracelet wrapped around a firey red gemstone.

wanted for

Geralt is part of a cult called the Children of the Cleanser, known for its beliefs in magic supremacy and the destruction of passive magic users in the name of Briozella. His goals, along with his leaders, is to sap the magic from the Kirin embedded in the Earth and use that magic to advance their beliefs.

reward: lotsa money