


3 years, 6 months ago


  • Name: Soren
  • Species: Siren/Human
  • Rank: Content
  • Creature: Content
  • Gender: Male (He/Him)
  • Orientation: Gay
  • Age: 22
  • Birth Date: April 7th
  • Occupation: baristi
  • Designer: Kuyamii_
  • Value: !NFS!


Soren grew up around the ocean his whole life. He still lives by the ocean as it bring shim comfort. Soren has a very kind tender personality. He can befriend anybody very quickly but can also make rivals just as fast. The big thing he is very known for is his outgoing and adventurous side. Soren works at a small cafe in a small town. He has been working there ever since college and plans to stay for awhile longer. One side activity he does is play the guitar for others and sometimes goes surfing. Music has been apart of his life also since he was very little. He always had passion to be a great musician and wanted to bring joy to others with his talent.


  • Promise You - NCT 127
  • 3 O'Clock Things - AJR
  • _______
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Featured Artwork

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  • Tail and Ear fins are NOT optional
  • Tail can be whatever length. Just don't make it too short
  • Eyes are the same green as tail/ear fins
  • He has many outfits to choose from! Feel free to draw any or make one up
  • ..


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Put an introduction to your character's lore here. Maybe write a quick sentence on how they died, or hint at what they do for a living now. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eget massa quam. Sed enim quam, ultrices a consequat et, lobortis quis sapien. Pellentesque fringilla mauris eget magna consequat dignissim. Pellentesque quam quam, porttitor nec quam ac, pellentesque ultricies tortor.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ac faucibus eros, id consequat nisi. Integer risus mi, efficitur nec enim id, ultrices fermentum tortor. Ut ut mattis tellus, et volutpat tortor. Suspendisse sodales luctus tristique. Morbi est tellus, laoreet vitae ex ut, gravida pulvinar mi. Maecenas sit amet purus mauris. Vivamus et efficitur purus. Donec iaculis tellus vitae libero rutrum, nec ornare mi porttitor. Phasellus interdum arcu et justo vulputate, sit amet eleifend erat feugiat. Nullam vestibulum lacinia elit scelerisque vehicula.

Suspendisse sollicitudin et felis non pharetra. Duis hendrerit et mi at aliquam. Pellentesque luctus sed dolor in varius. Etiam tincidunt tellus vel pellentesque vehicula. Curabitur volutpat libero nec mi vehicula, nec condimentum mauris porttitor. Vestibulum diam dolor, posuere at rutrum non, dictum a elit. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Mauris vel turpis sed purus dictum finibus.

Sed ornare nibh eu odio semper, quis fringilla massa vehicula. Phasellus eu nisl mi. Integer dignissim gravida odio. Nulla facilisis in diam non sodales. Nunc sit amet porttitor leo. Proin diam sem, pulvinar ut velit non, fermentum ullamcorper ligula. In egestas, metus eu placerat cursus, tellus nibh congue massa, lobortis volutpat eros eros sed nisi. Etiam laoreet et nisi eget tincidunt. Etiam id enim sed eros porta rutrum.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ac faucibus eros, id consequat nisi. Integer risus mi, efficitur nec enim id, ultrices fermentum tortor. Ut ut mattis tellus, et volutpat tortor. Suspendisse sodales luctus tristique. Morbi est tellus, laoreet vitae ex ut, gravida pulvinar mi. Maecenas sit amet purus mauris. Vivamus et efficitur purus. Donec iaculis tellus vitae libero rutrum, nec ornare mi porttitor. Phasellus interdum arcu et justo vulputate, sit amet eleifend erat feugiat. Nullam vestibulum lacinia elit scelerisque vehicula.

Suspendisse sollicitudin et felis non pharetra. Duis hendrerit et mi at aliquam. Pellentesque luctus sed dolor in varius. Etiam tincidunt tellus vel pellentesque vehicula. Curabitur volutpat libero nec mi vehicula, nec condimentum mauris porttitor. Vestibulum diam dolor, posuere at rutrum non, dictum a elit. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Mauris vel turpis sed purus dictum finibus.

Sed ornare nibh eu odio semper, quis fringilla massa vehicula. Phasellus eu nisl mi. Integer dignissim gravida odio. Nulla facilisis in diam non sodales. Nunc sit amet porttitor leo. Proin diam sem, pulvinar ut velit non, fermentum ullamcorper ligula. In egestas, metus eu placerat cursus, tellus nibh congue massa, lobortis volutpat eros eros sed nisi. Etiam laoreet et nisi eget tincidunt. Etiam id enim sed eros porta rutrum.


Caleb • Boyfriend

Caleb is Soren's boyfriend. They met in a coffee shop when Soren was working. The friendhsip built from them doing study sessions together for school. The closer they got the more they both realized how much they had in common.

Ari • Best Friend

Ari has been a friend of Soren's ever since he moved to the new town. They both met in a college class they have together. At first they both were a little iffy with each other but as time went on they both started to open up more. Ari is also the person who helped Caleb and Soren get together. Soren knew he could trust Ari as they both were gay/lesbian. Many more adventures will come with these two.

Bentley • Friend

The friendship between these two started off really rough. Arguements and fights were very commmon. People would look at them and think they were rivals. A few years after they both soon realize the mistakes they did. As time went on the firendship started to heal but still has a long progress to go.

Name • Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce a cursus velit. Proin lobortis lectus augue, sed tristique justo bibendum non. Quisque pretium ultrices sapien sed lobortis. Duis non est vel orci elementum posuere in in metus. Mauris vitae gravida arcu. Ut in velit ac nibh tempus venenatis. In ut tempus nisl. Sed tincidunt tellus arcu, vel semper nunc bibendum eget. Ut nisl turpis, porttitor eu posuere sed, eleifend quis quam. Aenean eu lectus eget nisl lacinia ornare vel quis sem.

Name • Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce a cursus velit. Proin lobortis lectus augue, sed tristique justo bibendum non. Quisque pretium ultrices sapien sed lobortis. Duis non est vel orci elementum posuere in in metus. Mauris vitae gravida arcu. Ut in velit ac nibh tempus venenatis. In ut tempus nisl. Sed tincidunt tellus arcu, vel semper nunc bibendum eget. Ut nisl turpis, porttitor eu posuere sed, eleifend quis quam. Aenean eu lectus eget nisl lacinia ornare vel quis sem.

Name • Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce a cursus velit. Proin lobortis lectus augue, sed tristique justo bibendum non. Quisque pretium ultrices sapien sed lobortis. Duis non est vel orci elementum posuere in in metus. Mauris vitae gravida arcu. Ut in velit ac nibh tempus venenatis. In ut tempus nisl. Sed tincidunt tellus arcu, vel semper nunc bibendum eget. Ut nisl turpis, porttitor eu posuere sed, eleifend quis quam. Aenean eu lectus eget nisl lacinia ornare vel quis sem.


  • List some interesting or unexpected facts here! Try writing complete sentences if you want it to feel like a trivia section of a fandom wiki page.
  • Bettas are also called Siamese fighting fish.
  • Betta fish are native to Southeast Asia, naturally living in shallow water and slow-moving streams.
  • The scientific name for betta fish is Betta splendens.
  • Bettas are labrinth fish, meaning they can breathe oxygen directly from the air for short periods of time.
  • The name "betta" comes from a group of ancient warriors, called the "Bettah."
  • Most betta fish live to be 2 or 3 years old, but a few have reportedly lived into their teens.
  • In Thailand, they are better known as "plakad" and have been referred to as "The Jewel of the Orient."

“Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go.”

― T.S. Eliot


  • List some things your character likes or enjoys!
  • List some things your character likes or enjoys!
  • List some things your character likes or enjoys!
  • List some things your character likes or enjoys!
  • List some things your character likes or enjoys!


  • List some things your character dislikes!
  • List some things your character dislikes!
  • List some things your character dislikes!
  • List some things your character dislikes!
  • List some things your character dislikes!

“You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.”

― J.R.R. Tolkein