
3 years, 6 months ago




 Name  Chua
 Sexuality  Gay
 Age  19
 Pronouns  He/Him
 Height  5'6
 Build  Lanky
 Species  Dino Dog
 Occupation  Skate Shop Clerk
 Alighnment  Chaotic Good
 Demeanor  Oblivious
 Worth  $???


SkatingThe beachRock CandyGrunge Music


SeagullsThe RainBeing VunerableWork




He learned to skate in hell, so finds most earth skate parks kinda boring.


He struggles to be upfront and honest about his emotions, so often comes of as snarky and mean. Xanga fears vulnerability and abandonmet so avoids forming strong connections to others.


Since leaving hell he has been overly paranoid of being caught, so changes his pallete often to blend in as best as possible. One of his more reptilian traits is an ability to change the colour of his fur.



Xanga was born and raised as a demon in Hell, and was later asigned to be a scout demon responsible for locating and marking people for damnation. While living in Hell he developed a love for skating and scene culture. He offically joined the 27th legion of demons at 17. However spending this much time being around and reasearching terrible people was emotionally draining so he left Hell to live on Earth. He maintains a low profile and changes his appearance often in order to remain under the radar.


During his time on Earth he managed to forge his way into a local art college in the UK, where he studied an Art and Design Diploma. Xanga's type of art is making weird fashion items out of thrift store teddy bears and safty pins. Here he met friends Drippinz and Dusk and learned more about Earth culture. They were both into skating too so would often hang out at the skate park between classes.


After college he got a job working in a skate shop on the coast, he used the money he earnt there to rent an apartment with his two friends. He spends spare money on making custom boards and other fashion to sell on his etsy store. While Xanga still struggles with being upfront emotionally, his friends get him and understand he's not actually being a dick. However acquaintances arent as understanding and there is often friction between him an others. Xanga doesnt mind this too much though, hes okay in his own company.




Dusk  [ Best Friend ]

Xanga met Dusk at art school and while things started out hositle between them it only took a drunken walk hom in the cold to break the ice. Dusk is capable of matching Xanga's bad attitude and together with their 'tough as nails' personas they wreak havoc on the local pubs. There is little emotional realness between them, but he'd walk through hell and back for her.


Character  [ relationship ]

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Character  [ relationship ]

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