❁ Helios ❁



3 years, 9 months ago



Helios Joyeau
















At first glance, Helios looks studious, well-spoken, and quiet. His grades seem to speak for itself, having one of the highest grades when it comes to magic and alchemy alike.

That's definitely not the case here, as he would often make overly-confident comments about his magic if it was ever brought up. If he isn't talking about his magic, he will often make arrogant and snarky comments to entertain himself and is usually blunt when spoken to. He is sometimes also aggressive when it comes to meeting new people, fearing that they too would judge him due to his background.

When his magic skills are criticized be it by a teacher or a fellow student, he would arrogantly tell them that it was a mistake. In worst cases, he would try to find a flaw of the person and bash them down for it. He does not hesitate when he is faced with things that he dislikes and will voice out his discomfort with it just to at least get it away from him somehow. In truth, he genuinely believes that he does not deserve his magic skills and that he is bad at it. When alone, he sometimes tries to aid this by straining himself until the wee hours of the morning to fully ‘perfect’ his talents.

In an attempt to feel more comfortable about where he is right now, Helios sometimes acts as though the scar on his face is a good thing. He claims that it is something that was gifted to him because of how good he is at it.  Thus, he tries his hardest to keep it clean and sparkly whenever he is out of the dorm. When sleeping, he covers it with a sleeping mask so as to not scare his roommate when he passes by.

Magic Skills

Helios' unique magic is called "Diamonds in Darkness", which allows him to create gemstones out of nothing and fling them at the enemy. In other cases he can change the shapes of these gemstones into weapons or any other form, in turn creating more blot. 

He is not limited to this, though. His magic skills also allow him to turn things into crystals temporarily or permanently. It was this skill that backfired on him. As a result, he hardly uses this skill and only saves it for emergency purposes. 


Helios' body is rather lithe and seemingly weak, though his stealth and reflexes beg to differ due to his magical skills which require him to move quite a lot. He is fairly bad at physical exercise, however, and cannot overexert himself lest he faint. 

His face is slightly feminine, and it often looks like he is about to cry. Before the events that caused the scar on his face, his hair was light brown and shorter than usual. It was slightly thicker than it is now and was often wind swept to the left. His round, droopy, eyes were amber in colour. 

After the mishap, his physical appearance changed drastically and began to adapt crystalline features. His hair turned luminescent and would refract light, similar to how a crystal would. His eyes and eyelashes also turned diamond-like and would shine depending on how the light hit him. 

Nowadays he forgets to cut his hair, so it has grown slightly longer than before. It is also longer on his right side, as he once attempted to cover his scar. Though he instinctively sweeps his bangs to the side and leaves his scar exposed. There is a long strand of hair that usually rests on his face as well.

Helios' most notable feature is the large scar on the right side of his face, where his eye used to be. It is similar to that of a cut diamond, and has multiple cracks in it. 

Helios' attire consists of a mustard sweater, a white blouse, khaki shorts, socks, and brown loafers. Sometimes, he'll replace the sweater with a similar-looking sweater vest, and would pair his outfit with a long brown coat.


Helios is a true perfectionist when it comes to magic. After all, his family was made up of mages and alchemists that valued excellence more than anything else. Thus, his grades in Night Raven College allowed him to rise up the ranks as one of the smarter students within the school. However, he doesn't truly believe that he deserves the role at all thanks to his upbringing. 

Helios was often pushed to the limit by his parents in order for him to produce beautiful, sparkling, gemstones that would later comprise his unique magic. Oftentimes these would consist of working until the late hours to perfect certain aspects of his magic, coupled with verbal abuse should he mess up in his training sessions. At the age of 10, while practicing magic by himself,  Helios accidentally miscalculated a certain factor of his magic which hit him in his right eye. This changed his physical features drastically, with a scar left on his face to remind him of his greatest mistake.

His family did not react lightly to this. There was a mixture of pity and shame from his relatives when his mishap came into light. For the most part, his parents found it both a tragedy and an embarrassment ; Both for Helios' health and for the family's reputation. They did stop pushing him in his practices and put on a more kind facade towards him, but would not dare to talk about him to other people. In essence, his parents attempted to soothe him and reassure him that everything was alright and that "mistakes happen", yet scoffed and sighed at his failure as the Joyeau's only son. 

Helios is a smart child, and noticed this change in their personality immediately. He was perceptive to their mannerisms regarding him and knew that they were very embarrassed in him. Angry at himself, he attempted to shut himself away to practice magic to an ultimately greater extent. While on one of these sessions he was seen by Lucienne, a mage who lived near the town's convent. The two of them forged a deep friendship due to their similar upbringings, and after years of planning, Helios ended up leaving his family's house and found a new place to live for himself nearby Lucienne's place courtesy of the latter.

At the age of 15, Helios departed for Night Raven College alongside his close friend, where he was introduced to his dorm Diasomnia. He initially resented his dorm, as they valued magic and elegance the most which reminded him of his former family. After meeting up with other students, most notably Etoile and Auguste, Helios reassured himself that surely there were people out there who were kind enough to accept him despite his mistakes.

Helios then promised himself something: that he would most definitely surpass the Joyeau family's magic skills and become the most skilled mage they ever had. 

Lucienne Aphrodisius

Helios' closest friend. Helios finds him entertaining to be with, if not a little strange at times because of his beliefs. They often hang out after class if they aren’t busy. 

Etoile Cloches

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Augustine Euchre

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