


3 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Mischief of Yule



Archive Code



The Mischief of Yule

~Number of tails~



Folklorical Fusing Objects (candle)

~Rare traits~
Faunial No Sclera, Mythical Golden Claws

Bell Necklace, Berry Tail Ornament, Sack, Wool

When you want a trickster - playful, unattached, always looking for the next fool - Lugh is your average Kitsu. He's a hoarder of trinkets and loves to prank unsuspecting fools. He stays unattached to others, though the reason for this is unknown. Claims it is so that nobody has to deal with the fallout of a poor prank.

Most of Lugh's pranks are harmless. Making you think you misplaced an item you were sure you had a second ago, leaving a scattering of dry leaves in unfortunate places, stealing the last slice of pie. He doesn't look to harm; simply wants a laugh at the (mostly harmless)expense of others. Shrugs off criticism and lectures while seeking out the next fun thing.

Lugh has been on his own for as long as he can remember. Left scrounging in a settlement he didn't understand, foraging for scraps just to survive. Eventually learned to entertain himself by pranking those who lived in the settlement. After all... Kitsus are pranksters and thieves.

~During the Dream~

He had been starving as usual... There was pain... His body just wouldn't move anymore...

He had been sure this was it.

Then the pain started to fade. Had he begun to heal?
When his eyes opened, he wasn't dying in that settlement that hated him.

What was this place? The soothing presence tells him that he doesn't need to fear for his survival. He will move on and be free to live and be happy.

But the hatred and fear. Were those gone? Would he no longer be hunted?


Lugh couldn't believe his ears. It sounded too good to be true, but he did see that his injuries were long gone, and a new strength was holding him together.
He smiled to himself and allowed the presence to lull him into a restful sleep. When he woke he would have to come up with the  best pranks ever.

When you wake, you will be free.

~After the Dream~
He woke to a very new place than he was used to; in a body he almost didn't recognize. It took a long moment before it fully sunk in that this place was the freedom he had ached for. With newfound freedom to be who he wanted to be, he dashed off to find his first playmates.

He couldn't be late to the best pranks these Kitsus had ever seen.