Yuka Sutcliffe



3 years, 4 months ago


upQ6b1L.pngYuka Sutcliffe







Marital STA





Yuka Sutcliffe

26 yrs.







Kuttok, Alaska.



 Twin Peaks

Physical Description

      Her hair is straight as a board, dark and thick, touching the middle of her back (it is always worn down),         dark eyes, sable skin, and a slimly fit physique. She dresses simply and for the weather.

Mental + Emotional

Absorbed by her research, she is practical and realistic. She looks at the world through a magnifying glass, studying it like a true skeptic. She's mild tempered, responsible, and generous but she won't let anyone walk on her.


Speaks Inuit (first language), and English (second language, fluent). Her voice is and even mid-tone; she's very easy to understand.


Sailing: Growing up in a small Inuit village, she was taught how to utilize a kayak as well as a sailboat and can do so quite efficiently
Navigation: Getting lost in the Alaskan wilderness is not an option. Her navigational skills exceed that of most people. She's known for never getting lost, and can find her way out of the bush without a compass, map, or view of the sky. She attributes this skill to her dedicated study of arboriculture and geography. 
Hunting/Fishing: In order to survive without having to rely on resources from outside the valley, she utilizes the skills taught to her by her parents. She is a well practiced hunter and excellent marksman. She prefers to snag her food with a bolt-action hunting rifle or a fishing rod and traps; being versed in both older and newer hunting techniques. 
Tree Climbing: an activity that helps her get closer to her research of Yokal Valley; she possesses all the necessary equipment and training to scale nearly 300 feet in the air with no supervision. She's never fallen out of a tree at any height during her career.


Dean Winchester - ally; though she knows very little about who he really is or what he's after, his presence is attractive and his face is charming. His communication skills leave something to be desired.
Sam Winchester- ally; endearing and polite, she likes him well enough. But she likes his "dog" (Olli) better.
Castiel - ally; at first she found him to be irritating, now she finds him sweet and wouldn't mind having him for tea or coffee again.


Kuttok is a moderately sized town resting in the middle of a valley called Yokal, surrounded by rolling forest and high mountains. The only entrance to Yokal is a large narrow basin between the mountains, which only ferries and other medium to small boats can squeeze through. There are no roads into the valley, so most who come stay and those who leave rarely come back.

Yuka was born in the valley but is one of the few who travels back and forth through the basin to other towns and Kuttok. To cheapen the cost of her frequent travels, she has a houseboat for navigating the basin and the branching rivers of Yokal, that she lives and works out of. This houseboat was affectionately named Isapoinhkyaki, which means Singing Crow.

Always having had a special interest in the forest, she studied arboriculture, horticulture and geography, gaining a bachelor's and going on to become an Arborist. Her work mostly consists of growth studies and the care of local trees and woodland plants. To the common eye, her work is boring and uneventful, but comfortable. Which would usually be true, if it weren't for something strange happening to the trees in Yokal.


She's not quick to believe folktales or superstitions, but she's also considerate of others' opinions and beliefs. So while not being fully steeped in the culture of her ancestors, she is respectful and kind when her worldview is opposed. She follows no set religion, but does follow some Inuit traditions that she sees more as habits of familiarity that bring her comfort. Even with her rationality challenged by the evident existence of the supernatural, she still believes that a science is behind it and doesn't think that "magic did it" is a good explanation.

Daily Life

Yuka spends most of her time in her research and makes time for very few hobbies that aren't directly beneficial. However, she really enjoys a good romance novel here and there but she'd never admit she reads those things. There's a minimal collection of her favorite guilty pleasures in a crate under her bed. 


> A hot cranberry green tea served with wheat crackers and gouda cheese is her comfort snack of choice.
> Among her most valued belongings is a compass given to her by her father. It has been passed down through several generations, dating back to the 14th century. It still works. Her father often said that it was blessed by Hermes, who as a jack-of-all-trades, was also the patron god of travel, trade and boundaries (hence his traveler's cap). The compass has proved to be no less than a good luck charm; only recently has Yuka began to wonder if the compass were truly blessed by Hermes himself. 

"Do no harm, but take no shit." -Moïra Fowley-Doyle

