Roen Yaeldrin



3 years, 4 months ago


Full Name: Roen Yaeldrin
Nicknames: n/a
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Species: Eladrin Elf (Spring)
Languages Spoken: Celestial, Common, Druidic, Elvish
Social Class: Upper class
Wealth: Her parents have $$$

Height: 4'9
Weight: 100
Hair Color: Platinum Blonde with flowers of any kind
Eye Color: Light Blue
Skin Color: Pale
Battle Marks Noticeable Feature(Scars, missing body parts, etc.): No marks just a large amber gem on her forehead
Other Forms: Wild Shape. She can become any animal. Special creature: Large Dragon.
Additional Notes (optional): Roen cannot wild shape properly and always has blonde fur/feathers/scales, bright blue eyes, and her amber gem on her forehead. Oh and always covered in flowers as well.
She also refuses to wear shoes. No shoes. Ever.

Brief Description: A very bubbly and friendly little elf child. Always wanting to make new friends and can never sit still for too long.
First Impression: Loud. Talks too fast and too much. Where is the off button?
Once you get to know them: She may be a bit loud and quite hyper but she means well and loves her friends more than anything.
Extrovert, Introvert, or Ambivert?: EXTROVERT
Alignment(lawful evil, chaotic good, etc): Chaotic Good
Habits: Messes with anything an everything, including things that could be dangerous. Talking to animals and plants.
Fears: Phaerimm, losing friends or loved ones.
Pet Peeves: Being told she's too young to drink wine.

Likes: Flowers, people, plants, animals, flowers, making friends, making friends with the flowers.
Dislikes: Wearing shoes, staying still for too long,
Favorite Food: Cookies
Favorite Animal: All of them!
Favorite Color: Green
Hobbies: Picking flowers to grow in her hair, drawing and writing notes to her friends.