


Basic Info

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Name: Yennefer | Pronouns: she/her | Age  Range: appears mid 20s | Orientation: bisexual|  Relationship Status: taken

Yennefer has led... an interesting life. As a powerful sorceress, she has traveled the world with her extended lifespan. She has fought many battles (and won most of them) Done both good, and bad things, in her time. She has few regrets-- but the ones she does bear are very hard to deal with, even now. She's not always in the most healthy mental state, but she's trying. A lot of that stems from her (understatement) rough childhood and teen upbringing. She's willing to try to be the best person she can be for the loves of her life-- Wolf (Geralt) and Jaskier.

During her life she's been an important political figure-- both as a council of sorcerers member and as a royal sorceress/advisor-- though she dabbles very little in politics these days, preferring the road with her loves-- and a warm home with them as well to come back to.

She is fiery, and intimidation comes pretty naturally to her-- as does her biting wit/snark. She's cunning, difficult to manipulate, and stubborn to a fault. She's proud, and loyal, and when someone gets to know her/learns the real her she's soft with a beautiful soul. She tends to be a lot more sweet and gentle with Wolf and Jaskier, though she's still known to throw her snark around pretty often-- mostly in flirtatious ways.