Grim Fowler (PMD-Beyond-the-Sea)



3 years, 9 months ago


TRIGGER WARNING: This profile contains themes of povery, transphobia, war, injury/death/murder (impalement), curse, and implied surgery.


  • NAME Grim Fowler
  • AGE 26
  • GENDER Trans Male
  • SPECIES Honedge
  • OCCUPATION Bounty Hunter
  • TEAM Prise de Fer
  • POSITION Co-Leader
  • Level Lv. 5
  • Nature Quiet
  • Characteristic Often Lost
    in Thought
  • Ability No Guard
  • MOVESET Fury Cutter
    Shadow Sneak
    Destiny Bond
  • ORIENTATION Demisexual
  • HEIGHT 6'2"
  • Associations GCSF
  • Layout watergems



Valiant (positive)
Bravery is something that Grim holds in multitudes, quickly and almost without thought throwing himself into harm for the causes that he believes in. Namely, the protection of others. He holds an unwavering resolve in the protection of those who can't protect themselves and holds conviction in the concept of justice and moral judgement. It can be quickly seen in hostile circumstances that he's willing to sacrifice everything if only to lend aid to a stranger.

Empathic (positive)
Ever since he was a small child, Grim felt a great sympathy and draw to others and their emotional states. Particularly, their sorrow and pain, which he understood and felt reflected in the tightness of his own chest. If unable to directly relate through his own experiences, Grim easily can place himself in their theoretical shoes, seeing and understanding what might drive another to act as they do. This even extends to those who might do evil in the world - though Grim will always place himself in the way to stop such actions, he does so with a heaviness and understanding that many strike out in such a way due to their own pain.

Even-Tempered (positive)
Being described as holding a "scary face" due to a particular lack of emotional range he displays, Grim does come across as a calm individual, his daily emotions communicated in a muted way to others. To shove him into any extreme scale of emotion - fury, rage, sorrow, glee - calls for extremely intense situations. As such, Grim typically behaves with a sturdy emotional base and rarely takes things as a personal attack.

Quiet (neutral)
A man of few words, Grim prefers to hold his tongue and lay a watchful eye on those around him, listening to their thoughts and opinions before attempting to formulate any semblance of his own. When he does speak, it's typically soft and low in volume, unoffensive and crafted to turn the topic away from himself and back to another so they might carry the social burden of the conversation instead.

Instinctual (neutral)
It's rare for Grim to think ahead. Due to the nature of his existence, he's learned to rely on his emotions gut-feelings to guide him from one goal to another, adrift in the sea of fate and leaning heavily on his instincts. Such instincts allow for easy judgement of others, deeming them trustworthy or conniving, or on situations where the correct course of action may be unclear. Though this makes his decision making easier, naturally, his instincts can be wrong and have landed him in trouble due to falling to wrong assumptions and not thinking through his decisions or to long-term consequences.

Naïve (negative)
As an extremely trusting and optimistic individual when it comes to others, Grim has been described as naïve. There are of course exceptions - a bandit with a knife to another’s throat is naturally at fault - but in daily situations Grim tends to simply bend to what another might tell him and trust in their inherent goodness to not deceive him.

Forgetful (negative)
A key trait that has developed due to the curse that plagues his life, Grim's memory has become foggy and unclear at the best of times. Frequently, he will forget the names of places and individuals he has met (though seems to be better with recognizing faces) and has lost many of his items by absently placing them down and never finding them again. It's become so severe that he often forgets to listen to his own body and will daydream as his stomach complains loudly.

Unproductive (negative)
With no particular goals on his mind at any moment, Grim spends much of his time relaxing or wandering aimlessly, unable to follow through with tasks unless directed by another to do so. Any situation which doesn't dictate itself with an intense importance falls by the wayside, will find itself deemed unimportant and left uncompleted by his idle hands.


Island Name & Hometown
Caestleon | Spesvetus

The country of Caestleon existed many, many years ago and reflected the legends one might associate with medieval times. Ruled by a royal family, headed by a King, the land was divided among Lords and defended by knights who swore allegiance to their King and country. Known for a history of valor in defense of their citizens and assisting the countries who required aid near them, Caestleon has since been lost to time. Perhaps it still exists among the waters of the world, waiting to be rediscovered. Perhaps it was destroyed long ago.

When within it's prime, the country's capital of Spesvetus housed the King's castle, among the most influential nobles and traders during their time. Located upon the edge of a large river, moderately close to the coast, fertile land yielded many crops and individuals from across the land frequented inside its stone walls to seek fortune and favor.


  • Grim Fowler was born a Riolu to a pair of peasants who lived outside the grand walled capital city of Spesvetus. Grim, as he is referred to through this story, is not his real name but the current one he goes by in modern times.
  • Working a plot of land as sharecroppers, he was able to view the gates of the city and witnessed a procession of the King's Knights escorting King Aaron, an event which deeply inspired him to pursue this profession. He was discouraged from it by his parents, due to the way the world perceived what his gender was, alongside his poorer social status.
  • This didn't sway from his resolve, and through an incident where he strayed into a blacksmith's shop frequented by knights, he was discovered by the blacksmith who agreed to set him up with a teacher, as he displayed a natural aptitude for the craft.
  • He balanced his life upon the farm with the secret life of training for a long while, planning on how to enter the Spring Tryouts (an event where the offspring of Nobles show they are worthy to pursue knighthood). Through perseverance and a little luck, Grim entered the event and exceeded the low expectations placed upon him by those there, and caught the personal attention of King Aaron himself.
  • Time passed, and Grim continued his excellent grasp on the concept of swordsmanship to such an extent that he was invited into the ranks of the King's Knights.
  • He would be assigned as one of the King's personal bodyguards, following him throughout the day, and the two quickly struck up a kinship. This deep friendship allowed for the King to hear Grim's concerns regarding the barriers placed against a certain gender from entering into knighthood, alongside those from poorer families, and strong changes were placed which in time encouraged an enourmous flow of young and willing recruits into the ranks of knighthood.
  • It was during this happy time in Grim's life that he managed to evolve into a Lucario.
  • Years passed and eventually King Aaron married a young noblewoman from a neighboring country, who bore him a son. This loyalty to the country, however, caused him to become involved when it was invaded by a neighboring region within the sea, and they went to war.
  • Grim was prevented from joining the frontlines due to the King's orders, against Grim's wishes, as the King instead assigned Grim tasks within their own country, namely such things as moving messages and rallying Barons to send their own armies and bend to the established agreements to supply for the war efforts.
  • This emotional strain between them (from Grim wishing to join the frontlines and the King denying him countless times) alongside the physical distance caused them to grow apart. The war also changed King Aaron, who grew cold and ruthless in his pursuits to end things.
  • This led to the King summoning Grim for a secret task: he was to infiltrate a neighboring kingdom who had remained neutral during the world and deal with their King's new child, staging it to look as if the enemy country had done the deed. This would ensure that the neutral party would finally join and help them end the war.
  • Shocked and appalled, Grim refused to carry out the order, even under threat of banishment. He refused to submit, and instead turned in his sword to the King, resigning his title and status and ready to leave the country. However, as he turned his back, the King struck out in cold rage to impale and kill Grim.
  • This act would cause Grim to become cursed, transforming into a Honedge as he bonded to his own sword and awakening to find time had passed and he was now trapped in a cycle of vengeance against evildoers. A mystical Ninetails woman named Margan found him and explained that, until he could understand how to undo the curse, he would slumber and awaken when the world required his aid. She gifted him his scarf and he soon left, feeling the tug of the curse to take him where he needed to be.
  • For years, he has slept and awakened to help those in need, his memories becoming foggier and foggier each time. Now, he barely remembers who he is and has almost entirely erased his original life, simply compelled to help others with a vague notion that he should do something to end his curse.
  • Most recently, his curse had bonded him to an individual known as Gale Page, who deeply is in need of guidance and companionship. The two have registered with the GCSF as Bounty Hunters and plan to forge some form of future together.

The circumstances of Grim's birth were unremarkable at best, forgettable at worst. He was born as a Riolu to a pair of peasants who worked the lands outside Spesvetus, sharecropping from a wealthier family to make ends meet. These yielded days of back breaking labor and sweat to carve their place in the world, but Grim didn't mind. He enjoyed the opportunity to gaze out upon the gleaming city, holding a perfect view of the gates to watch carts and horses pass through on their grand errands.

It was during one such viewing session, leaning upon a hoe that he had been using to break the land, that Grim spotted a convoy of horses that he had never seen before. Their riders gleamed in polished armor, brandishing weapons of power and flags of honor, held upright on a quest outside their knowledge that surely held vast importance.

Among them, he managed to spot a golden figure, somehow standing out among the glamourous figures around him. Breathlessly, Grim asked his mother who these people were. Moving to his side, she lowly exclaimed in admiration. "Why, that's King Aaron and the King's Knights! Consider yourself blessed to lay eyes on such a sight."

Indeed, Grim did, his heart having picked up pace in a way he had never experienced before. Further inquiry revealed that these Royal Knights, as they were called, were hand selected from the many knights that held the honor of serving their kingdom. When expressing an interest in how one might secure such a future, Grim was met with laughter.

"Peasants don't become knights! And even if they could, they would never accept a woman among them."

This exclamation caused Grim to frown, squirming where he stood. The statement caused significant discomfort in him, and not merely from the sexist connotations of fighters barring a gender from entering. No, it was something else. It was the implication that Grim was a woman.

From the time Grim was very small and snuck away from his chores to play games with the other children, the concept of gender had begun to impress itself upon him in a loose way. Unable to fully understand or dissect it (even in current times, he doesn't place too much time in pondering upon it), he simply understood and knew himself as he was: a boy.

To imply that he was going to be pushed out of a potential dream because someone else saw him for something he wasn't? This wouldn't stand. Upon that day, Grim made it his mission to join the King's Knights.

Early Teens
Grim was devoted in obtaining his goal and would frequently slip away from his labors (to later be punished by a swift smack up his hand from his mother with a spoon) into the city of Spesvetus to follow and spy on the gleaming knights in their daily lives. By doing so, he learned much of individual knight's habits, and how many of them liked to frequent a certain smithing shop for its quality swords. It was one day, as Grim slipped into the back to "borrow" a sword and began to experimentally swing it around, that he was caught by the owner of the smithery.

The individual introduced herself as Agnes, and though expecting to be scolded, the woman remarked that Grim was swinging the sword in an instinctively natural way. Inviting him for a warm drink, the two sat and discussed why he had been there in the first place, and his dream. To his surprise, Agnes took him seriously, remarking that while the odds were against him, she could see it being achievable. And she wanted to help.

Taken back, Grim nevertheless trusted her and agreed for her to assist him. Soon enough, he found himself in the secluded courtyard behind her shop, with a male stranger arriving with Agnes. She told Grim that the stranger was a knight who owed her a favor, not a King's Knight, but he could begin showing Grim the techniques he would need to learn if he wanted to take advantage of the seasonal tryouts held for the children of Nobles to enter the path of knighthood.

Eagerly, Grim agreed, and thus began their lessons. Every day, Grim would finish his chores as swiftly as possible, dodging any his parents might try to add before slipping away to the smithery and his awaiting teacher.

He progressed quickly, consuming the trainings and knowledge that the knight passed with a fever that the knight remarked was rarely seen among new recruits. The training caused Grim's body to ache, especially after laborious days at the farm, and he was soon hiding and nursing many bruises and mild scrapes from the blunted swords they used. And yet, he adored it all.

The plan was for aim for the coming Spring Tryouts, passing through with the recommendations of the knight. Though, he warned, without noteworthy family ties they might dismiss Grim without first allowing him to show them what he could do. He didn't care. He had to try.

Time moved faster than he thought possible, and soon he stood before the gates of the area marked for the event, his body padded in light armor and a sword hilted at his side, the items gladly provided by Agnes.

He provided the documents signed by the knight and was allowed through, standing alongside other young boys lined near the back of the training space, many of which looked distinctly unbothered by their current circumstances.

The butterflies in Grim's belly fluttered.

An Official began to walk down the line of young boys, and each presented a further document, flourished and stamped with their family names and lineage. When the Official reached Grim, he had nothing to offer, and felt the stare of the Official burn into his forehead. Explaining that he came upon a personal recommendation, the Official at once began to scornfully laugh, lifting a dismissing hand.
"And what? You thought you would just waltz in here and-"
"Hold now. Let's not dismiss someone because they lack certain papers. That wouldn't hold very strongly to the values of the Knight's Code, now would it?"

The Official was frozen in place, creakily turning to see what had eluded both he and Grim. Behind them, King Aaron had entered through the gate, flocked by two of his senior King’s Knights. Grim was sure he had never seen someone look so dignified and hold such power in his face as this man. He simply radiated a calm and definite demand for others to adore him, seen now as the mass of people straightened their backs respectfully.

"Well... no, I suppose not..." The Official finally answered, lamely turning his eyes groundward and shuffling in place. A moment of silence stretched before King Aaron arched an eyebrow.

"...yes? Well? Let's get on with it."
"Erm! Yes, of course, Your Highness!"

The boys were called to attention once more, King Aaron settling back and observing while one of the senior Knights at hand stepped forward for each young man to engage with. It was a simple test. If the young man could hold his own and display adequate skills in combat, he would be entered onto the pathway to Knighthood.

Each young man who faced the Knight would find that the spar would begin easily before increasing in intensity, the Knight throwing more unpredictable moves to see what they might do to defend or defeat them. Many, overconfident as they were, soon fumbled and realized how out of their depths they were. Clicking his tongue, the senior Knight would shake his head and dismiss them to stand aside, a handful managing to be sent to stand beside the King, beaten and sweating but filled with glee.

Then, it became Grim's turn.

It was like a dance. Just like during his training, Grim found the rhythmic clanging of metal on metal a soothing sound, each sway of battle leading to the next, logically following the rules of momentum and force. The nerves that had him bouncing his foot settled into a cool resolve, eyes narrowing as he picked up the intentions of the Knight, answering the swirling patterns with defensive ones of his own. The intensity increased and increased, Grim's breath picking up alongside the Knight, who began to take the engagement far more seriously. Striking heavily, holding nothing back, Grim foresaw the intent and managed to knock aside the blade, and slide the edge of his own against the thin leather padding that covered the Knight's heart.

The two of them froze like this, Grim holding no intentions of going further, though the firm set of his eyes began to diminish at the sight of surprise that displayed across the Knight's face.

Grim dropped his sword. "I-I'm... I'm sorr-"

"Well done!" The boisterous voice shocked Grim from his stupor, turning to glance across and see King Aaron, beaming in exuberance, obviously very pleased at Grim's performance. Indeed, this was matched by the very Knight that Grim faced, who gave a good-natured smile and gestured towards the King.

"Extremely so. Go."

Dazed, and unsure if awake, Grim moved towards the King's side, gaining an extra amused glance from the ruler.
"I'm going to be keeping an eye on you. I have a feeling you have an extraordinary future ahead."

The years that passed were grueling but fulfilling. Time both stretched and shrank, flashes of drills, routine, discipline, and friendships. As remarked by several before, Grim displayed a natural aptitude for the art of sword fighting, dedicating himself with a passion. Quickly, he absorbed the stances and flourishes, and even found interest in the less physical pursuits provided to them, such as learning how to properly conduct oneself in formal events, the art of writing and poetry, how to care for one's horse and even other animals.

He kept in contact with those of his old life, such as his parents and Agnes, and even the knight who had trained him. He wrote letters constantly, pleased to find that his antics had caused his parents to become proud of who he was. Prouder still upon the shocking news that he had been personally selected by King Aaron to become the newest member of the King's Knights.

Graduating into the fully-fledged position, it wasn't quite what he had imaged, though was still more than he might ever have dreamed. He spent much of his time within the castle itself, at King Aaron's side, following him throughout the day to ensure his safety. He was treated more so as a friend than a guard, King Aaron valuing his opinions and lending an ear to his thoughts.

In time, Grim trusted him enough to share his concerns with the restrictions placed upon entry into knighthood. Women, too, should be allowed entry into the profession without fear. Along with this, perhaps programs might be enacted to assist those from poorer families be given the chance to be tested, without need for special lineage and paperwork?

Gravely, and surprisingly, King Aaron listened, and agreed. He had, apparently, issues with how the processes operated for a very long time but thought it best not to push reform too strongly. However, upon the insistence of someone who had to go through such trials firsthand, he was moved and began to do just as asked, and soon many poorer families were sending their sons and daughters to test their strength and skills, flowing many new recruits into the ranks of knighthood.

Grim had never been happier, and due to the close bonds and friendships he developed, evolved into a Lucario.

The years passed, and some things changed. King Aaron married a young noblewoman from a neighboring country, and she held genuine kindness and affections for him, and bore him a son. However, their union caused strife when her home country was invaded by another that sat close to them within the sea, the Queen's home country calling for aid from the armies of Caestleon.

Soon, war broke, and men were sent to fight for their King and country, as their oath dictated.

Grim, too, wished to go to the frontlines and fight alongside his brothers and sisters, but King Aaron dismissed it, giving no reason. Though, Grim suspected the King was allowing his heart to overrule his mind.

The tension between them grew with time, the King sending Grim on missions upon the soil of their own country, moving messages and rallying Barons to send their own armies and bend to the established agreements to supply for the war efforts. A necessary task, and Grim knew it needed to be done, but the distance and time apart did little to assist the bond between King Aaron and himself.

Upon his short returns to the castle, Grim noticed a slow but steady change in the King. His mannerisms had lost the glow and optimism of his youthful outlook, now turning bitter and hard. So too did his interactions and orders begin to take tones of anger when results were not as favorable as he would have liked, punishments dealt to those who didn't react quickly enough.
It was this King who summoned Grim to his court for a fatal last order.

Another neighboring country, a powerful potential ally, had sat aside all these years and decided to partake in the efforts of their cause. But recently, the King of this location had been given the gift of a child. In hushed but cold tones, King Aaron ordered Grim to embark upon a secret task.

He was to enter this country, in secret, and find his way into the royal chambers of their leaders. Once there, he was instructed to deal with the child in the midst of the night.

It was to look like another had done it, of course. An insignia marked with that of their enemy country would be "accidentally" left at the scene, staging this country to react in rage and grief, finally joining their cause. It was the perfect plan.

Grim merely stared in shocked horror at the beast who sat where his close friend had once resided.

In firm, and certain terms, he gave his answer.


The fury that twisted the King's safe solidified the knowledge that this was no longer the man Grim had once known, King Aaron leaping from his throne and crossing the stone floor to jab an accusatory finger into Grim's chest.

"You dare defy me? You dare defy a direct order from your King?! This is treachery, and I'll see to it you lose everything if you break your oath!"

Grim locked his eyes onto the other, calm but deeply saddened by what he knew he had to do. Reaching for his side, King Aaron flinched back as Grim firmly grasped the handle of his sword - to present it to the other.

"I understand. I hereby revoke my title and position as King's Knight."

In mute shock, King Aaron numbly took the sword from the other, watching as Grim solemnly turned and began to remove himself from the quarters. He would be banished from the country, he was aware. However, he would rather leave behind all he knew - all he had loved - rather than lend his strength to furthering the transformation of his friend through this heinous act.

The cold metal of his own sword pricked hard into his back, and with a distinctly unpleasant sensation, was embedded within his torso.

He turned slowly, hands touching to his chest, eyes round in horror and disbelief and met by the cold, enraged stare of a madman.

The world darkened, a distinct feeling of gravity, and then nothingness embraced him.

The first time Grim awakened, his disorientation was immense and his grief stabbing. He was surrounded by a damp darkness, with shreds of morning light cutting through the gloom through gaps in the top of the cave.
It was surely that. A tiny enclosure of cold stone, natural in its composition, but upon investigation, unnaturally sealed off at the entrance by a heavy but moveable stone. Looking down upon his own body, he discovered the clothing he remembered, but now tattered and torn as if by age. Touching his chest and back, he discovered a scar in place of where he had once held metal in his flesh. How...?

Hefting the stone from the cave and embarking out only left him with more questions. The area he recognized. He was definitively still within Caestleon, as he recognized the landmarks, but things were... slightly wrong. Slightly in the wrong places. Things gone where they had once been, and other things placed where they should not be.

Wandering, he made his way towards where he remembered Spesvetus to be and was comforted to see that the gleaming stone walls remained alongside the glamourous and plain citizens flowing through the gates.

His home closer than the castle, and requiring a safe place to gather his thoughts, he stumbled inside, expecting to find his father and mother waiting for him, to instead witness a pair of strangers staring at him in shock. Justifiably, they were outraged that an odd, barely closed and ungroomed man interrupted their meal, and began to threaten and hurl items his way.

Attempting to shield his head, Grim ducked down and fled into the streets, his sorrow and bewilderment threatening to overtake him.
Slipping into the city by hiding among a caravan, here he wandered, marveling at the multitude of changes. The smithery of Agnes too held a new sign and a stranger could be seen straightening a lump of metal into the proper shape. Shops, locations, landmarks, all altered, as if... as if he had been away for a very long time.

Wandering so, it was in the depths of his confusion that a kind hand touched his shoulder, and he found himself staring into the kind eyes of a Ninetales woman. The gentleness of the way she smiled and the softness of which she beckoned him to follow her almost caused Grim to weep, but follow her he did, to a small home upon the edges of the city.

There, she placed him down with a blanket and a warm drink and introduced herself as Margan, a powerful magic user who has lived many years. She explained that she sensed him the moment he awakened and had studied into the history of his disappearance and death, and could help him understand his current state.

He had been cursed, she explained, by an act of ungodly betrayal. The evil of the act inflicted upon him had caused him to become bound to his own sword and begin a cycle of vengeance against those who would do evil in the world.

At this mention, Grim gave himself a closer look and recognized that his traits had changed. Margan confirmed this, going on to explain he was now a Honedge, and would remain in a cycle of life and death until he could break the curse.

How? She wasn't sure, as such curses varied and were very personal to each individual. He would need to find that out for himself. In his time in her home, she gifted him new clothing and a scarf to call his own and grant a feeling of security. She warned him that soon he would feel the curse pulling him into action, and he would leave her, to begin this strange new existence.

She was correct. A mere week and he could no longer resist the itch he felt to head out in a certain direction, an urgency that called him to act. And so, time began its never-ending march.


For years, Grim would find himself enthralled in a curse with very distinct properties.

He would experience two states: a Sleep Phase and an Awakened Phase.

During the Sleep Phase, Grim's body behaved essentially as a perished individual, with no discernable heartbeat but also a lack of decay. Any wounds inflicted upon him have shown to heal, though one might destroy him in this stage if inflicting enough damage.

His Awakened Phase rouses his body back into a living state, where it resumes where it was before, requiring sustenance and rest and also susceptible to death.

During times of great strife or need in the world, the curse pushes Grim into his wakeful phase where he is drawn to areas where people may need his assistance to defend and protect them. The length of these phases varies widely depending on how the curse dictates he is needed.

Each cycle Grim awakens into is dictated by a distinct fogginess of his past memories. It’s unclear if this is another feature of the curse or perhaps a mental coping mechanism devised by his mind, but each time he slumbers and awakens, he finds it very difficult to recall his past cycles. This extends to his original life as well and he has even forgotten his original name.

He has continued on in this fashion for a long while, with flashes of memories still accessible to him. He recalls that he's made many friends and witnesses certain important events. He knows that with modern advances in technology and with the aid of a close companion, he removed his breasts and learned more of his gender identity to reaffirm a semblance of identity. Most recently, he has found himself awakening once again to a call for help, to encounter someone very special.

Current Time
Within this cycle of his curse, Grim found himself in a crypt upon a densely foliated island, and a strong urge to wander towards a certain portion of the location. Unknown to him, this was Kumu Island, where a young man by the name Gale Page was hiding from his past within a campsite deep within the heart of the greenery.

Finding the hidden campground, Grim settled himself close to the faded fire, allowing his clouded mind to begin to clear and understand what was happening. As usual, it was too muddy for him to decipher anything markedly important, though he did know he was there to help someone, and if he gave himself enough time, that more information about his past would leak into his awakening mind.

He was interrupted by the return of Gale, who at once reacted with some hostility but quickly lowered his guard as he realized the other held no ill intent. He invited the strange man to remain for a bite to eat and to talk, an invitation which stretched into days, weeks, and then months.

Gale and he became inseparable. Understanding that he had vague recollections of a curse and a need to help someone, Gale was strangely accepting to the news that he held such a strange individual in his company. Hearing that the man had forgotten his original first name and could only remember he was held the surname of "Fowler", Gale humorously offered the name Grim due to the man's strangely intense face. It stuck, as did their friendship.

Within a handful of months living together in the dense forest, Grim accompanied Gale out to a run for supplies within Kala Island, where they overheard of the GCSF. When Gale suggested they look into it for a potential pathway into the future, as easy as breathing they took the step to research and register as bonified Bounty Hunters. The idea of being able to stop bad people and helping others pleased Grim greatly. As did the notion of continuing on this path forward as Co-Leader beside Gale.


  • Blue Scarf | A gift given to him by someone in his past. The fabric is extremely resilient as despite being very old it retains its color and quality.

Gale Page

Close Friend
Someone who has quickly become very important to Grim, Gale took him in and has since provided guidance and direction where there once had been none. Thanks to the other, for the first time in a long while, Grim finds himself smiling and hoping for the future.


  • Due to the nature of Grim's curse, as he is bonded to his sword, he is never separate from it. Meaning that the blade resides within his body and can be summoned from his skin. The process is only mildly painful, produces no blood, and the sword can be entirely produced and held like a normal weapon before being reabsorbed. If separated from him, the sword will seemingly disintegrate in a matter of minutes and be at his call once again.
  • The scarf worn around Grim's neck may contain mystical properties, as he is able to manipulate the fabric and use it like an extra hand. Though he holds no memory of how he obtained it, he vaugly recalls it came very early in his life, soon after his curse.
  • Has taken to painting his nails black - or, more specifically, allowing Gale to paint his nails black when Gale feels the need to add a fresh coat.