Anastasia's Comments

The colours are divine, the character themselves feels so soft and warm yet cold and sharp? I really really love the hair style, and the characters style overall!! I’m not very good at these aaa

I think my favourite things are the colour palette and the hair!! (And the expression) The golden tones with the paler/whites colours is such a nice combination, it makes them feel very regal (which they would be, if under my care uvu) The hair is so flowy and soft looking, and I love the tone of colour it has! It’s also one of my favourite hairstyles to draw 🥺

I hope you find someone to give this gorgeous man away to, and that you’re happy with whoever they are 🥰💖

Kon'nichiwa! It took some deciding but I have chosen a winner, and unfortunately that winner is not you but LunarLeporidae. However I thank you for your faves and for the interest in this character! Please keep an eye out for other freebies in the future however! Or, you can browse my TH for my Freebie and OTA folder for currently available characters!

I apologize if you were just commenting and not commenting about adoption. They are a lovely character indeed! What you said is what attracted me to them in the first place. A little sad to see them go, but happy to see them go to a good home!

That’s totally fine, I’m super happy that you found someone suitable for them 🥰🥰

Favorited 3 babies and id like them so they can be the royal adviser to my oc Queen Tatiana, which is a honor considering tati is very temperamental and turns many servants into animals. They'd be really close, possibly knowing each other since children since their father would be a royal adviser before they became them

I'd like to offer a headshot for them ^^

Kon'nichiwa! It took some deciding but I have chosen a winner, and unfortunately that winner is not you but LunarLeporidae. However I thank you for your faves and for the interest in this character! Please keep an eye out for other freebies in the future however! Or, you can browse my TH for my Freebie and OTA folder for currently available characters!

Hi! this is a really pretty kid that I think I'd have a use for, thank you for the chance at claiming them!! 

I've favourited thn ( I honestly really liked the sort of greyed/monochromatic palette), Lakia (I'm a sucker for that sort of canine with a flowy tail vibe + I think the dark palette is pretty), and finally but not least I favourited Dakishimeru (mainly because I read through their bio and found that it seemed very interesting!)

I mainly felt that she'd be a good addition to my Wild Things story. Not much is publicly written other than a brief teaser in the folder description but it basically follows a world post the death of its main deity. The character's design is very beautiful and the fact she has animal ears + a tail makes her fit in fairly well among other characters in the story. The sort of elegance she has in the design makes me feel like she'd make for a good leader for Amphora's following. Goes for the really charismatic and elegant leader vibe which makes her fit right in as a stand-in for their deity of worship. Since she and Sonya are both blonde I feel like they could have some sort of relationship which gets revealed later on like perhaps being revealed to be siblings. There's just a few general ideas floating around tbh. Once again, thank you for the chance! ^^

Congrats! The character is all yours! I absolutely love your story idea and it would be a pleasure to read if you'd permit me. ^^ I'll transfer to you now.

Thank you so very much!!! If I ever get around to transferring from my head to a written medium you'll be the first to know!! ❤️🥺

Happy to hear. Thank you, and you're welcome!

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Kon'nichiwa! It took some deciding but I have chosen a winner, and unfortunately that winner is not you but LunarLeporidae. However I thank you for your faves and for the interest in this character! Please keep an eye out for other freebies in the future however! Or, you can browse my TH for my Freebie and OTA folder for currently available characters!

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Hello there! It's me again, I saw this baby and was wondering if I could snatch them? Their design has caught my eye and their outfit is just stunning! I've once again favorited more of your characters and gosh- Seeing more of those pretty lads is great! All of them are unique in their own way and I love that!  The third one I faved is my favorite by far! I like odd designs like that I find them really cool. I have some sort of fighter idea for them- like a stern person kind of thing! I

Kon'nichiwa! It took some deciding but I have chosen a winner, and unfortunately that winner is not you but LunarLeporidae. However I thank you for your faves and for the interest in this character! Please keep an eye out for other freebies in the future however! Or, you can browse my TH for my Freebie and OTA folder for currently available characters!