Vikaelya Caleti



3 years, 6 months ago


Vikaelya Caleti

25 • 5'6" • Female • Salamander
Nicknames Vikky, Vika
Age 25
Gender Female
Sexuality Heterosexual
Species Salamander
Occupation School teacher
dob ???
Origin Eiria, Tlemiyatl Tribe
Alignment Neutral good


Peacemaker • Stubborn • Headstrong • Motherly

Vikaelya is a strong, independent woman who don't need no man! This is a lie, someone please help her.


  • Teaching
  • Her students
  • Punching Xyl


  • ATM machines. Look, they're broken, it's not her fault
  • Credit cards. LOOK IT'S NOT HER FAULT


SALAMANDER PHYSIOLOGY || Vikaelya is a salamander, and comes equipped with salamander-born abilities. Her true form is that of a large (6-7 ft-ish) bipedal lizard-like creature, with bio-volcanic- skin. Naturally, they're a pretty hardy and fast bunch, though their true expertise lies with fire. Capable of absorbing and manipulating fire, she's essentially completely fire and heatproof. At its base stage without any absorbed fire, salamander skin is actually rather cool to the touch. But absorbing fire does make their skin warmer. Magic is generally an innate thing, but it still needs to be learned, so Vikky leared transformation magic and adopted a human form. Since she's literally a bio-volcanic species, se actually bleeds lava. If you cut her human form, lava would still come out because.

  • Stronk fighter


Offense [Stronk]
Defense [Solid]
Dexterity [Good]
Speed [Above. avg]
Intelligence [Good]

Abilities [Controlled]
Stamina [Good]
Perception [Good]
Recovery [Not bad]
Charisma [Good with kids]


Vikaelya, like her other two siblings, is a little headstrong. However, she’s considered to be the calmest of the three, and tends to play mediator between her two fighting brothers. However, due to her upbringing (especially being raised by her older brother Zenovia) is maybe a bit too quick to resort to violence, and will unhesitantly smack people while preaching peace. Vikaelya has a rather motherly attitude, and fusses over her students, friends and family alike. She enjoys teaching, and is fond of both teenagers and children, no matter how tough they might be to deal with. The school she teaches at is filled with delinquents, so Vikaelya just smacks them into shape, tbh. It’s like Nagisa teaching E-Class.

But unfortunately… she’s actually… a loser at life. Vikky manages to fail in the most basic of tasks. This includes the kitchen, where she once blew up microwave mac n’ cheese. And also not knowing how to use the ATM, because she keeps inserting the credit card wrong. After she left her village with Xylnthian to start another life, she practically immediately became bankrupt because she couldn’t figure out how to survive in society. It’s hard for her to grasp the workings of “cultured” life, but unfortunately for her and her headstrong-ness, she's too stubborn to ask for help (besides her twin brother, who's getting increasingly annoyed by this.)


• Vikky also comes from the salamander tribe, the Tlemiyatle Salamander tribe of which there's basically no like, technology, and it's all just kind of like an ancient civilization. She yeeted off to modern society with Xyl.

• One older brother, Zenovia, the tribe chief, and one older twin bro, Xylnthian.



Edan [ future boyfriend ]



Zenovia Caleti [ older brother ]

Good big brother :)


Xylnthian Caleti [ older twin brother ]

Twin powers activate.

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