Sassifrass- raffle



3 years, 6 months ago





                                    Charming | Compitent | Authoratative | Ambitious | Private
Good at communication and quite charming, if she does say so herself, Sassie has a tendency to win arguments and debates she ends up in. She has a knack for knowing what to do and say to get results, but can be cold and blunt in the process; or seem a completely different gran more concerned with results and what happens to herself than others.
This isn't an innately cruel trait, or even a manipulative one, in truth, but she has learned to take charge and in doing so has gotten the idea that her methods are the best and proper way to go about things; True or not.
Conversely she is actually a very good listener when it comes to problems or personal matters, and tries to give thoughtful advice alongside her full attention and dedication to friends when she finds herself in this role. She even manages to offer honestly good advice as a rule, though she can be coldly rational or blunt in the moment without thinking her words through. Believing the rational response, however detached, to be the proper one at all times.
Highly restless and ambitious she likes taking risks and challenging herself and others both - even when she may be better off not to; She can be fickle and easily bored, with her risk taking nature, preferring to be constantly moving and seeing new things. Hearing new gossip and learning new information each day is the spice of life...
Still this constant momentum and self-challenging mentality keeps her quick on her feet, and she is excellent at dealing with sudden upheavals and emergencies. Able to keep a rational head and a steady paw when others tend to loose their heads.
Sassifrass, despite or perhaps because of the show she puts on, tends to be protective of her personal space and privacy. The world is a show to her, yes, but her innermost thoughts and spaces are sacred and private havens from the cacophony. Safe spaces and secrets are important when one seems built to attract attention from others, and not showing much about her feelings or passions is a safety mechanism for the throwess.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam venenatis sit amet massa at vehicula. Integer felis sapien, fringilla nec elementum nec, efficitur et risus. Sed id pulvinar velit. Maecenas eu mauris sagittis, posuere urna at, interdum massa. Sed ut enim eget ipsum finibus dignissim. Sed finibus nec urna vel lobortis. Sed sodales auctor orci, ac dignissim eros hendrerit id. Quisque lorem ipsum, imperdiet ac accumsan eu, sagittis eu leo. Aenean nec nisi neque. Praesent vitae justo varius, ultrices risus non, rutrum justo. Vivamus posuere mauris in tortor porta volutpat. Ut eu neque eros. Nullam mauris mauris, efficitur dignissim arcu vitae, maximus suscipit mi.

Random Facts:
▪︎  Held a relatively high role in her family leading her to leadership positions.
▪︎  She can be an unintentional flirt, or anything else to fit into the situation she finds herself in.
▪︎  A bit high matinence, she enjoys looking her best and is, sometimes far too aware, she can be quite pretty


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam venenatis sit amet massa at vehicula. Integer felis sapien, fringilla nec elementum nec, efficitur et risus. Sed id pulvinar velit. Maecenas eu mauris sagittis, posuere urna at, interdum massa. Sed ut enim eget ipsum finibus dignissim. Sed finibus nec urna vel lobortis. Sed sodales auctor orci, ac dignissim eros hendrerit id. Quisque lorem ipsum, imperdiet ac accumsan eu, sagittis eu leo. Aenean nec nisi neque. Praesent vitae justo varius, ultrices risus non, rutrum justo. Vivamus posuere mauris in tortor porta volutpat. Ut eu neque eros. Nullam mauris mauris, efficitur dignissim arcu vitae, maximus suscipit mi.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam venenatis sit amet massa at vehicula. Integer felis sapien, fringilla nec elementum nec, efficitur et risus. Sed id pulvinar velit. Maecenas eu mauris sagittis, posuere urna at, interdum massa. Sed ut enim eget ipsum finibus dignissim. Sed finibus nec urna vel lobortis. Sed sodales auctor orci, ac dignissim eros hendrerit id. Quisque lorem ipsum, imperdiet ac accumsan eu, sagittis eu leo. Aenean nec nisi neque. Praesent vitae justo varius, ultrices risus non, rutrum justo. Vivamus posuere mauris in tortor porta volutpat. Ut eu neque eros. Nullam mauris mauris, efficitur dignissim arcu vitae, maximus suscipit mi.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam venenatis sit amet massa at vehicula. Integer felis sapien, fringilla nec elementum nec, efficitur et risus. Sed id pulvinar velit. Maecenas eu mauris sagittis, posuere urna at, interdum massa. Sed ut enim eget ipsum finibus dignissim. Sed finibus nec urna vel lobortis. Sed sodales auctor orci, ac dignissim eros hendrerit id. Quisque lorem ipsum, imperdiet ac accumsan eu, sagittis eu leo. Aenean nec nisi neque. Praesent vitae justo varius, ultrices risus non, rutrum justo. Vivamus posuere mauris in tortor porta volutpat. Ut eu neque eros. Nullam mauris mauris, efficitur dignissim arcu vitae, maximus suscipit mi.

Status: TBD (Open)