Nyx's Comments


I saw your thread at the Adoption Center.
Is she still available?
If so, may I please have her for my Sci-Fi Roleplay Session?

Of course! Apologies for the wait, I was waiting to see if someone else was going to accept a transfer with her that had been established a week prior, but they hadn't accepted it so she's yours c: Take care!

Are they available still by chance? I really like their design and think they would be a good character in a upcoming story of mine!

ashen I would love to be considered for this child! He caught my eye due to his design and immediate story i came up with for him. I also have a idea for a fullbody for him and his brother. He would also have a entire family and clan made for this specific story and folklore. All would have full backstories along with fullbodies and more art and whatnot.

I would be using him in multiple stories for folklore. He would be the main characters along with his Brother i would have made. His brother and him would be considered ethereal beings before being cursed but after that, both would still be highly respected for their many good things they do on earth now after being sent away from their beloved stars. As you know it, these two would have to fix what they messed up before being allowed to unite back in the starry night sky. These brothers guided souls, you see, to where they became beautiful stars in the sky. But one night, oh that dreaded fateful night, they were set up. Members of their clan in the stars hated them for being tasked with such a high and honored position. They were jealous! All of them! The boys wouldn't forget what they did to them. But could they fix it? Only time would tell. 

Name: Nash

Nickname: Neb

Age: 19 (That what it shows at least before they were cursed. Their real age is around 1900 years) 

Gender: Male 

Sexuality: Bi

Likes: Being barefoot, traveling. He also enjoys fruits and vegetables unlike his brother who despises them. 

Dislikes: Those who do others wrong. 

Perso: Nash is a very headstrong boy. He's never listened to his elders although he does have the upmost respect for them. He often leads by his heart and not his head which seems to get him in trouble at times. Though, he is also caring and kind he tries to stay out of as much trouble as possible. 

I woudl adore to also try for this baby.
I am part of a CS called Warpas and would adore to make them into a warpa. The markings on their cheeks would become more markings of stars as well. They would become a male, and would keep the name Nebula.