
3 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name:

Kieran Shaw

Other Names:

Kee (close personal use only)


Male (he/him)


well he has one




Human (hi-tech cyborg)


Ash & Dust

Creation Date:

June 20th 2020


A young hi-tech, recently delinquent from the local city. After graduating, he slowly started dipping his toes in the wasteland outside the city's walls, already suspect that the hi-tech way of life wasn't for him, and shortly after left home to search for his brother Teagan - allegedly, at least; it's been eight years since Teeg left and it's a big world out there. He's been on his own for a year or two now, and after becoming used to the wasteland culture he's considering settling somewhere more permanent.

Kieran took a bit of a backseat to Teagan in their family, with his parents devoting a lot of attention to Teagan's blood-sport career, but it gave him an excellent perspective to observe from. After Teagan's breakdown and disappearance, Kieran made fast friends with another kid in his school year victim to hi-tech parenting bullshit, Oleander, fused with his own twin in infancy and privy to all the problems his parents made for him. They grow up together and it breaks Kieran's heart to leave him behind when he flees the city for good, even though he knows its for Oli's own safety.

Having watched his twin brother grow up under the intense pressure of junior-league terminator, becoming more and more aggressive and detached, Kieran already had an uncharacteristic distaste for modifications that's only driven all the more by his friendship with Oleander. Despite societal encouragement, Kieran's remained resolutely unaltered (at least for a hi-tech anyway) and slips by unnoticed in the wasteland. He lives as a mildly nomadic adventurer at the moment; still interested in finding his brother, but investing himself in learning what the world's really like while plotting how to steal Oli away from his parents.

Kieran is quiet and unassuming but surprisingly strong-willed. He knows what he stands for and what his goals are and he will be achieving them no matter who or what stands in the way, barring sheer impossibility. On occasion he can seem pessimistic, but more accurately, he is bluntly realistic - he's very good at taking things in stride and admissions that may shock other people are just truths to accept in his mind.

Social Connections

Teagan - identical twin brother who's been "missing" since they were 12. got along well and were each other's emotional rocks, but Kieran doesn't know where Teeg stands now, if he's still alive
Oleander - best friend (and crush), still living in the city. loves him so, so much and misses him dearly; they write to each other

Culture - Hi-techs

Hi-techs are people hailing from the local dystopian cyberpunk cities, steeped in vanity and unapologetic self-serving immoral bullshit. They are eugenicists that encourage destructive cyber bodymodding and desperately cling to the idea that they are the last bastion of "proper" civilization left over from the apocalypse (and are better than everyone else because of it). Despite their uppity attitude, the hi-tech cities rely heavily on the remainder of humanity in the wastelands to support their lifestyles, and frankly nobody likes them much because of it.

Hi-techs are identifiable by their uniquely sleek, lifelike cybernetics and tendency to look just left of human - their high-level technology allows for many "invisible" modifications that appear biologically legitimate. They are usually stuffed to the brim with mods that serve no purpose outside of vanity - though sometimes not by choice, as modding your children to look the way you want is commonplace. Even then, nearly all of them are brilliantly attractive underneath their mods, even if their personalities are not.

World Context

The world ended around 300 years ago, give or take, depending on where you'd like to calculate the end of the end to be. Civilization slowly crumbled under a brutal barrage of seemingly every possible apocalypse (natural disasters, polluted resources, world war,) over the course of fifty-some-odd years and now it's a lawless wasteland like the good ole days. No human culture is truly back on its feet, but the wasteland is coming back to life: nature is rebounding en force and many established settlements and factions are doing well for themselves. Plenty of people still roam as survivor crews living off the land, but overall, the memory of the apocalypse itself has passed and a new norm has settled in.

This isn't to say everything is perfect - remnants of war efforts and catastrophic pollution have still left their calling cards, among other things. Rogue robots wander and kill at their leisure and the sky is blanketed in thick, permanent cloud cover. Assholes run rampant in the form of bandits, militia, and dystopian cityfolk continuing the old ways - it's still called "the wasteland" for a reason. But the world and humanity are healing, slowly but surely.

The primary narrative of Ash & Dust happens out in the wasteland with a misfit band of "scrappers:" folks that scavenge technological scrap and will hunt robots, drones, and even cyborgs to break them down for parts. They're not self-sustaining and trade their catches with local settlements on the regular. Like any rogueish wasteland bands, they value their freedom and members often come and go as they please while finding their calling.

> 5' 7" smedium tall
> canon birthday February 20th; Capricorn (calendar-adjusted)

> lost his eye to Teagan, has refused to replace it
> slightly taller than Teagan thanks to his lack of mods
> younger twin by 6 minutes

> none of note yet

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Primary Notes
> has a second symmetric beauty mark under his bangs
> bangs should cover his missing eye

> leggings reach up above the waist of his pants

Other Things
> fairly broad, but not remarkably large. skinnier than his brother
> due to get tattoos sometime :3