Lorelie Grimm (MHU)



3 years, 4 months ago



Name: Lorelie Grimm

Age: 38

Gender: Female

Height: 6'2"

Nationality: American

Blood Type: AB

Hero Stats

Villain Name: Maw

Quirk: Shadow in the Water

Lorelie can send out up to 3 rippling shadows at a time out on any surface, undisturbed by light or dark (but better hidden in the darkness). When these meet the feet of individuals, they can manifest into various sea creatures-- tentacles to bind, a great shark's maw to bite, a swordfish to stab, etc. The damage they inflict is less than the real thing, causing seeping coldness and bruising, as they're made up of shadow rather than real flesh and bone. Lorelie herself can sink into one of her three shadows before sending it out, in which case the animal it manifests becomes her-- it is solid and can slice, pierce, or bludgeon with its full force.


  • She can be hurt in turn when manifested as a creature, and if seized and held in the air, will be stuck above land until she can touch her shadow again and sink/transform back.
  • Her shadows must remain within a 10 ft radius of herself, though they can all move together if she's inside of one.
  • The shadow she is currently inside of can be attacked/stabbed/etc with a chance of hitting her (like shooting into the water).

With Scylla: The size of her shadows is larger, and people can fall into them like deep water. They can't drown inside of them, and can climb back out.


Personality: Lorelie is thoughtful, blunt, and most solemn. She thinks before she acts, and then will think again-- and then cannot be stopped until she considers a task complete.

If she knows she must be tactful, she normally becomes quiet or clipped- she knows she's not charming and if she must talk she prefers to be straightforward.

She is easily annoyed, but being annoyed doesn't mean she inherently dislikes someone-- it is just her baseline. Honestly, the more annoyed she is of a person, the more she probably cares about them, because others aren't worth the time or energy to be annoyed in the first place.

Likes: tea, coffee, nice handwriting

Dislikes: sugar, loud noise, impulsive decisions

History: Lorelie is an art thief, first and foremost, but more than art she loves to collect 'people'. Maybe not entire people, but vital pieces of people. Lorelie was a fan and patron of Elisha's work, and grew close to him only through letters. Her appearance in Boston is the first time she's met him in person, but her true motivation is to try to meet Vanessa Hargrove.