


3 years, 5 months ago




unreadable ○ violent ○ bloodthirsty

Name Eris Bellona Alias Eris
Age 27 D.o.B. October 27
Gender Nonbinary Pronouns They/them
Race Tiefling Class Knight of the Sepulcher Antipaladin
Height 8'0" Build Broad and muscular
MBTI ESFP Alignment Chaotic Evil


Eris was born to a noble family with a tradition of rearing strong warriors. They were taught to fight from the moment they could hold a sword and became a knight at age 16, joining up with a battalion of other high-ranking nobles. They were a gifted soldier and very well-liked within their company. However, as much as they enjoyed their work, their commander was corrupt. He had personal conflicts with several members of Eris's company, and he sent the group on what was essentially a death mission. The majority of Eris's company was killed, and they were severely wounded. They lost an eye, both legs, and parts of their horns. As they were bleeding out, they called up a prayer to their god, Bellona, offering to trade anything in exchange for their life. Bellona agreed, taking Eris's voice in exchange for their life.

After the loss of all their friends, Eris took a dramatic turn towards violence. They didn't see a need to hold back the worst of their impulses- why try to be socially acceptable when there was nobody left that they wanted acceptance from? They also turned their back from the noble corps they had been a part of, instead becoming a mercenary. They preferred to drift between groups, rather than settling for long enough to make friends.

However, their new life of bloodlust caused them problems. They were often violent towards people, even outside of combat. It was only a matter of time before they were arrested. They were thrown into jail often, and eventually ended up with a cellmate named Mormo. The two hit it off (somehow) and became traveling companions... eventually getting arrested again. They were forced to join a small team to complete dangerous secret missions, slowly shaving years off of their life sentences together.


Strength [ Excellent ]
Intelligence [ Awful ]
Dexterity [ Average ]
Wisdom [ Average ]
Constitution [ Good ]
Charisma [ Excellent ]

Eris is willful and bullheaded. They don't like to listen to anyone, and they're not afraid to use physical force when they're unhappy. They also aren't the sort to wait around patiently for complicated, intellectual plans- they prefer to charge right on through. Eris doesn't spend too much time thinking. Even though they're violent, they're not particularly vengeful. Eris doesn't care if the person they're fighting has wronged them or not- they just care that they're fighting someone.

They're not particularly expressive in their day-to-day life. They've got deadened eyes, a flattened affect, and an affinity for silence. Their bulky stature and bulkier armor certainly don't make them approachable, either. The only time they ever feel anything particularly strong is on the battlefield. Otherwise, they hardly emote. They are only able to speak telepathically and through magical items. When they do "talk", Eris is quite crass and colorful with their language. They love stringing together violent insults almost as much as they love executing those violent insults.


Artist Notes

  • They are missing both legs from above the knee. They wear magical prosthetics that match the rest of their armor.
  • They sometimes wear a "halo", which they tie to their horns.
  • If you're drawing them and need to simplify them, feel free to! If you want to keep them in their armor, please at least keep the halo, shoulder wings, and skull on the chestplate. If you want to draw them out of armor, they just wear a lot of purple and light colors- either that or all black.
  • Their face is almost always blank. They seldom smile anywhere outside of combat.
  • While they're a skilled warrior, they're also incredibly reckless in battle. They're frequently badly scratched up from their fights, and they've got their share of battle scars.


  • They care a lot about their appearance a lot- they frequently wake up early just to do their eyeliner.
  • They still have a good relationship with their family, even if they're away from home.
  • They signed their voice away in a pact. However, they have since gotten a magical sword that they are able to project a voice through.
  • Their mother, a tiefling, is a high-ranking knight. Their father, a human, is a necromancer who married into the family. Eris also has a younger brother- he takes far more after their father.
  • The first noble in their family was simply named "Bellona". She was granted noble rank because of her heroism and grit in wartime. She ascended to divinity after her death, and the family still worships her.
  • Their whole family worships Bellona as a deity of war, destruction, and death. Many family members look on the more positive aspects of this deity: protection, persistence through hard times, honorable death, and a source of income. Many also look on the more negative aspects: blood, violence, chaos. There's surprisingly little family drama over this.