
3 years, 9 months ago


"Fix your sink-- that is not the kind of handiwork I was made to do."

Real Name: Unknown
Species: Human/Cyborg
Gender: Male
Age: Appears 23-25 due to enhancements, but his actual age is unknown
Height: 6'2"
Personality: Calm; Mostly keeps to himself; Serious worker; Can get extremely focused and gets annoyed when being interrupted; Distant; Grows Frustrated when asked about his past as he remembers none of it
About: Syn is a mysterious assassin that was the product of military experiments. His entire past was erased and he was reborn to function as a cybernetically modded spy and killer for a war. However, only a few years ago did he suddenly wake in an abandoned ship, memories of those who made him into a cyborg completely gone. Not only does he not remember who he was before becoming an assassin, but now he can hardly remember anyone from when he was. However, he does know his protocol and purpose, and works as hired muscle. He grows frustrated when asked about his past since he cannot remember. Push him too hard and he might pop a circuit.