Noelle Renoir/Marie McKnight



3 years, 6 months ago


Noelle Renoir and Marie McKnight are a Kindred (vampire) and human couple made for Vampire: The Requiem. Their stories are intertwined very deeply, so it's best to cover them both in a single profile.

Noelle Renoir is a Daeva clan violinist who used to be a Ghoul for a cruel vampire woman named Trish, who didn't treat her very well at all despite the recommendation to not mistreat your ghouls. After Trish decided to Embrace her (aka turn her into a proper Vampire), Noelle took advantage of the broken blood bond, and performed a sneak attack on Trish by using her high-heeled shoes as a makeshift stake into her heart, which left her open to get caught in the sunlight once it came up. Noelle then took Trish's dress that was left behind and wears it as something of a trophy now.

Marie McKnight is a young woman working as a librarian, who's a massive fan of vampire-focused stories, particularly classic ones like Bram Stoker's Dracula and Carmilla, as well as most vampire love stories (with the Twilight series being an exception). Always wanting to learn despite the risks that come with it, she's prone to poking her nose around and go digging for things she really shouldn't be.

Their paths converge when Marie discovers that Noelle is a vampire, which makes Marie ecstatic since it means to her that vampires actually exist and that her fantasies of meeting and being with one can actually be a reality. Then Noelle explains to her just how much life sucks for Kindred, and Marie begins changing her tune, actually feeling a great deal of pity for Noelle's current state. The two actually end up getting into a relationship with Marie becoming a Touchstone (something or someone that helps ground a vampire to humanity) for Noelle.

Noelle's still getting used to her new unlife and the powers and weaknesses that come with it. She actually HATES her condition and wants to avoid losing her humanity despite urges from The Beast, and is actively trying to be a Friendly Neighborhood Vampire and not get tangled up in the clusterfuck that is Kindred politics. Her struggle is one to defy her seemingly inevitable dark fate as a Kindred, trying to hold onto her humanity in spite of all that's happened and is still happening to her. Marie's that little light in the darkness for her, someone who can comfort her and help her feel like a person rather than a monster. Unfortunately, the fact that Marie's a human who Noelle refuses to Ghoul because of personal experience means that Marie's an oh-so-usable target for the Covenants (the various sociopolitical groups of vampires) to use as a bargaining chip for Noelle to have to do things.

However, Noelle herself is seeking ways to improve her condition through study and experimentation of her blood with a group known as the Ordo Dracul, while Marie's seeking another method of immortality so Noelle doesn't have to outlive her...

(More to come.)