Jack Farran (Original Story)



6 months, 3 days ago



"Everything will kill you, so choose something fun"
Keep in mind, Jack's world is postapocaliptic and organiced in little groups that are called gangs or crews. In particular Deadman Crew is settled far from the coastline, into the ocean and use an old marine fort as a settlement. You can check the vibe of the place here.

【Name】 Jack Farran
【Age】 28
【Gender】 Male
【Origin】 Born in Deadman's crew
【Status】 Alive
【Career】 Sailor, fisherman, fighter
【Nickname(s)】 Jack
【D.o.B】 August 7th, year unknown
【Orientation】 Bisexual with male preference.
【Ethnicity】 -
【Alignment】 Neutral good with a pinch of chaos
【Theme】Feed the Machine - Poor Man's poison (it's also his voiceclaim)
【Coding】 CrystalChimera

His mind is a pretty particular place, describing his personality one of the first things that are very obviously noticeable of him is that he has a lot of energy, a lot, of energy, to the point he feels restless most of the time until he suddenly burns out, it's not weird to see him up and doing his work early in the morning before even the sun has raised, but then napping in the afternoon after lunch to get that little extra energy he needs to get through the day.
In general, Jack is a very carefree person, he laughs a lot, jokes a lot, even in the worst moments he can be trusted to try and cheer the crew up before himself, he always has something to say, even if it's a silly story he just made up about God knows what or maybe he'll just invite you to a drink or to go for a swim. But do not get confused, he's very chill, he feels as familiar as a house cat but he's still a born fighter, he's a warrior and when in battle?
Oh then you can trust him to be the one to cause chaos, he likes to play with his prey, weapon of choice being knifes he's more keen to get close and start trouble even though he can also use ranged weapons like spears or so, but those are more boring. He's the kind of person that doesn't hold back, he puts it all in every fight and is absolutly not afraid of death. His beliefs make him very confident in battle, he believes his goddess is protecting him, and even if he does die, She'll take him on her grace where good things are waiting for him besides his parents, that died long ago, this, in battle, make him absolutly deadly.

He's the kind to look for fights, and instigate them. Even along his crewmates. Friendly fights are something he really enjoys and carves, and a good way to measure the people around him. He'll respect you if you can throw a punch, even if it lands on his face. This applies to everybody, enemies included. Even though he's a person that has a very clear diferenciated line between "them" and "us", he admits and respect the enemies he comes across that are actually able to pull a good fight (good fight is not equal to a fair, clean fight, tho, be creative). Another way to earn his trust very quick is become a medic, as someone that is constantly getting into fights, he is obligated to be in contact with the crew doctors and medic hands almost constantly to get patched up (he hates it, but it is what it is) and he respects all of them so much one could say he even fear them a little. The trust he has for the medics of the crew is such that he has them even idealiced as some kind of deity, and believes that no matter how bad the injury is, if he or another crewmember that got hurt in battle, are taken to the medbay on time, the medics will be able to save them because that's what they do, they do miracles.

He's very family driven, very group driven, his whole identity is build around the group he has grown up into and their style of life, and he's one to sacrifice himself for the wellbeing of the crew in a heartbeat but being the housecat he is, sometimes he also enjoys time alone, this is when hobbies like free lung diving and fishing with harpoon comes in place, he enjoys a lot being under water, the absence of sound and how light his body feels in the water makes him feel good and relaxed. It's also not weird some times to see him get one of their small boats on his own and sail away just to take a nap near the coast, away from the noise and multitude of their home.
It's really easy for him to enjoy time alone, but he gets bored very easily so being doing something like fishing or swimming or just any task in general, even if it's just walking, helps him a lot to keep his thoughts focused in a path and not going all over the place. In situations of crisis too, he's the one to always keep moving, always be doing something, go foward, keep going, this can make him overwork himself on accident, refuse to stop to rest or even eat, just like a horse on blinds he'll keep going until he collapses.

On a lighter note, he's a very, very curious person, even if he doesn't understand most things he really enjoys hearing stories from the crew members that weren't born at their base, from other parts of the world which he doesn't know- He's not sure what else is out there or how big the actual world is, he heard more than once than no matter where you go, if you walk for long enough you always end up meeting the sea and that's a thought that completly blows his mind and comforts him at the same time. He never has been enough time on land to really explore how far you can go, but the sea? Is huge and brutal, and he totally believes they are able to survive because of the ocean, because She lets them, She feeds them, She protects them but in the same breath She can destroy them, She can take them away, sink them so deep they won't ever see the light of the sun again, they are at Her mercy. The sea, and natural events in general is something Jack has such an insane respect for.

In general, a very genuine person, he doesn't lie, wears his heart on the sleeves, you can trust him as an ally, but you should also be wary of him as an enemy.

  • Fights. It's his way to make friends.
  • Tease the limits of... basically everything, including your patience and his own body.
  • He's curious, and doesn't know many things, please, he's easy to impress.
  • Fishing, diving, the sea in general, fascinating
  • Sweets and candies, and also very sour foods.
  • Drinking. No, it's not a problem (maybe it is, a little)
  • Kids, family in general, he's a very familiar guy.
  • Having to stay in bed rest after getting hurt
  • Being hurt, specially getting stitches (he's a total baby if he has to see how you're stitching him up or if he has to stay still and wait when getting hurt, even if it's medics)
  • Wearing too many clothes
  • Winter and cold weather in general
  • Fire weapons (too loud, kinda scary)
  • Octopuses (they do not have bones and way too many brains)
  • Storms (too loud, kinda scary)
  • Fishing, both with rod and with harpoon
  • Diving, he has good lungs for that
  • Drawing (he's awfully bad at that oh my god)
  • Fighting in general, play fighting is big part of his affection language.
  • Storytelling (does he know what he's talking about, no, absolutly no, and he's probably gonna make up the tales as he speaks but he's dramatic and theatral and likes to include scary sea monsters in everything)
 Physical Characteristics


【Height】 5'4 / 160
【Moodboard】 Here
【Skin Color】 Medium-pale
【Hair Color】 Brown, blonde on the tips
 because of the effect of the sun and salt
【Weight】 64 kg
【Eyes】 Ice blue
【Build】 Swimmer body type, strong back
  and shoulders, small waist.
【Hair Style】 Long and not well taken
  care off

He works hard and the sea is not precisely kind or easy on them, the place they live in and the lifestyle they chose to have is very demanding phisically, not to talk about being constantly getting into fights, they're warriors and sailors. Constantly working, constantly demanding more from their bodies, there's always something to do living on the sea, specially having to substain a whole gang.
He's not a tall person, for a man he's quite short and while that doesn't play in his favour in battle but because of that he is build to be more fast and efficient than just strong. Small hip and wide shoulders and back, Strong arms and tonned legs he's very well build to swim, run and jump.

Long face, big nose and very clear eyes, his face is very recognizable in general, just as his mother's, from which he picked many features. His clear eyes though suppose sometimes a problem for him, very clear light can bother him very easily, specially living on the sea as the sun reflects in the surface of the water and can blind you pretty easily. To help this problem (not solve it completly) he usually uses black eyeshadow around his eyes, he doesn't care much about the aplication of it so it's often very smugled. This black shade he uses it's made with coal dust or galena dust mixed with animal fat or some other kind of oily substance to mix it all together.
(Disclaimer: I am no scientist, I do not know how safe this is to put in your face and I have only done a small research about it so I absolutly do not recommend using this at home unless you do proper research??)

The tattoo on his back has a lot of meaning to him, starting at the bottom, the skull represents his crew, his people, the ones that died and the ones that are still alive, fighting by his side. It dissolves into water, because they are at the mercy of the sea and the ocean, and they need Her by their side, for him it's like a prayer for the sea to lend them her strenght in battle. And jumping to the sky, a killer whale, the most common representation of the goddess Keto (an albino killer whale, white and gold with blood eyes). Last but not less, a star on top of it, which hides right behind his left ear, for direction and always finding the way home. This tat is in his back because it's not for him to see but for his crewmates, those who go in battle with him to know that he's fighting for them, that they're not alone and he'll fight to death for them to go back home.


He has many scars, some more noticeable than others, not even him can keep track of all of them over the year so in this part I will only go through the most important ones that actually have some kind of story behind them:

Face: Under left eye and split lip, from a fight with his brother after years of thinking he was dead and ended up being alive, and being part of an enemy gang for years, Jack went pretty mad on the spot and they ended up tangled on a very aggressive fist fight on the beach. He has conflicted feelings about those scars, he is not sure about wanting to have an actual relationship with his brother after this much time, specially since he's an enemy now, but finding out part of his dead family is alive, that messed his mind a little bit and makes him wonder, if other people that they just thought dead for so long could also be doing their life somewhere else, and why they didn't come back, and if he was dragged into a situation like that, wouldn't him try all on his power to try and come back home? He would, he's almost completly sure of it.

Chest: Mostly from knife fights, swords, lots of cuts, he usually goes shirtless into battle, head first and his way of fighting is usually with knifes and pretty close contact so he gets these quite a lot. The long one on the shoulder, that one is from one time he and the crew were attacked by an enemy gang, and their base was captured. That one was probably the closest Jack has been from seeing his family wiped from existence. It was quite some hit for them, and he's convinced their strenght and Keto's became one that night to push the intruders away. The short one a little lower in the shoulder was a stab wound, deep and pretty hard to heal, he remembers it was quite a pain in the ass for weeks because the stitches kept ripping.

Abdomen: Both stab wounds from the same enemy gang, during two different fights. The one under his ribs was quick and clean, but the one that's lower, that one was dirty, a blade that twisted inside his guts and left him several days on bed fighting with internal bleeding and fevers, and also was hella hard to heal. The clean one near the ribs, tho, that one has a lot more meaning, as that fight was one of the most fateful fights Jack remembers, when the most sacred place on their territory, a spot on the beach that holds the bones of countless whales that have beached there long ago, that are believed to be the titanic past encarnations of the Goddess Keto, were burned to ashes. The crew defended the place with all they got but the perpetrators got away, winning not only the hate from the crew and Jack but also a place on the collective memory of the group for a long time.

Right arm: Lots of small cuts from little fights, accidents while fishing, etc, since he uses his left arm to hold his weapon of choice, the right arm is left to defense or balance. Has lots of very small cuts, bruises and harder skin in points like elbow and such because of this.
Left arm: Way cleaner than his right arm, but has one big scar that pops up from the rest. Quite gross, outline very roughly defined and big V form, this scar is a memory from one of his very first fights after his mother passed. The fight went over his own skill level, he lost his weapon and in a desperated attempt to defend himself and not die he tried to stop a sword with his bare arm. Honestly, he thought he'd lose that arm that day, but thanks to the doctors he managed to keep it. The scar is very deep and you can actually even see the scars of all the stitches that tried to keep the flesh together, specially the ones that riped open a few times or got infected, because this one, this one took ages to heal and after his mother's death Jack was not ready to rest for long periods of time to be left alone with his thoughts and feelings.

Hands: Full of very small cuts, fishing and cleaning the fish he has almost chopped a finger more than once, he also cuts his nails with a knife, what can I say he uses knife for almost anything but that's not the most noticeable on his hands, they are both showing burn scars that take big part of the palms and fingers. Because of that one he lost a lot of his sense of touch in the hands, it happened when the Whale Graveyard burned, after the fight to defend their sacred place he tried to put the fire out with his bare hands in desperation to save something and burned his hands. It's a bitter memory.

Legs: On his left leg he has deep marks of teeth made by a very friendly Tiger shark that got him when he got into the water to help a crewmate that had fallen into it, the shark got him good and he almost doesn't get out of that one, in his right leg he has scars too, marks that he gained purely by kicking the hell out of the animal to make him open his jaws and release his leg into a cloud of blood and let him climb to the surface, where his boyfriend and other crewmates helped him get away from the water. He thinks about that incident as a funny story now. On the upper part of the right leg, also, there's a scar of a failed gunshot that, luckly, only touched him.


 Important Notes
  • His world is postapocaliptic, he was born and raised in a very tight issolated gang, that also has quite strong supersticious and religious beliefs and that lived far deep in the ocean and his only contact with people in the continent was usually to fight, for resources or to keep their territory, so he's not very open minded when it regards other people and ways of living.
  • Jack never recived any kind of education appart from what his parents taught him, which was not much more than sailing, fishing, a bit of fighting (tho he figured most of that on his own), how to clean a dead animal, the most basic stuff to being able to navigate with the stars, just basically survival stuff, they tried to teach him to write and read but he was unable to learn to write more than his own name and cannot read at all.
  • He has severe dislexia, trouble focusing on tasks and a little bit of hyperactivity, later in life he also starts to struggle with night terrors, very intense and imaginative nightmares that can get to the point of sleep paralisis, and insomnia, and can also suffer waves of depression from time to time and anxiety. Sadly because of the world he was raised in, how he comes from a very violent enviroment and most people suffers from one or multiple of this conditions and consider it almot the norm, he hasn't been able to identify most of those sympthoms nor can get treatment for any of it.
  • His dominant hand is the left, and while he has learned over time to handle a weapon and fight with both his dominant and not dominant hand, the little stuff like sewing his clothes or picking a fork to eat, he does that with the left hand always.
  • He's a very selfless person in general, thinks of himself as part of the group because that's what he was taught, the strenght is in the group, and in the strenght is the survival, they can't go into battle if they don't trust their crewmates completly and for that they have to be almost like an extension of themselves. This makes him have a very hard time processing his own feelings.
  • He's also stupidly proud of his scars and wears them like battle trophies, each scar for him is one time he survived, one time the mean world they live in didn't manage to take him down, or one time his godess Keto decided to save his ass. They're also memories for him, and most of them ain't even bad or midly traumatic, he can talk about the stories behind his scars all day if you ask him.
  • He's bisexual, but he doesn't really understands the term as he has absolutly no education on sexual identity or gender, in the enviroment he grew in people never really cared about what side do you swing to and he has very little prejuice about it, doesn't really understand the concept of homophobia or transphobia or racism, he genuinely doesn't understand why it matters how you call yourself or who you wanna be with or the color of your skin. He doesn't get it. Like. At all. You can try to explain those concepts to him and they just don't make sense in his brain.
  • He also thinks the earth is flat. that the ocean does not have a bottom, you go down and there's a point where it's just pitch black and it goes down forever into the void, and that's what sea monsters come from, he thinks the stars are not bigger than a lightbulb and doesn't concive the existence of outter space, knows nothing about evolution or science and while he would love to learn about it he also thinks he's too dumb for that kind of stuff. When he needs to give an explanation to something he doesn't understand he usually makes up his own explanation, that most often than not is wrong and kinda ridiculous, or recurs to some supersticion, or blames it on Keto, the goddess she believes in (and of which I explain more about in the next slide)
 Early Life and Beliefs


Early life events

His parents were lovely married, they were young, living the gang life at their max exponent... His father, Boe, was a sailor, fisherman, and his mother, Tiya, was a fighter, she was in charge of patroling the territory and chase off possible intruders or threats. They were, for sure, a busy couple but they made it work- They weren't looking foward to having a child, tho, when Jack arrived, but that also worked out nicely.

One can't say Jack had a bad childhood, he grew up in the gang, the sea was the most natural element for him growing up, learned to swim before even he knew how to run, he grew up to become a little troublemaker, climbing, jumping off to the water from places he definetly shouldn't jump from... Back then he was the only kid at the gang and quickly he became not only his parent's child but everybody's child, raising him was a group effort.

Everything went pretty good, the kid wasn't as involved in the possible issues the gang could have with other groups except by the bits adults actually shared, or when someone came back home hurt, but in general... In general their base was well protected, and not exposed to as much damage as living in the continent could have been, and of course it was dangerous, having such a little child exposed to the ocean and the elements and metal, sharp edges, etc... But he survived, things were great and fun.

First life changing event he had and remember, his mother got pregnant again (this time on purpose) when he was around 5 years old. And this day he remembers it clear as if it was yesterday, she was already pretty advanced in her pregnancy, big belly and all, Jack was excited to have another baby around, growing up as an only child surrounded by adults was so boring some times, right? But this particular day, he remembers it because it was a stormy day, a storm that escalated from zero to monstrous in the matter of hours, the violent wind shaked the metal plataforms that conformed their home, the bridges that joined together the different stances were swinging, growling like a dying animal. His father, he was helping secure the boats so they wouldn't be destroyed by the storm, they could only do so much and pray, though, so his mother was, obviously, and with reason, histerical, trying to help where she could while also trying to keep her child safe, waiting for her husband to come to safety, praying to Keto that the light's wouldn't go out.

And then he saw him, going up the stairs, almost there, she was waiting just all the way across the bridge, the bridge was made with metal scraps, and chains, and as far as they could tell it was solid, solid enough to stand the usual activity of the crew, right? Hell Jack played there every single day, but that one time... Waves were hitting so hard, they could tell just by how high the waves were reaching that no matter how well the boats were secured, it didn't matter because it looked like the whole metal structure was gonna be blown away into the air. But he was almost there, he was crossing the bridge, his mother holded onto him and kept him behind herself, luckly, because then it's when it got real scary, Jack heard a demonic screech, terriying really, sounded like an actual monster tearing appart its own metal flesh, it sounded painful, next thing the five years old kid saw was the bridge falling and being dragged by a powerful wave, his father that was half way through crossing disappeared, completly, gone, nobody could do anything.

After that moment, all memories Jack has from that day are in third person, they have no sound, everything around him speeded up like a film, but he does remember his mother yelling desperatedly for her husband, she remembers at least three different people from the gang holding onto her, she falling to her knees. She had to be taken to the medbay urgently, in the middle of that terrifying storm, they didn't let Jack follow, of course. The storm took a couple days to calm down still, in which his mother was unable to go back to their room, where Jack was being babysitted by whoever was able to, and then, when she finally was able to go back to her child, she had given birth to a new son, small, quiet, hair already half white.
There's no point in believing after that nothing changed, his mother took a while to get back on her feets, dealing now alone with a toodler and a new baby, while dealing with the grief for her husband..... wasn't great, but that's just how life is, right? In a world like theirs, this kind of things could happen very easily, right? Still this left Jack in a very vulnerable place, as a child, not understanding why this happened, not understanding at all that it wasn't nobody's fault, his mother was more focused on the baby, because it was all she had energy to do at that time, and he was grown enough to... at least not need her as much, right? So the child, feeling alone, abandoned, just lost his dad, he became even more chaotic, started to missbeheave a lot more, maybe a way to try and attract some attention to himself, or just because he was angry and didn't quite understand what was going on.

His mother solution at the end, her way of coping if you want to call it that way, was turning to religion and seeing how all that was affecting Jack, she made sure to teach him about it as well, thinking it would give him some guidance, the kind of support that she, and him needed in that moment and after a while, it worked. She wanted to believe her husband was, somehow, in a better place now, that Keto took his life, and now she was obligated to take care of him for her.
Jack also picked up on those believes, his mother said She sometimes had her reasons to do the things She did but sometimes those reasons weren't for them to understand so they could only trust. And his mother had no reason to lie, right?
So they went on with their lifes as a family, his brother grew, years passed, they also healed...

And then, few years later, the next mayor event in Jack's life happened. Patrols spent 3 to 5 days on land, patroling the whole border of their territory keeping intruders away and since Tiya was a single mother now, and the crew was pretty busy, not always it was possible that the boys stayed with someone at the base and this one time she decided to take them with her, it was good for them after all, to know the continent, the beaches and the land, it would be fun for them, a little field trip, and she wasn't expecting to have any mayor issues, usually they dealt with loners that got lost into their territory or some brave wanderer that their team could easily take care off... They did that all the time.
It wasn't really that dangerous most of the time.
But that fateful day, an enemy gang decided it was the Right Time, to strike. Try to raid their little land outpost for weapons and provisions and in the blink of an eye, a whole battle started, their mother and other crewmates were yelling at the kids to go take cover, retreat to the beach, find somewhere to hide- Jack was old enough at the time to know that that was dangerous, but also young enough to not understand how dangerous that could actually be, and he was excited, wanting to prove he was brave, he was an adult right, grown man at the ripe age of 12. He wanted to see how a real fight was like.

Dragged his little brother throguh the battle ground, and at some point, the little one got separated from his brother, Jack lost him in the multitude, panicked, couldn't find him. And never did find him afterwards. It was a really impulsive, stupid decision, and after the battle was over, they spent days looking for the child, he never came back, not at all. They ended up assuming he might be dead, even if he ran away, a kid that small couldn't survive in the wilderness. Eventually the hope they had for him coming back disappeared, just the same as the shine on his mother's eyes, and Jack had nobody but himself to blame for it.

After that Tiya fell in some kind of state of depression, selflessness, stopped caring about her own well being and her child a lot more, she started to fight way more wildly, way more aggresively, she abandoned herself completly to the will of the Goddess, since she was unable to understand the plan the Whale had for her and her family, and she also became more distant with Jack, not intentionally, of course, but she couldn't help it. She wasn't in the best place mentally to take care of him.
He, still, loved his mother, he wanted to get her attention, he wanted her to be proud of him, and worked so hard growing up to become an useful person for the gang, to become a good warrior like her, to learn how to fight, every time he got hurt, he tried to hide it from her, tried to "man up" in some way, and became quite useful in fact, he grew up to be a pretty good fighter and people trusted him in battle, but still he was young and lacked experience so his mother had to watch over him during patrols, but at least he thought that brought them together, a little bit. They became a little closer, which was nice, but at that point he had... lost the hability to communicate with her as much as he did while he was a kid.
It wasn't that late in time when the next Mayor Event in Jack's life happened, by this time he basically had sold his soul for the gang, because it was what made him closer to his mother again, and he was desperated to keep this feeling of somewhat family he had been carving ever since his father died. He was 15 at the time, when a huge period of famine hitted their territory- Sometimes resources run out, that was just about it, but this was different, this felt like a divine punishment, barely any fish in the sea, not an animal to be hunted, their reserves went down so dangerously and suddenly the gang had to relay only on raiding other gangs to obtain something as basic as food, it was such a violent period for the crew, of constant fighting and so so so much hunger to the point they even collected the corpses of the ones that fell in battle to eat, that was the level of desperation they reached and where the crew got all its reputation of savages, cannibals, monsters, they came and disappeared with the tides and caused havoc along the land. During this violent period, Jack's mother got injured, like seriously njured.

It was bad, resources running so low they really couldn't do much for her, she was in bed for a few days, but internal bleeding and infection ended with her, one day she just never woke up.
Curious thing was that after she died, then the fishes returned to the ocean, then there were preys again to hunt, things became better.
Jack took it as... she after all that happened... Something went wrong in her, she became rooted, and it ended up affecting the crew, Keto wanted her to rest, and that was her way to put her down. It wasn't a pretty thought, but it affected a lot to his way of viewing the world. He accepted that kind of things can just happen, they happen, you never know when, and honestly, honestly? He never quite came up to terms with any of the events of his childhood, they just happened, and then more stuff kept happening, and those feelings were buried under the new stuff going on, he became a person hyper focused on the present and very not worried about death because, it can come at any point after all, all he can do is give his all, at all moments, right? He did relay a lot more on the crew once he become an orphan. They became his family. And he also got way more into Keto and her traditions and is very fearful of the Goddess.


Religious beliefs and supersticions he totally believes in

The belief of Keto is something that comes far long before Jack was born, living on the sea, at the end of the world, one can imagine the world is not kind at all, after society as we know it collapsed, people started to self organice in smaller groups forming this kind of gang organizations, crews often ruled by an authority figure or a group of people that will crash with eachother and fight constantly for territory and resources. In this case, also, living away from the continent in the ocean -even tho they do go to land to find resources the ocean can't bring them, the group is specially vulnerable to the elements and natural events like hurriacanes and huge storms, the ocean has and will always be a subject of both dreams and nightmares, it's overwhelming, intimidating, but somehow the human kind has always associated it with freedom, of some kind. With the unknown, it makes you wonder, it makes you feel small, and powerless and it also makes your mind run wild with the wonders of what possible misteries can be hiden past the horizont.
After the events that caused the world to "end", also, over the years, difficulties appeared on the way of passing culture and knowledge to future generations, once society was lost, there were an extent period of chaos that caused people to focus on survival before starting to organice in small groups and during this time, a lot of knowledge got lost, obviously, in this world some people even lack the skill of reading and writting, like Jack, so to understand the deepness of this belief you need to imagine this is a very primitive tendency for the human mind to explain and give reason to the events that they cannot explain in any other way, in a search of meaning and answers we tend to give human qualities to forces of nature that end up evolving into their own entities. This is what happened in this case, you can see the sea is "angry", you might give "her" a name, you might start thank her when she gives you a good season of fishing, you can blame her when things go wrong because there's nobody else to blame, and you need something to give comfort to your mind. In a world as troubled and violent as this one, they tend to lean on random beliefs that make them feel safe and gives them peace of mind.
And of course, as a ruler of one of these little organiced groups, it's beneficial to have your people motivated and engaged, and if pushing some kind of belief helps to that objetive, they're obviously gonna promote it. This "religion" doesn't intend in any case to mock, invalidate or ridiculice any real religions in the real world but it seemed fitting and logical for a group of this characteristics to develop this kind of believes over time.
Disclamer being done, we start with the actual deal:

It's not known how exactly Keto's belief was born or where the name came from, it's possible that started as some kind of joke, early when the crew was looking for a place to settle down, maybe from even before the world ended, but at this point, and the way Jack learned about it, Keto is the Mother Goddess, she rules the oceans and the skies as they are the start of all life and death, She fills the waters with fish so they can eat, She gives them rain so they can drink, She's also responsible of pulling the sun and the moon through the sky. She can also rage, send storms, natural disasters, earthquakes or monstrous waves... But from Her rage, is also born their strenght, as she lends them her force in battle to defend themselves from their enemies.
Even though Jack's crew only benerates Keto, the belief does not deny the existence of more Gods, it's also not forced into the members of the crew as there's many people that comes from outside, with their own beliefs and experiences, but people that has been born there, and grow there like Jack have a very deep respect by the sea and the force of nature in general and they embody that respect on the name of Keto. This taken in consideration, it's not weird for outsiders that join the crew to end up picking up some traditions and beliefs of the crew since they're a very tight group, very family based, and they don't hide it in any way so it's normal that they end up being curious about it and end up picking certain expresions or even ways of thinking that are more similar to the crew just because it's normal in that enviroment and one tends to adjust to their surroundings, even if you don't abandon your own personal beliefs. This makes it hard to put the finger down on what exactly is the actual tradition of Keto's belief, what's right and what's wrong as it's always drinking from different streams, the way you believe it's very personal to each person, and some just adopt the name to refer to the Ocean and don't go deeper than that while others dive head first into it, now I'm gonna try to explain some of the very basic myths that are commonly told as stories inside the crew, and in which Jack believe.

Keto's image and reincarnations: She, as a goddess has the hability to take any form, but she's believed to be seen mostly in the form of a killer whale, which is usually gold and white, with blood red eyes. There's thousands and thousands of stories about sailors spoting her, there's also stories where she appears as some kind of mermaid, half woman half whale of titanic dimensions. She roams the seas just like any of her creatures, and all kind of whales are believed to be sacred.

Sacred place - the whale graveyard: As Keto is believed to roam the world in the form of a whale, she's also believed to live a whole life cycle and die just as the rest of the creatures. But when her time is to die, she's believed to beach on this spot on the crew's territory, which resulted to be an old whaler emplacement, a place where ships that hunted whales went to process their preys and because of that is filled with bones of this titans that were left to root. This meaning of course was lost, the building practically completly destroyed, tools taken away by scavengers, the only reamins are derbis and impressive, clean and old whale bones half buried in the sand and the crew believes this is the spot where the goddess beaches herself at the end of her life to let herself die and rot, as a way to go back to the earth before reincarnating into her new form. This is the reason why that place is extremly sacred for the people that believes in Keto, and the reason why it being burned down by an enemy gang was such a hard hit for the crew.
This place is also believed to have a special energy, the bones erected in the sand are almost treated as monuments and rituals and chants happen every so often during celebrations. Jack thinks it has some kind of haunting but calming energy, and believes in that spot the death can see you and hear you more clearly. It's a place he goes to when his mind is specially troubled, to ask advice from his parents and the goddess or confess his doubts.

The tale of the creation of the world: It's believed that when everything started, the world was exclusibly acuatic, everything was water and there were no earth at all, and then Keto raised the ocean floor to the surface, allowing her creatures to crawl into earth and start a new kind of life where they'll have to be independent of her. Some of these creatures lost the hability to breath underwater, and forgot about her, but others, like the people that comforms the crew, still chose to go back to the sea, which is the reason why they believe She favours them. It's almost impossible to end in their base by accident, most of the new people that joins the crew are rescued from the sea, in which case they believe Keto saved them and brought them there for a reason. They survived because she wanted them to and there must be a reason for that, so they treat the people they rescue from the sea with hospitality, of course in times of conflict one has to be wary so they might put you under the supervision of a trusted member of the crew who is in charge to show you around and keep an eye on you until they are sure you are not a foe.

Rage of the Goddess: As she raised the earth from the bottom of the ocean, She's also able to sink it again. This is the explanation that was given for earthquakes and tsunamis. And as she puts fish in the ocean, she can also take them away, which was an explanation for extent periods of famine that the territories might or might not go through. Keto is a whimsical goddess, of course this events can occur as a punishment for something bad but it can also be pretty random, while she's mostly good intended, she's gonna tease you and challenge you to prove your worth not only to her but to yourself. Jack personally believes it's her way to teach them how far they can take their own bodies, how much they can endure, so they'll realice their true fortitude, but some people, specially older people believes it's her way to ask for sacrifices or to "clean", getting rid of the weakest of the group.
there is so many different stories, about old sailors that saw the whole land shake, how the ocean make a whole island disappear in front of their eyes, how the sun went black for several minutes, islands raising in violent explosions of rock and fire... Tales for all kind of tastes, usually told during reunions, at the cantine or at celebrations.

Death and afterlife: This might have surged later on in their belief, as it's close tied to the warrior facet of their lifestyle. Keto lends them her strenght in battle, so they can overthrow their enemies and endure, some think their duty is to protect the graveyard, others think they just fight to survive, but the world is violent and chaotic and they need to defend themselves from other gangs, they need to raid other territories for supplies for their own, as Keto can't provide everything. She's a mother, but mothers by tradition on the crew are not meant to be overprotective, they are meant to teach their kids to live on their own and only aid when it's necessary, so Keto was no exception.
But that doesn't mean she doesn't care, and for the warriors, for those who prove themselves involved in their communities, those who cares for the rest, that fight side by side with their brothers and sisters, those are promised good things in the afterlife as Keto herself will keep them on her grace. Nobody seems to know exactly what this means, but everybody agrees it's something good, some believe you get to see again the people you have lost along the way, others believe you'll just reincarnate as a whale and roam the seas accompanied with the goddess forever, some others have beliefs more in the lines of valhalla where they don't necessarily have to stop fighting because they died, there's a lot of stories but as the warriors they are, constantly getting into fights, and on the feet of war with other gangs, believing that it doesn't matter if they die because she will reward them from it it's very possitive as they'll fight better, more bravely.
Jack is not afraid of the idea of death, he doesn't seek it actively of course but he knows that the moment it comes, it will come, and he's confident enough to think Keto will take him on her grace, and he might see his family again.

 Blood Family
4866102_dx64OYKaIgXgWDf.png 【"Tiya"】 [ mother ] -deceased-
     Complicated relationship, she loved both her sons, but life got way too complicated for her at some point and affected all aspects of both her family and personal life. She was a strong woman, well intended, she was a really really good person, always wanting to take care of everybody, the mother of the group. She was born in the gang, just like Jack did, so the way that lifestyle could turn on them was no stranger to her.
Still, Jack loved her with his whole heart and soul, it broke his heart to see her go down that spiral, and did all he could at that age to help her. And even if he did help a little on the end, it wasn't enough, sometimes this kind of disasters happened, it's bad luck, their life is violent and fast. They can only hope, and pray.
Her last words to Jack were that even if she went away, he would never be alone, because the whole crew was his family.
And he took those words very seriously.
4866102_dx64OYKaIgXgWDf.png 【"Boe"】 [ father ] -deceased-

     Jack doesnt have many memories of him, honestly the most clear memory of him is the moment he was taken away by the sea, but he does an effort to remember him by other moments, how he loved to sail with him when he was a kid, he taught him how to fish a little, Jack was really young when he disappeared from their life and even though he wants to make an effort to remember him for those loving family moments, sometimes he can feel how his face features are slowly becoming more blurry and difficult to remember in his mind as time passes and it makes him sad to think about it.

4866102_dx64OYKaIgXgWDf.png 【"Shoe / Ashton"】 [ brother ]
     Jack blamed himself for so long, he thought because his brother disappeared, it was his fault that his mother ended up going the path she went and ended up dying like she did and sometimes, she event felt like the famine that they suffered was a punishment directly by Keto's hand because of how that situation was handled. Overtime, he overcame his guilt, though, and it kinda aged up bitter.
Specially after he found out his brother wasn't really dead, but was "adopted" or- uh- taken, or just fleed, who knew really, to one of their enemy neighbour gangs, and lived there in secret until present day when Jack found out about it. It wasn't a great thing to found out. It opened wounds that weren't nearly healed but kinda just forgotten about in the back of Jack's mind.
Jack took it as a betrayal, but they're... working it out, he's coming up to terms that Ashton has no part of guilt in this, he was a child.
But now they are enemies. And they really don't know eachother, they have grown to be two absolut strangers to eachother.
4866102_dx64OYKaIgXgWDf.png 【"Buck"】 [ Romantic partner ]
He was a wanderer, Jack's patrol found him once lost at the beach and he stroke as interesting enough for Jack to want to take him alive as a prisioner and play a little more with him. He was adorable, having lived all his life without the luxury of having an actual place to call a home, the crew was like a dream, everything was new and exciting and Jack fell for him quite quickly.
They started dating two years ago in present time for Jack and they are the most annoying coule you will ever meet, they're always together, and living in such a reduced space it's not easy to ignore but they're cute and in love, you can't ignore that either. Eventually in their story they get married.
4866102_dx64OYKaIgXgWDf.png 【"Klaus"】 [ Best friend ]
Jack's best friend, brother of different blood, if there's someone in this world that he trusts more than anything that's Klaus, in battle they feel like they have the same brain, they're terrifying, and then back at home they're both idiots, feeding on eachother's stupid impulses.
He's also the one that gave Jack his tattoo, and it's possible that they had a little crush for eachother at some point in time that never led to anything.
They also prank eachother a lot, they drink together, they call eachother babe, Klaus is practically the third person in Jack's and Buck's relationship and both of them are okay with that.
4866102_dx64OYKaIgXgWDf.png 【"Kid"】 [ Adopted child ] -future-
Twin number one, very shy and reserved at first this little nugget ends up being such an explosion of energy and playfulness, the crew "rescues" her (kidnapps her) from an enemy gang, where she grew along with her sister after their mother abandoned them, and takes her in with the crew. Since she refused to speak to anybody at first, they started to call her Kid and the name stuck with her. Eventually she eased up with the rest of the crew and both Buck and Jack adopted her as their own child.
4866102_dx64OYKaIgXgWDf.png 【"Bug"】 [ Adopted child ] -future-

Comes in a little later than Kid, for her, her sister was taken from their gang, kidnap her, and the way she finds out her sister is alive is... not very nice, but they're both happy to find eachother again and Jack takes it on his own hand to make sure these kids can have a good life, or at least a better one. Even if he doesn't trust at all the enemy gang Bug and Kid are from.
4866102_dx64OYKaIgXgWDf.png 【"Doc"】 [ Head doctor ]
The head doctor of the crew, the one that keeps them all safe and sound or at least as safe as sound as she can. She's the person Jack respects the most in the whole crew, has her completly idealiced, thinks she can perform miracles and save people from the verge of dead.
He's also very afraid of her and convinced that she hates him for getting hurt constantly because of the most ridiculous reasons or for not being careful enough.
4866102_dx64OYKaIgXgWDf.png 【"Alistair"】 [ Gang leader ]
Captain of Deadman Crew since before Jack was even born, his wife was siter to Tiya and once Jack became an orphan, and his wife also went away, he took a little bit of care of the boy, not a lot, of course, he's a busy man and has a whole lot on his own to keep on his mind, but in his opinion he did a pretty okay job.
Jack respects him a lot.
Like.... A lot.