


3 years, 4 months ago


Dec 9, 20. Willider "Mauve" Mildredd thought his name was pretty stupid, so he goes by Mauve, thanks. Dr. Mauve, if you will. Which you'd better. He didn't waste all his time BS-ing a doctorate for nothing. Mauve's a rude, reclusive, antisocial research scientist working on...pretty much anything he can puzzle out. He works for a company that functions under the guise of being a legitimate operation. In reality, they hire your mad science types in hopes of getting a jump on some spiffy new technology. Most researchers live in-facility. Mauve personally sees no need to leave. He's not even sure...they'd let him if he tried to walk out. He's not oblivious to the facility's watchful eye

He's personally discovered something that he's not exactly sure is useful, but it is something. He's found himself able to 'tear' reality. From these rifts comes a liquid, brightly colored red, yellow, or blue. He's able to seal up the rifts, but whatever goop has spilled out will remain in the real world. He's keeping this a secret from the facility, so he's found it incredibly difficult to do any real research on this stuff. Which is vexing, as he's quite invested. Now that he's discovered it, he's finding it difficult to not cut primary-colored gashes in the air. The stuff seems to have an affinity for him...