Destiny Marobella



3 years, 6 months ago


Destiny Marobella

Destiny Marobella
Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu
Human/Elemental Master
Elemental Power
Basic Info & Designs

Full Name
Destiny Jaiden Marobella
April 16th
Animal Symbol
Dadao Sword
Elemental Power
Eye Color
Hair Color
Black tipped with purple
Around 17 or 18; 22 or 23 in DR

Destiny's hair is black, tipped with purple. She was born with her hair like this. It is due to her having the elemental power of space. Her eyes are purple also due to her power. Across her face, she also bears freckles. Down her right eye, she has a scar that was what she came out of with a fight with Harumi. Lloyd is her best friend and have been since they were kids. Her eye that bears the scar is lighter than the other. She is not blind through that eye and can still see, but at times, her sight will appear blurry through that eye. She also has earrings on her right ear.


Destiny is a very spunky and outgoing person. Although her father tried to have her raised evil, she was never really evil at all. She was always a good person. She had always wanted to protect the people of Ninjago, and even went behind Eli's back to do this. She is a not a shy person and loves to laugh. She is always up for pranks. If there is someone about to pull a prank, she won't stop the prank, she'll join them. She isn't afriad of her elemental power. Lucas had taught her to use it for good and how to use it well. So she's pretty confident when it comes to using it.

  • She just acts like your normal teenager
  • She is a bit tomboyish. This may be due to her being in Darkley's for a lot of her life and being surrounded and living with a bunch of boys.
  • She will always find a time to make a joke. She does not do this all the time, but if its a lighthearted situation, its joke time.
Her Friendship With Lloyd

(I would put this in the relationship block, but it's acting funny so have this)

The friendship between Lloyd and Destiny is very special. They met at Darkley's when they were around 5 or 6 years old. The day they met, a conncetion was formed between them, and so was their friendship (it's almost like in Star Wars, where two people are a Dyad). The two are very close and they trust each other completely. They do everything together. They have never really had an arguement (except in s7). Their connection and more of their friendship will be explained in my second fanseason, Friendship From Fate!


Destiny was born in a small, reclusive and adandoned village to her father Eli Marobella, and her mother Erin Marobella. Erin had passed away a year after she was born, leaving a one year old Destiny, her husband, and her ten year old son, Marcus. Erin was the Master of Space but that power was passed onto Destiny. After her passing, Marcus ran away from home. Eli was devastated, and took out his grief on Destiny. He could never look at her without seeing Erin. He was never kind to her. Destiny was in someway raised by Lucas, Eli's right hand. He would be like the father Eli should have been to her.

When Destiny was around 5 or 6, Eli decided to send her to Darkley's Boarding School for Bad Boys. On her first day, the school roomed her with Lloyd Garmadon. Over her time at Darkely's, Lloyd and her became friends and eventually became best friends. She stayed at Darkley's until she was around 10 or 11. At that time, Eli decied to take her out of Darkley's. It was hard for her to say goodbye to Lloyd, her first and only friend.But the day she left, she had a feeling she would see him again.

After she was taken out of the school, Eli assigned Lucas to help her unlcok her elemental power and to use it for evil. But Lucas did the opposite of his orders. He trained Destiny to unlock her power and how to fight and use it in combat.This was not done in the way Eli had wanted her to learn, but he never would find out.Destiny was amazed that she could do this. It was very easy for her to control her element at first, since Lucas was a elemental magic user and knew how to control power. Also during this time, Lucas gave Destiny an education of her own, better than Darkley's did. He taught her things that a normal kid at a normal school would. She loved doing this.

Destiny was never really evil. Lucas had taught her to be good, unlike what her father wanted. In Season 2, when the Stone Army attacked Ninjago City for the first time, Destiny was there. Her father wanted her to go get something for him there. A Stone Warrior was about to attack her until Lloyd came and saved her. They both recognized each other immediately and very so happy to see each other again. Lloyd brought her to the Ultra Sonic Raider where the other ninja, Wu, and Misako were. Her interactions with the rest of them were brief. They then brought her with them to the NGTV News building and on the Bounty. Her and Lloyd then said goodbye for the second time, and felt the same feeling: she'll see him again.

Some time after this, Destiny wanted to do some good in the city. She lied to her father saying that she was going to do evil doings in the city. He then agreed to let her go. For a short while there, Destiny began to do works of good. But somehow, Chen picked up her whereabouts and knew she was an elemental master that he needed. He sent an invitation to the Tournament to her, saying he had information on her late mother, Erin. Knowing nothing about her mother, she accepted.

Tournament of Elements

On the dock waiting for the ferry to Chen's Island, Destiny did not realize that Lloyd and the other ninja were there. But on the ferry ride, she recongized Lloyd's voice and they reunited again. She offically got to meet the ninja and met Garmadon for the first time. She stuck with them the entire time on the island. She went with them to look for Zane for the first time. After this, she got to catch up with Lloyd. Garmadon even talked to her as well. She told him about her problem with her dad and he was very understanding of her. Destiny loved talking to him, as he was the first adult she told her problems to and understood her.

During the Tournament, she was on Lloyd's side during his roller blade fight. However, Chen decied to pit her and Lloyd against each other. Knowing that Lloyd had to stay in the Tournament to find Zane, she let him win. Garmadon was proud of her for doing this, saying that her actions were those of a ninja. When Chen took her power, she helped Cole and the others in the factory try to escape. When Garamdon had sacrificed himself at the Corridor of Elders, she was upset, for Lloyd and because he as the first adult she ever trusted her probelm with. After the fight, Lloyd invited her to join the team and she accepted.


Destiny had been going on missions with the ninja. When they take care of the big fish she was there, but with Lloyd on his dragon (she had not yet unlocked her true potential). However, she never went on public missions with the ninja, as that could risk her being seen by her father or anyone in his following. She would usually stay behind with Wu, Misako, and Nya when that happened.

When she found out that Lloyd was possessed, she was very distraught. Her best friend was literally possessed and she did not know how to take that. This is the season where she bonds with the other four ninja, as she goes everywhere on their quest to discover airjitzu, get the Sword of Sanctuary, and go to the tomb. However, this season she is a bit impulsive, since she wants to desperately save Lloyd. In one instance, she confronts Morro by herself. Morro is about to attack her, but Lloyd fights his possesion and tells her to go. In the tomb, when Lloyd is finally freed from Morro's posseion, she is very, very happy. This season also starts her hate of Morro, who, even after his help in DOTD, will never forgive him for what he did to her friend.


Destiny's focus season

No spoilers, this is not shared with the world yet! Good things come to those who wait.... ;)


Destiny is now in the spotlight of fame with the other ninja. She does end up going to jail with the others. She gets taken into the Sword of Souls at the point where Nya, Cole, and Lloyd are making wishes to stop Nadakhan. Like everyone else (besides Jay and Nya) she does not remember this happening.

Day of the Departed

Destiny goes with her brother to the Space Temple to honor their late mother, Erin. No dead villian goes to face her. Destiny is called back when the ninja meet up after their ghostly encounters. She goes with them to Yang's Temple, where Cole is back to being a human. She is very happpy about this.

Hands of Time

In this season, Lloyd and Destiny's friendship is tested. Lloyd wants to stay with Wu and come up with a good plan to defeat the Vermillion. Destiny tries to persuade him to join her, Kai, Cole, and Jay. But Lloyd will not leave Wu. The two argue. This is the first time the two have ever been in a arguement. When Lloyd joins them at the power plant, they make up. It isn't until after the Sea of Sand do they really have the chance to talk and formally apologize to each other. After this, the two of them don't really get into any more arguements. When Lloyd eventually becomes master, Destiny is very happy for him.

Between HOT and SOG

When the ninja split up to look for Master Wu, Lloyd and Destiny decide to go watch over and protect the city, while the others go elsewhere. During this time, their already established friendship is built upon more. Lloyd even helps Destiny to unlock her elemental dragon. Also during this time,Lloyd's voice does change and you can bet that when he had voice cracks, Destiny was there to tease him about it.

Sons of Garmadon

Lloyd and Destiny both fight the SOG at the Borg Tower Heist and they call the ninja back together. When all of them first meet Harumi, Destiny and her get along great. Before any of the other ninja, Lloyd admits to Destiny that he likes Harumi. She kind of pokes fun at him for it, because, you know, friends. But she is supportive of him. When Lloyd jumps off the Bounty to save Harumi, Destiny gets worried about Lloyd. This worry only escaltes when it is found out that Harumi is the Quiet One. With the prospect of brigning back Garmadon, Destiny does not want this happen. She had only met Garmadon in his good form, and did not know him in his evil form (well, excpet for what Lloyd has told her). When Lloyd leaves her and the ninja locked on the Bounty to fight Garmadon, she gets really worried, knowing he shouldn't be doing that. This worry then turns to fear when they find Loyd after the battle holding on to life. When the Colossus attacks the city, Destiny stays behind with Nya to look after Lloyd. She will not leave his side. She does help Nya and Misako help to fight off Garmadon in Dareth's apartment while Lloyd leaves with Wu.


Destiny is very upset by the "death" of the other ninja. Along with this grief, she tries to comfort and help Lloyd, as he is starting to become the leader of their resistance. She is very happy to find out that they are alive and to reunite with the other elemental masters, who she hasn't seen in a long time. When the SOG attack the garbage depot, Destiny is captured. Lloyd wanted to go back for her and his mom, but Destiny just told him to go. While the SOG are bringing prisoners to Kryptarium, she finds a way to escape. When she thinks she's home free, she comes face to face with Harumi. A fight ensues between the two of them and Destiny leaves the battle with a big cut on her eye and one on her side. She evetually finds Lloyd and the others. Lloyd and her tearfully reunite. Lloyd helps to take care of her. She stays behind in the battle wagon when the others go to fight. During the time after the battle, she does go the hospital for her eye and side.

Friendship from Fate

Destiny and Lloyd focus season

Not much story details are decided yet, but this season will focus on Destiny and Lloyd's friendship. Their "connection" that they have will be explained and the instances during their friendship it can be seen. They are the focuses of this season. Takes place in the woods. that's about it for now, but more to come!

March of the Oni

Destiny goes with Cole, Zane, and PIXAL to the unvieling of the new Bounty. When Garmadon stays with them on the Bounty, Destiny does not really want him there. When Lloyd decides to go into the darkness with him, Destiny gets the same worry she felt when he jumped off the Bounty to save Harumi. When Cole "dies" she is very upset. She has never lost a friend before. When Lloyd "dies", this is where she really breaks. She does cry, but for some odd reason, she just stops, as she knows Lloyd is alive. Then, when this happens, he wakes up (they kind of have a connection that'll be explained the the 2nd fanseason). She is very happy when he is up. Lloyd tallks to her after the whole thing and tells her what he saw when he was "dead".

Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitzu

Destiny is with the ninja for all the events of the Fire Chapter. She goes to the Explorer's Club with Lloyd, Nya, and Zane. She does get to use Forbidden Spinjitzu at least once. In the Ice Chapter, she does go to the Never Realm. When Lloyd wants to go by himself, he tells Destiny his plan first. She really doesn't want him to go, but she thinks it is a good plan. She stay with the others in the village.

Prime Empire

Destiny thinks that going into a videogame is great, since she does like to play them. She does get cubed during the Speedway 5 Billion along with Cole and Kai. The others are upset about this, especially Lloyd. She does come back when Unagami turns all the cubes back into people.

Master of the Mountain

When the team splits up inside the mountain, Destiny ends up with Cole, Wu and Vania. She meets the Upply with them. Destiny has lost her mother and is carrying on her legacy, so she understands how Cole feels in this season.

The Island

Destiny does go to the Island with everyone.She does end up getting captured by the Islanders along with everyone else.


Destiny joins Lloyd, Nya, Zane, Pixal, and Maya with going to understand the energy source. She is with them when they go to Merlopia and once again to the Island of the Keepers. When Nya ultimately sacrifices herself and becomes one with the sea, Destiny is saddned by this.


For the year the ninja split, Destiny is with Lloyd, doing window washing. The two decided together to go back and join the team again. She is with them when they look into the Vengestone. She also doesn't like the New Ninja. When Aspheera is needed to be broken out of prison, she also agrees. She goes with Jay and Cole to Borg Tower to try and get her staff. She does get arresed like the rest of them when they are discovered. When they escape from priosn and are now in the desert, she goes with Lloyd, Cole, Jay, and Fugidove to get to Twicthy's.

Destiny is with the other fur ninja when they get trapped in the railcar and saved by Nya. She goes with them to the old Sam X cave. She goes witht he ninja to the impiund lot to get their vehicles and the Bounty. She also goes to fight the crystal army in the rice fields with the four. When she and the others return to the Sam X cave, she is suprised to see Garmadon there. She thinks Lloyd taping into his oni form is not a good idea. Her vehicle gets that boost from Pixal and she goes to fight the crystal army in the city. She crashes along with Kai and Cole. She hides with them from Pythor. The three of them get away with Skylor and hide in the arcade and find Jake. She stays in the warehouse for the rest of the time, and attempts to do dragon form when the rest of the ninja do. When the army is closing in on them, she stays and fights with the other ninja. She does not get Dragon Form like the others since her element is not a primary one. She helps rebuild the monestary.

Dragons Rising

Destiny is present when the Merge happens. She wakes up in the Monestary and Lloyd is with her. For the next few years, her and Lloyd are together alone. She is with Lloyd when they both save Arin, Sora, and Ryu on that train. She goes woth them to the Three Peaks. Destiny, along with Lloyd, becomes a teacher to Arin and Sora. She goes with Lloyd to gte them back when they sneak ut to the Crossroads Carnival, and also to the Realm of Madness, where they find Nya, to the Cloud Kingdom,

She is with eveyrone as they go to the Temple of the Dragon Cores. She goes with Arin and Lloyd to find the core in the Mother Garden and eventually to the Administration. She goes with the team after when they go to Impirium to get the other two cores back. She goes with Lloyd, Nya, and Zane to break into the Systems Lab to get the cores back. She fights in the battle against Beatrix.

Elemental Power

Destiny is the current Elemental Master of Space

She has the ability to summon a stream of stars that appear in purple space matter(idk how else to describe it). She can also summon stars and throw them at enemies. She can also cloak herself in her power to protect herself from attacks and blows. She can also summon star that can act as stairs, which can create steps in mid air. Her power does have some side effects on her, which include:

  • Her hair is tipped with purple, as a result of her having the power of Space. She was born with hair like that.
  • She can't feel any pressure of any kind.
  • She can breathe anywhere. For example, in a smoke filled room or a place with barely no air, she can breathe normally.

Destiny does not have many weaknesses when it comes to her elemental power. However, memories of her father and everything surrounding that, will weaken her in battle, as they are not good memories for her. This will result in less of a battle performance or full on anger.

True Potential

Destiny does not unlock her true potential until the events of Exploration

Up until the point she unlocked it, her father had somewhat of a control on her life. He wanted her to be raised evil and wanted her to be the person he thought she should be. But Destiny was not this. She was good. The control on her life can be seen when she lied to her father about doing good in the city or being afraid about going on public missions with the ninja, in fear of her father seeing her as a good person. When she finally confronts him in Exploration, she realizes this control he had on her life and she breaks free of that. She shows him her true self and who she really is: someone who is good and not who he wanted her to be.

When her true potential is unlocked, this allows her to gain more abilities to her power. They include:

  • The formation of her elemental dragon
  • Can make an enemy feel great pain or strain, which lasts for a short amount of time
  • Can summon a black hole that will suck and absorb anything.
  • Can make air around enemy unbreathable
Elemental Dragon


The Elemental Dragon of Space

Destiny was able to summon Apollo after she unlocked her true potential during Exploration. She was not able to before. After she unlocked it, she named the dragon 'Apollo.'



Destiny didn't have a good relationship with her father. He didn't care about her growing up. She does not like him and after defeating him in Exploration, has tried to block out his memory.

Erin Marobella


Destiny does not remember her mother, as she passed away when Destiny was a year old. All she knows of her is what her brother has told her. She looks exactly like her as well.

siblings/Other Family
Marcus Marobella

Older Brother

Destiny never knew her brother growing up, as he had run away from home when she was a year old. However, in Exploration, they reunited. Now, she and Marcus have a good relationship. They care about each other a lot.

Lucas Morena

A Father Figure

Lucas promised Erin to look after her and he took up her promise. Since Eli never cared for Destiny, Lucas was the father Eli should have been. She cares for Lucas and sees him as more of her father than Eli ever was.
