✧ Kyoma Kudara



3 years, 5 months ago



Name Kyoma | Kojimaru
Meaning Japanese 恭(kyou) "respect"+ 真(ma) "true, reality"
Gender Male
S/O Single
Status Alive
Fandom Multiverse

-ˏˋ A ninja from the land of rain who originally worked as a trained basket-weaver. ˊˎ-

Member of the 百済 ✧ Kudara Clan
Info | https://kudaraclan.carrd.co


  • Chopping wood
  • The silence and beauty of nature
  • Sushi and Sweets
  • the company of his friends


  • Konoha Anbus
  • scared of Cats
  • Potatoes
  • too much sleep


彡 Background Story | "Naruto Timeline" 彡

✦ Personality
A lot can be said of Kyoma, but if nothing else you should know he's determined and individualistic. Of course he's also captivating, anticipative and idealistic, but those are often overshadowed by tendencies of being barbaric as well. His determination though, this is what he's often adored for. There are many times when friends count on this and his kindness whenever they need help.
Nobody's perfect of course and Kyo has plenty of less favorable traits too. His maliciousness and thievish nature risk ruining pleasant moods and reach all around. Fortunately his practical thinking helps make sure these days are few and far between.

✦ Some Facts
- he‘s hiding a huge scar behind his chin protector.
- Kyoma favorit location will be Amegakure as soon as he earns enough money.
- It‘s said that his earrings are made out of the rare material similar to what ninjas used to create in an old technique called: Bone Release like the fight technique of Kimimaru Kaguya.
- His Village (owned by the Kudara clan) where he grew up is located between the hidden rain, stone and waterfall villages.

✦ History
- As a young boy, he travels a lot and sells chopped wood from the Kudaras'(1) jungle. when he gets a tip, he buys gifts or sweets for his kudara friends. Kanji(2), a girl of his age from the clan, got mumbles from him quite often.
- He does not belong to the clan but was accepted through an adoption. It is said that he is actually a native of Kyuzazame(3) clan, but he only begins to question this when he is older. on his excursions around the area, he also gets to know his future master who teaches him how to weave baskets and then inherits everything he owns later in their stroy.



Origin  [ Family ]



Dear Friend  [ Ai (Kyosha) Hawari ]

Kyoma looks after her daughter Kiama for a long time because Ai is unable to take care of her daughter for reasons. It's more like he always keeps an eye on Kiama when he's around and always tries to ensure that nothing happens to her.


Student  [ Kiama Hawari ]

In Kyoma, Kiama sees something like a person of trust, whom she got to know in a very lonely but also adventurous time and who has never left her side. In addition, they both combine the knowledge and art of the mysterious Jashin mode.


Love  [ / ]



Best Bro  [ Hide ]

The two have known each other since childhood and have struggled through everyday life together for a while. They complement each other well and have their own unique way of communicating. When they're doing well, they like to tease eachother.


Enemy  [ / ]


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