
3 years, 6 months ago


Name: Ace
Gender: Male
Age: idk, never thought of it if I'm honest. he looks like a teenager though. Birthday is Jan 9th
Species: no idea, looks human

Tall and scrawny. has long purple hair. has red piercing eyes. always has hair covering his right eye. 

Cheese -Companion Tolerates

Notes: Can't speak any known language and doesn't try. can generate energy by sleeping and eating, but not like we do, like he can store it up and by sleeping for five days, he will have five days worth of energy. Cheese is attached to Ace by a chain on his left arm. is abnormally strong and fast. use to live in a dangerous, deadly place, so he is just waiting for anything and everything to try and kill him. knows a little English, like basic greetings and when other's say his name. Likes sleeping, like he is always sleeping. Favorite color is pink. likes to draw. has characters that he thinks about to pass the time.