


3 years, 4 months ago


"Tomorrow is another day~"


Full name: Forbert "Catnnon"/Number Three

Species: Android (Or rather, a "Dolorian")

Age: An adult(?)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pan

"Blood" Type: Hearty Red Ichor

Favorite Object: Red Headband, Hearts

Favorite Food: Hotdogs (with carrot toppings on them)

Favorite thing to do: Crushing rocks with his bare hands, Target practice, Playing videogames/sports, Battling



Here is Forbert! What a guy!

He had been found in Felicita Village, fallen after trying to defend himself and Ms. Paintbrush from a Value Phantom attack, but was rescued by a group consisting of stupid robots and a green cat. Seemingly amnesiac of his past, he joined Moirl's organization Trefoil, and there he is to this day.

Forbert has a rather lively, open and kind personality as well as a penchant to solving things with violence and a happy smile. Despite seeming naive, he is anything but. It is a VERY unwise decision to try and fool him as he seems very perceptive of people.

It also should be noted that he tends to be a bit rough on handling things, but manages to control his strength with the living... As long as they can handle the bruises, squashes and sometimes comical taps that end up happening when he gets too excited.

 Fun Facts 

  • His hair stays the same in several angles, weirdly enough.
  • The bow formed from his head bandana emotes with him.
  • Has a tendency to lay like the catloaf position when sleeping.
  • Veeery flexible, even for a dolorian. Has spooked Liam once with that.
  • He used to be a particularly naughty, rabid-like child.
  • Has a particular soft spot for Theodore, much to the latter's dismay. Good thing he's the size he is or he'd have been crushed to death.
  • He has a tendency to say things that are very rude, but it seems to be less due to malice and more due to having a childlike level of honesty.