


3 years, 5 months ago



Older sister of Lisa

Personality: Cecilia is wary of others and often views relationships through an unfavourably distorted lens. She isn’t very loyal to others because she thinks that they are only friendly if it serves their interests and that they actually dislike her and just won’t openly express it. Because of this her relationships are often shallow. This isn’t to say that Cecilia is a bad wolf, she still has a moral code and believes that the less fortunate should be taken care of and such, but she is very cynical and often interprets the actions of others uncharitably. 

History: Cecilia grew up with only one sibling. When she grew up her parents worked hard to provide for them because they had been born later than standard and they needed to compensate to get them ready for the winter. Because of this, unfortunately, Cecilia felt distant to them and her bond with Lisa was the only thing she could really rely on. One day Cecilia and Lisa were wandering out of the den while their parents were away on a hunting trip and they failed to respect a badger’s space. Lisa ended up getting hurt badly so Cecilia brought her back to the den but didn’t know what else to do but wait for their parents. When they returned they were shocked and reprimanded Cecilia harshly for not protecting Lisa well enough. Cecilia felt very guilty over this but also thought that her parents were needlessly cruel about it and was under the impression that they were only pretending to care about Lisa so they could be cruel to Cecilia. This wasn’t true, their parents really did love and were worried about their pup, but Cecilia didn’t see them express it often so this impressed upon her a dislike of her parents that was never mended. Before the usual time that pups would leave their parents Cecilia convinced Lisa to go with her so they ran away without their parents knowing and lived together for a while until Lisa found a mate and left to start a pack. Cecilia still visits Lisa but lives by herself.