Requiem $30's Comments

Hello! I know that it says they're WTA and DTA, but i really have no artistic ability, so I wanted to see if you'd be interested in a character trade, plus writing? If so, I can offer anyone in my Lovlies folder! Sorry if this comment is a bother, but I love the design of this character and had to try!

Kon’nichiwa! Gomen. I am only taking characters on this list, (three way trades accepted). Your comment and interest is highly appreciated however! Feel free to do a WTA. If the WTA you do is adequate or impressive then your chances for this chart greatly increase! Arigato!

(PS: Remember to favorite the listed amount of characters in this bio.)

I sent offers for some of the characters you have listed, so I just have to wait to hear back from them! I also favorited 10 or 11 of your characters :)

Here's the thoughts I have for this guy: All his life everyone around him thought he was just a little bit... off. No one could ever quite put their finger on what made him so different and eerie feeling, but this guy instinct made others stay away. This made it to where Epithet was constantly alone and shunned by others. The only ones who didnt Reject him was his family and one little bunny. This bunny was a very good friend of Epithet's and had been since they were very little. They didnt feel this same fear of him that everyone else did, and only saw Epithet as this kid who needed a friend. And so they were friends for years and years, seeming like their friendship would never come to a halt. Until one day something happened that the bunny never would've imagined. Epithet... he just snapped. No one really knows what just suddenly caused this change, but Epithet began a murder spree, cutting and hacking through all those around him who had shunned and demonized him. At the peak of this massacre the bunny, in blind panic and fear ran, trying to get as far away from the crazed fox as possible. Once Epithet got wind of this he immediately felt hurt. His lifelong friend had abandoned him and, in his eyes, for no reason. Epithet hunted the bunny down, captured them, and tried to make them come back with him. But it was too late. The bunny was already too fearful and untrusting of him. There was nothing that could be done. And so Epithet killed the bunny, believing it to be better than letting them live in fear, and carved their face into a mask, so that they would never have to leave their friend behind.

Kon’nichiwa! That’s very sweet that you offered on my dreamies! ❤️

I see you have one potential trade (the snake). Let me know. Regardless, for your kindness and amazing writing Epithet is definitely yours! ^^

Would you like to wait for confirmation on the possible trade with the other user? Also, additional head canon, Epithet talks to the bunny mask sometimes… friendship is forever.

I'll definitely let you know what they decide on! I also really like the snake's design, haha. Thank you so so much!

We can do whichever you prefer! You can go ahead and send Epithet over, or we can wait. Oh Epithet totally talks to it. Life as a serial killer gets lonely. Good thing he has a friend who'll never leave him.

Sounds lovely! I checked myself and they are willing to trade! It is a very lovely design . I’ll send Epithet your way once the snake is in your possession and pending to me.

I think it is funny that we associate serial killers with having one object/person they are toxically emotionally attached to. Anyhow, I look forward to seeing what you do with Epithet! Feel free to change their name btw.

6 Replies

How much art would you take for them?

Kon’nichiwa! Just make me an offer you feel is fair and can do in a 2 week period  and fav the amount of characters instructed in the bio. ^^

Wouldn't it be sooooo funny if I offered on another one of your raffle kids again? XD

Perhaps somebody in my trade folder or some more art? qwq

Gomen. I am only taking characters on this list, (three way trades accepted) but you can throw an art offer my way! There is now a two week completion period for art. Let me know if this interests you.

You like bat ponies? owo I can do a custom one if that interests you?

No thanks. ^^’ I am not looking for customs. Only art or dream lists. If you can complete art within 2 weeks let me know 

Well I can complete the art within 2 weeks lmao but I think i'll just skip town on this evil bby DX

Okay. I appreciate your interest! Arigato!

I wasn't too sure if I needed to do only the WTA+DTA section and the adopt one or only one- Also can I just say your characters are lovely!

Not too sure how much art to offer or what type of art to offer, maybe a few full bodies? Most recent art examples:

I like them so much?? I just really vibe with them. I have so many ideas for them-

Random ideas for the wta part:

The rabbit face they wear is their ex boyfriends. They wear it as a trophy, it was the first person they had ever killed.

He's sort of a asshole

He goes to a highschool. He usually skips class and have no care for grades. After killing his ex he sort of became more distant and creepy.

when the popular kid goes psycho/ gfdsuhkaijlo;kmxgarlfjndks

Gomen! Someone confirmed an offer on this adopt! I do appreciate all your efforts and your interest! You art is lovely too. I have other DTA+WTAs and perhaps even OTA characters you may like? Let me know!

Update, the other user backed out. Reconsidering your offer.

Ah, Alright!