
3 years, 9 months ago


Nick is a zombie hunter/collector for the Sanctuary of the Fallen Ones.

Nick is a more reserved individual, not really speaking much outside of when needed. He comes off as mildly grumpy and snarky when he does speak, often using sarcasm to give people the hint that he doesn't want to be bothered. That isn't to say he doesn't care about the people in the sanctuary, far from it: He just doesn't want to admit that, as showing any empathy is seen as a weakness in his eyes. That and...well, he kind of views himself as a disposable asset rather than an actual person, so he tends to present himself like such. He fears that the virus in him would suddenly flare up and he'd turn and attempt to devour or turn everyone else around him.

Before the apocalypse, Nick was a member of the National Guard. He had himself a wife and child, but as of now their location is unknown (although Nick presumes that they're dead). At some point during the apocalypse, Nick got infected with a sort of zombie virus. Just when it seemed like Nick would just have to accept his fate as a shambling corpse of death, the Sanctuary of the Fallen Ones reached out with an offer: An experimental vaccine for the virus he was afflicted with. Feeling he had nothing to lose, he accepted.

The cure worked, but not quite in the way people expected. It didn't purge the virus from his blood, but it stopped it from multiplying and growing, effectively halting Nick's turning. As part of the deal, he now works for the Sanctuary as a collector of specimens for the scientists to experiment on and attempt to make a cure for.

30 || 6'5" || ??? || B- (infected)


  • A consequence of getting infected, Nick can eat human flesh no problem, and occasionally has a nagging craving for it.
  • Doesn't really have that many friends...
  • At one point, he ended up getting a nasty injury to his neck, which fucked with his voice. Blame that on a sharp-clawed zombie with a clock for an eye and