


3 years, 9 months ago


Name: Sky

Age: mid 30

Gender: demi girl



* a betta anthro. (Skelton and albino mutation)

- can control electricity within the radius of a city. Also can make electricity too, without any problem.

- a member of Hero Union but seems that she doesn't want to join in.

- kinda (quite) badass, sassy, and kinky... But always kind to her customers and the who she wants. Still badass tho.

- yeah, she's kinda flirt, playboy. But most ppl donno this because she hide this, only shows it when the one doesn't know who she is.

- she is a CEO of the major company, which is related to electricity and IT.

- her eyes are very weak to the lights, so she doesn't use her power often. Only use it when she really need or when the electricity doesn't need to be seemed; like swich off lights of a room.

- birth noblity... But she doesn't like her family. Because of the 'noble acts, things-... blah blah'

- as you can see above, her company is not inherited by her family, she made it and have made it to major company. Although she is a not that good person, she's a great talented and genius.

- knows how to treat ppl. (lol)

- well tba?

- voice claimed: Forgiveness