Jinau's Comments

Idk if this guy would interest you but it's worth a try! https://toyhou.se/7560764.barbeau

He's very pretty but I don't think I'd use him that much

I figured. Thank you though :) 

Does this fella interest you.?


He's pretty but im not sure I'd use him very much

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I do like the bone themed kiri designs but as of rn I don't think I'd be able to use him much

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Very tent but did this guy interest you for him? https://toyhou.se/9939573.holt

As much as I loved that guy I'm not sure I'd really use him

No worries!

Id be willing to trade anyone in either of these folders :1:  :2:

thank u for your time ^^

Sorry I didn't see anyone I was interested in

hi sorry to bother you again but does this guy interest you at all? :D no worries if not!

So sorry for the late response. I do like this guys design but I don't think I'd use him much right now

Hello! I have these two that are available if you’re interested:) 



Those guys are pretty cute but unfortunately I don't think I'd use them that much

Really loving this guy. He'd fit perfectly with my Kiriey Men. Multiple arms, animal like, colorful ❤. I know its tent but do you have an idea of what kiriey designs you'd like? So many out there, might easy to find what you'd like if narrowed down. I'm determined to try to aquire someone for for this beauty 

Let me look at my other kiri design and get a general idea cause I also adore his multiple arms, and color design

Cool :). If you like multiple arms ;) Shaurya 🌟 on Toyhouse  Aadhira 🌟 on Toyhouse

(I can't see the first guy for some reason)

Try now. He might have been under authorized viewing only

Na its still not working 

7 Replies

Hopefully you don't mind me asking but if you ever take offers on them may i be pinged? 👉👈

I'd like to let you know I'm taking tent swaps on this guy

AAA tysm for letting me know! Sadly i don't have a Kiriey_Tsuki design to swap :sob: if you ever consider other things tho lmk! (or if i ever get a Kiriey_Tsuki worth swapping i can lyk!!)

Hi! I’m so sorry to be a bother but if you ever plan to sell this bab, could you possibly let me know 🥺👉👈

Alright but I'm not sure I'd sell him anything soon