


3 years, 6 months ago


Name - Scroon

Nicknames(if any) -

Species - Irken

Personality - Scroon used to be an invader (a good one at that) so he is ruthless. he doesn't like to kill but he won't hesitate if he has to. he isn't a coward and doesn't believe in sacrifices that much, but he will take one to save a friend. he is a good liar, a tribute necessary for an invader, and bluffs ALOT. he shares a bit of a personality with Wire, but doesn't complain as much. when he reflects on the past, he gets a bit depressed and has feelings of guilt.

History - since Scroon is tall, he was loved by the tallest, he became an invader and conquered the planet now known as foodcourtia in 3 days. the tallest were so proud they gave him practically anything he wanted. he wanted a way to live forever and the tallest injected his PAK with Bio Drones. (for all those that haven't watched Doctor who, those are microscopic robots that heal people when they get hurt, and even death is something they can heal easily.) Scroon went on a few more invasions and had such good luck that he decided he would try the planet of cyborgs. they gave him WIR, but sadly that mission ended with WIR having his head blown in and a retreat. Scroon wanted to fix WIR and retire from invasions, but the tallest threw WIR away and sent Scroon to the planet Dirt for janitorial duties as punishment for retreating. but when it comes to technology and directions, Scroon is a pathetic loser. so he SOMEHOW landed on planet earth in which he was found out by a human that looked like Dib's father. He sent out a bunch of distress calls, describing his attacker, but the tallest ignored him. he used the self-destruct button, but of course he can’t die like that. So after around, oh 3-5 years later, he woke up again and stole one of Zim’s ships without Zim noticing, and returned to Irk. He descised himself and called himself Sev, he used the voice changer (shown on FBI warning of doom) so no one would recognize him, he became an irken elite and bought a human holographic disguise in case he ever came back to earth.

One of the pit falls of having Bio Drone in his PAK is he can’t live for more than 2 minutes without his PAK. (idk why that must’ve been a glitch don’t ask me)

Gender - Male

If Irken, do you have a SIR unit? If so, what's its name? He is Wire's true master, but Wire doesn't recognize anyone as his master