


3 years, 6 months ago


Later to be coded ;)

Quick info dump:

- Metso is a very territorial Wood grouse/Western capercaillie. He scares away a lot of other birdfolk from his territory (leaves females alone- only the males seem to be his main target to scare away or pick a fight with) Why he does that? Of course to woo a female wood grouse. basically he is a horny territorial bastard that is quite aggressive.

- Surprisingly he doesn't have any scars- it could be because he doesn't actually fight that much because every male birdfolk that steps in his territory and gets spotted by him, immediately flees not to get beaten up by him. But he has indeed in fact fought other Wood grouses, he has some experience with fighting, doesn't get to fight a lot anymore for earning quite a reputation for being scary and very territorial so birdfolk avoids him a bit.

- He is called as "Satanic turkey" by a Eurasian blue tit that got chased down by Metso (the little birdie survived-)

- Metso is quite a traditional birdfolk for having a courting ground and trying to impress females with his fanned tail feathers- though he does first want to bond with the potential partner before showing off his feathers in a way to show he is interested of them.

- He has injured some birdfolk to defend his territory. (like Valenumbra's other birdfolk Adalwolf- he isn't sorry at all for hurting that big bird-)

- Metso at some point mistook a barn owl gal named as Artemis (owned by Valenumbra) as a female wood grouse when found her in his territory. Approaching her wasn't easy at all for Metso, because Artemis seemed to be intimidated by Metso for being a big bird plus it seemed like she has difficulties of getting close to people. It was a tricky place for him, he had to take a more gentle approach towards her to get her to be less anxious around him and have some trust in him that he wasn't going to hurt her. (This story is in progress sshhh-) But at some point he does manage to get close to Artemis which lead up to him smothering her with cuddles and snuggles or him having his face buried into her fluffy feathery chest. Even if he has her he still has to chase off some intruders away. Luckily he has calmed down a lot more to let some intruders walk through his territory. He is still tempted to chase them away.

- He finds Artemis really pretty even after finding out she wasn't a wood grouse like him, but it is quite known for wood grouses to partner up with black grouses that is similar to wood grouses- So it is not a surprise for him to find a barn owl gal attractive and bond with her.

- His territory is a massive circle, in the middle of it he has his cozy home there.

- He doesn't like shirts very much for a reason- he is quite fluffy and cannot floof up properly with a shirt on. Though he does wear shirts if he really has to.

- He can stand cold very well, but not very warm summers for having dark feathers.

- He is capable of floofing his back and some front feathers a lot when he is being defensive of his territory or even attempting to woo Artemis by posturing himself with raised fanned tail feathers, wings held out and drooped- gotta show off his colors and the patterns on his tail feathers for her... Of course show his interest towards her- he is a horny man- he is trying his best- At least he is letting Artemis decide when she'll give that attention to him or not, and he respects her decisions- He is a horny simp for her.