


3 years, 5 months ago


Basic Information

Full Name: Tomoe

Gender: Female

Age:  12
Date of Birth: February 5th, year of the Kyuubi Attack

Height: 5'0

Weight: 120
Appearance:  Tomoe has a broad build with particularly thick thighs.  She keeps her brown hair cut short, with bangs hanging in her face.  She has a square face shape with big eyes and a wide mouth. 

Village: Konohagakure

Clan: None

Family: The Orphanage

  • Auntie Akane:  A caretaker at the orphanage.  Akane has offered Tomoe much guidance in her life, even after Tomoe left the orphanage.
  • Emi:  Tomoe's best friend growing up, and sister-figure.  Emi has often helped build Tomoe's confidence when she's in a low place.


Self Expression: Tomoe tends to use simple words and tries to use as few as possible.

  • She prefers clothing that is easy to move in.
  • There's always some green in her clothing.

Goals: Tomoe isn't sure of what she wants out of life.  She's just trying to find her place.

  • Mostly, Tomoe's trying to prove to herself she's worth anything.

Fears: Tomoe struggles with self-worth due to never finding a home with an adopted family.  Every time she fails it feels like proof she doesn't deserve a family.

  • For reasons Tomoe doesn't understand, the color pink makes her intensely uncomfortable.

Weakness: If she believes she will succeed, Tomoe will stop at nothing to achieve success.

  • This can be anything from shoving someone down during a race, to pushing herself to the breaking point to master a new skill.

Tomoe is known for her blunt honesty.  She doesn't understand beating around the bush or telling "white lies" to save someone's feelings.  Tomoe is always straight-forward, even if that means showing disrespect towards her superiors.  Anyone who treats Tomoe with the same direct attitude earns her respect and friendship.  Tomoe can be quite creative.  She's often figuring out ways to combine her chakra nature with her fighting and creating new techniques.  Her imagination has allowed her to keep an open mind, as she always tries to look at things from everyone's perspectives.

Tomoe doesn't remember her parents.  They died protecting the village against the Kyuubi when she was just a baby.  She grew up in the village orphanage, with many other children.  She was always a problem kid, constantly getting in fights and causing damages.  She simply had too much energy to play quietly.  Unfortunately, her reputation discouraged any possible parents from adopting her.  Tomoe watched as her friends were adopted, while she never once came close.  The worst day was when she was six, and her best friend found a home.  She felt like she didn't deserve love.  
At age 8, Tomoe was enrolled into the shinobi academy and began training.  At first, she had no interest in becoming a kunoichi, but she soon got it in her head if she became a skilled kunoichi it would somehow make her worth love.  She began to push herself further and further, and was hospitalized more than once from pushing herself too far.

Combat Information

Rank: Academy Student/Genin

Specialization: Nintaijutsu - The Distinguished art of combining chakra natures and fist fighting.

Chakra Nature: Earth

Strength:  16 (3)

Dexterity:  15 (2)

Constitution:  16 (3)

Wisdom:  13 (1)

Intelligence:  13 (1)

Charisma:  12 (1)

Will:  18 (4)

Luck:  11 (0)

Standard equipment pouch

Record: Basic academy training

  • Genin exam (passed at 12)