Ursa Ogbonna



3 years, 5 months ago



"I've had enough death in my life. Are you okay? Can you walk?"
Here's where you can provide a brief introduction to the context of the character. Vestibulum porttitor sem ut varius pulvinar. Nulla iaculis nec turpis ac tempus. Aliquam viverra congue enim, ut rhoncus neque luctus non. Donec a condimentum libero.
Full Name Ursa MNP Ogbonna
Ethnicity Black (Igbo), white
Gender Masc nonbinary woman (she/ze/they/zey)
Orientation Bisexual, sapphic
Age 23 years

Describe the character's personality in more detail here.

Ursa is a lot more emotional and frankly shy than most would realize. Ze is naturally blunt, gruff, and inexpressive, and ze tends to cover nervousness and discomfort with a tough facade. Sentimental, blushes easily, and gets weepy about cute things. Snappy when stressed. Ze's working on it.

Born ??? ???, 1998
Birthplace ???, Wyoming, USA
Residence ??? forgot
Roleplay Nevermore (Jan 2021)

Summarise your character's life until the present time in as much or as little detail as you would like! Feel free to go into present plot details as well if that's your style.

Morbi sed volutpat leo, ut fermentum nisi. Ut diam metus, egestas in mauris et, dapibus congue erat. Phasellus mollis placerat lectus nec egestas. Donec eu felis ut risus accumsan laoreet tempor at urna. Donec maximus luctus nisi sed tincidunt. Vestibulum at lacus neque. Pellentesque imperdiet libero magna.

Phasellus mollis metus libero, ac hendrerit turpis pellentesque a. Nam sollicitudin, diam vitae vestibulum pellentesque, nunc sapien ornare nisl, id congue est nisi quis elit. Sed volutpat pellentesque eleifend. Pellentesque faucibus hendrerit lobortis.

Height 5 ft, 7 in
Build Fat and muscular
Eye color Dark brown
Hair color (dye) Purple
Hair color (natural) Black

Ursa is a stocky, broad-shouldered woman with muscular arms. She has curly shoulder-length hair, usually in a low ponytail and dyed - I typically draw her with bright purple hair, but I imagine she changes the dye color here and there. She has wide-set eyes and a broad but hooked nose.

Ursa has distinctive piercings - three lip rings (silver), and a stud in hir nostril (red/purple). Ze sometimes wears other, modest jewelry; hir ears are pierced, but ze usually doesn't wear earrings. Ze wears a lot of mascara but little makeup otherwise. Ze presents masculinely and is kind of alt, but usually sticks to more subdued clothing.

Handedness Right
Associated motifs stars, the moon, bears (duh)
Associated colors black, pink, purple, and blue; brights on darks

  • I named her "Ursa" somewhat arbitrarily, but I decided to go with giving her a loose bear theme: she is protective and has a standoffish exterior, but not all that mean underneath. She's also bearish in the gay sense (bearish women are sometimes called 'ursulas', fun fact). In-fiction, she takes her name mainly from Ursa Major, a moniker I associated with her a lot.
  • In-fiction, Ursa is technically a nickname. She accepts her given name (Julie) and has no interest in changing it, but she introduces herself as Ursa whenever possible.
  • Zey own an elderly German Shepherd named Reagan, who zey've had since she was a puppy.
  • Bites her nails.

Songs ——————————
Black Sun - Death Cab for Cutie
Maize Stalk Drinking Blood - The Mountain Goats
You Were Cool - The Mountain Goats
Sleepyhead - Passion Pit
Name | Relationship Label
Fusce non tincidunt dui, a luctus tortor. Nulla sed accumsan ante. Mauris quis justo vitae velit tincidunt sollicitudin euismod ut lectus. Ut sed dolor mauris. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
Name | Relationship Label
Fusce non tincidunt dui, a luctus tortor. Nulla sed accumsan ante. Mauris quis justo vitae velit tincidunt sollicitudin euismod ut lectus. Ut sed dolor mauris.

Sidebar image from Unsplash.